I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 171 The Official Birth of QQ

Chapter 171 The Official Birth of QQ
"What code is this? I've never seen it before?"

Tianxing looked at the program code given by Li Yu on the screen, with a dazed expression on his face. He was naturally a little master in software programs, but he couldn't understand this section of program code.

"I don't know if there will be a solution?" Tianxing entered this piece of code into the programmed mobile chat software with a sense of apprehension and anticipation.

After inputting it, Tianxing tried to run it on the computer, and it still worked!
"This piece of code is perfectly compatible. It has no effect on the program code we compiled. The BOSS is really strong. It also has a set of research on the program code. I haven't seen the code we compiled, and it is actually compatible with the code. " Looking at the initial operation of the software, Tianxing couldn't help but have a stronger admiration for Li Yu.

After perfectly compiling the program code given by Li Yu, Tianxing didn't waste any time, directly downloaded it to the mobile phone, and then installed it!
"BOSS, the program code has been programmed!" Tian Xing reported with his mobile phone in hand.

"Try to open the software again and run it." Li Yu said calmly, very confident about this compatible code.

"it is good!"

Tian Xing nodded clearly, opened the Penguin software, and started running it.

It is still the login page just now, and the employees of Tianxing and the electronics company are waiting anxiously. As long as the software can run successfully and will not crash due to the Bansai system, it will be successful. On the contrary, if it fails, all electronics companies will The hard work of the employees this month will be in vain. Naturally, they are very concerned.

In the anticipation of everyone!
1 minutes have passed!
5 minutes have passed!

Tianxing tried to touch the screen, click on various functions of the software,
"I hope I don't collapse!"

At the moment of clicking the software application, Tianxing’s heart is complicated. The software has been running for 5 minutes. If there is no problem when clicking the software application, it means that the compatibility of the mobile terminal software with the Bansai system is stable.

But if the screen is black or even stuck after clicking the software application to start, then this time it is still a failure!
Clicking on the app, the phone vibrated slightly, and went directly to the next page. Seeing this scene, Tian Xing's tense heart was completely relaxed, and he looked excited.

"Director Lin, how's it going?" Seeing Tianxing's excited look, all the employees vaguely guessed the result, but wanted to hear Tianxing say it himself.

"Success, we succeeded!"

"The mobile phone software is perfectly compatible with the Bansai system, and there is no problem in running it!" Tianxing said excitedly, looking at the surrounding employees.

"Okay, okay!"

"We made it!"

"We are the first company in Yanhuang to successfully develop a mobile phone software compatible with the Bansai system."

"Our umbrella electronics are about to develop..."

All the employees couldn't hold back their excitement and were very excited. Yanhuang made a lot of mobile phone software, but because of the deliberate intention of the American Bansai Company, there were loopholes in the input into Yanhuang's domestic system, so the software production failed.

But today, the Umbrella Group, as a newly established electronics company, has successfully developed compatible software, which is definitely the only one in Yanhuang, and it is worthy of the pride of all Yanhuang electronics companies.

"BOSS, all employees of the electronics company have completed the research and development task, please give instructions!" Tianxing and Zhang Yu walked up to Li Yu and said respectfully.

"Zhang Yu, lead the staff to continue to optimize the software, download and try it out for all the staff, and try to find all the loopholes!"

"Tianxing, build an electronic network page on my umbrella official website to introduce my umbrella electronics company. In addition, build a mobile phone software download address, which is an internal test version!" Li Yu instructed for the next step.

"Yes!" Tian Xing, Zhang Yu responded excitedly, very motivated.

"Chen Yueyue, after lunch, let the department heads go to the president's conference room for a meeting!" Li Yu said to the secretary beside him, Chen Yueyue.

"Yes, notify immediately!" Chen Yueyue nodded repeatedly.

One p.m!
The 34th floor of the Umbrella Building!
In the conference room where the security guards are key, all the department heads are present. This time the meeting is a supervisor meeting, and the management below the supervisor is not present!

"Tell everyone good news!"

"After one month, the United Technology Department of the Electronics Branch successfully developed the mobile phone and computer chat software, and it is perfectly compatible with the Bansai system!"

"Everyone, come and applaud Director Lin and Manager Zhang!" Li Yu looked at the management present and said with a slightly joyful voice, while looking at the management of the two departments and applauding.

Papa, papa...!
In the meeting room, there were not many people, but the applause was very warm, and every manager had a smile from the heart.

After the applause lasted for a while, Li Yu smiled majestically, raised his hand and pressed it, and everyone stopped applauding, waiting for Li Yu's instructions.

"This time, the employees of the electronics department and the technology department made great contributions to programming software and made great contributions to the group. As the umbrella president, I should reward them."

"Lin Tianxing, the head of the technical department, and Zhang Yu, the branch manager, have made great contributions in leading the research and development. On the basis of this month's salary, the reward will be doubled!"

"Employees in the technical department and branch companies have made great contributions to R&D. Each person's monthly salary will be increased by 50.00% from the original base. Although it is not much, this is the group's reward for meritorious employees!"

"Director Wu, you should personally supervise the matter of rewarding salary after the meeting." Li Yu will definitely punish those who have done something wrong, and relatively speaking, Li Yu will definitely reward those who have made meritorious deeds.

This time the research and development of mobile chat software, Li Yu knows how much profit it can bring to the group, which is incalculable.

"Well, I will implement it myself and distribute the rewards to each employee's account." Wu Lin nodded.

"The chat software on the mobile phone and computer has been researched successfully. I wonder if you have decided on the name of this software?" Jiang Yuyao asked softly with a slight smile.

"QQ!" Li Yu smiled deeply and clicked on the big screen in the venue. A penguin and two names composed of the same English letters appeared in the eyes of all executives.

"I don't know what the meaning of this name is?" Jiang Yuyao asked doubtfully.

"No matter how far away, Q you!" Li Yu said with a humorous smile.

He didn't know that this sentence would become the slogan of QQ in the future, resounding inside and outside Yanhuang.

"No matter how far away, Q you?" All the managers were thinking about the meaning of this sentence, and each one had its own flavor.

"It sounds like this QQ really has some meaning." All the management agreed.

"Well, the chat software on the mobile phone and computer is officially named QQ!"

(End of this chapter)

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