I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 170 Opening Level 3 Authority

Chapter 170 Opening of the third level authority

"Light and heavy industries are of no use to the group at this stage, and military achievements are too restricted within Yanhuang. There is no absolute official power, so it is impossible to last long in terms of military achievements, and the group has not acquired these related industries. These aspects of technology will take time, and in terms of electronics, the group already has an electronics company!"

At this point, you already know what Li Yu's choice of technology is.

"Intelligent brain, I choose electronic technology!" Li Yu's eyes were fixed and he was very determined.

"Master, please confirm the choice again?" Zhinao asked Li Yu to confirm, after all, this kind of technology must not be sloppy.

"Definitely choose electronic technology!" Li Yu said firmly.

"Primary electronic technology selected successfully, primary electronic technology transmission!"

"Elementary electronic technology, (artificial intelligence system) elementary electronic technology, (Skynet system and manufacturing), elementary electronic technology, (smartphone manufacturing technology), elementary electronic technology, (network positioning technology!)" the electronic voice of the intelligent brain sounded, Four technical documents related to electronic technology were transferred to the smart watch.

"Artificial intelligence system, Skynet system, mobile phone technology, network positioning!"

"Okay, okay!"

"At the beginning, Umbrella was able to have a solid defense and control the information of all forces, relying on Skynet and the artificial intelligence system. Today, my umbrella will be one step ahead of you, and the artificial system will be created. Skynet is all over the world." There was something called ambition in Li Yu's eyes.

If it is said that when he was reborn, Li Yu just wanted to live and find revenge for the cause of his parents' death, then now, when the brain allows him to surpass his previous life step by step and own extremely wealthy assets step by step, Li Yu has developed an unimaginable ambition for ordinary people , the ambition to dominate, the ambition to dominate.

25 days later!
On the 19th floor of the Umbrella Building, where the Umbrella Electronics Company is located, each of the more than 100 programmers is concentrating on writing and developing programs for mobile chat software!
"Write the program, yes, Xiaolin, please cooperate."

"That's right, that part."

"Try to run it!" Zhang Yu and Tian Xing shuttled around the computers, directing the programming this time.

When I lifted the host computer, a red penguin jumped out of the screen.

"Director Lin, Manager Zhang, the chat software on the computer is also successful!" A programmer said excitedly.

"Okay!" Tian Xing and Zhang Yu looked at each other and smiled, both revealing their inner joy.

"Everyone has worked hard. Thanks to everyone's hard work, we were able to develop the chat software on the mobile phone and the computer at the same time in less than a month. Manager Zhang and I did not expect this speed." Tianxing said with a smile. Joy, said aloud.

Unexpectedly, this is really unexpected!
When using various software, it looks very ingenious and simple, but the programmers who developed it spent many days and nights to develop it successfully.

But this time, the programmers of Umbrella Electronics did a great job. Two programs, one for mobile and one for computer, were successfully developed in less than a month.

The reason why the development is successful so quickly may be that everyone wants to prove their worth when they first entered the umbrella, or it may be because of the words of Li Yu, the president of the group, that as long as the software development is successful, all employees will have a large bonus. All programmers are driven.

Originally, Tian Xing and Zhang Yu thought that it would be enough to develop mobile phone software, but then they thought, after all, the current era is dominated by computers, so they might as well develop a computer chat, which might be useful in the future. There are computer terminals and mobile phone terminals.

"Director Lin, hurry up and call the person in the president's office and tell the boss the good news." Zhang Yu looked at Tianxing and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot, not only to tell the good news to BOSS, but also to solve the compatibility problem of the class competition system on the mobile phone." Tian Xing came back to his senses, took out his phone, and called Chen Yueyue, the president's office .

"Secretary Chen, please tell the BOSS that the mobile phone chat software has been developed." Tian Xing said to the phone.

"Okay, please wait a moment, Supervisor Lin!" Chen Yueyue's sweet voice came over.

From the 34th floor of the president's office floor, the elevator went straight to the [-]th floor. Li Yu couldn't wait to come to the electronics company!
"BOSS!" Seeing Li Yu's arrival, Tian Xing and Zhang Yu greeted him respectfully, and more than 100 programmers stood up in awe.

"Show me your results." Li Yu cut directly to the topic.

"BOSS, please look!" Tianxing led Li Yu to the programming host, and opened the software that took nearly a month to compile.

A penguin software with a red scarf popped out!
"QQ!" Li Yu looked at the penguin on the screen and read it subconsciously.

"Boss, is this QQ the name of your chat software on the computer?"

"QQ? Q, it's really meaningful!" Tian Xing said with a slight approval, not knowing that Li Yu said it unintentionally.

"It's really unintentional, Liu Chengyin." Li Yu thought with emotion.

On the eve of the eruption of the apocalypse in the past, there was once a large company that developed a chat software called QQ, a large group with assets exceeding hundreds of billions!
But I didn't expect that QQ would be produced in Li Yu's group today, which is why Li Yu is very emotional.

"What about the mobile phone software?" Li Yu is more concerned about the mobile phone, which will occupy the mainstream for a certain period of time.

"Boss, look." Tianxing took out his mobile phone with Bansai system, and there was also an image of a penguin on the screen of the mobile phone.

Tianxing lightly opened the Penguin software, and directly entered the software program and entered the login page, but the stable running screen hadn't lasted for 1 minute, the screen flickered, and the screen went black!
This is also a common problem encountered in Yanhuangnei when trying to develop mobile phone software, and it is not compatible with the Bansai system!
"The software is not compatible with the system, and it can't run at all. This is the only problem." Tian Xing said distressedly, looking at Li Yu for help.

"I have already solved this compatibility problem. You can try to input this program code into the software." Li Yu nodded, expressing his understanding, and then gave Tianxing a storage disk.

After the asset system was opened a month ago, Li Yu got the technology about compatible software, and after it was transferred, he integrated it and paid for it immediately.

The technology produced by Zhinao is far beyond this era, and it is easy for a mere class to deliberately set up a loophole.

"Yes!" Tian Xing respectfully brought the result storage disk to the host of the programming software, inserted the storage disk, and opened it, a strange program code appeared in Tian Xing's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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