I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 172 Start Promotion

Chapter 172 Start Promotion

"Well, the chat software on the mobile phone and computer is officially named QQ!" Li Yu smiled seriously, and with a final word, officially named the chat software that took a month to develop.

With the naming and promotion this time, it also means that a new era is coming, that is the era of mobile phone intelligence, and the world of computer terminals will become under the mobile terminal!
And as the pioneer of this era, in the passage of time, Umbrella will definitely be able to take advantage of this momentum to expand and strengthen its assets by more than hundreds of times!
"There is a lot of work to be done for the launch of a new product, the most important of which is to report to the industrial and commercial management, such as the Internet Regulatory Bureau, and pass the issuance approval."

"Secondly, after the software is approved, it needs to be promoted to the entire Yanhuang market!" Li Yu said in a deep voice, looking at his subordinates below.

The meaning has been revealed clearly, there are three important things that need to be done by someone!
"Leave the report to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to me. Director Lin will pass me the software introduction file later." Wu Lin volunteered and accepted the first task.

"Okay, I'll send it to you right away." Tian Xing nodded.

"The report to the Internet Supervision Bureau is handed over to me. As the manager of the electronics company, I have dealt with the Internet Supervision Bureau several times." next.

"Leave the marketing to me!"

Zhang Hong smiled and took on the third task, which was also a crucial one.

The birth of a product requires the approval of various official departments, but the most important thing is the number of users. How can users use the product?
There is no accident, you must first let users know the function of your product and know its existence!
And there is only one way, advertising, advertising through the media, promotion!

"Promotion is very important to a product. Zhang Hong. If you have any difficulties in the promotion process, you can seek help from various departments. As for promotion and promotion fees, I allow you to find any channel for promotion. As long as it is reasonable, you can find Mr. Jiang approved the promotion fee, [-] million, [-] million, or even more, as long as it can achieve results, I will spare no effort." Li Yu said in a deep voice, obviously attaching great importance to this QQ.

"Don't worry, boss, I know." Zhang Hong responded understandingly.

"The three tasks must be completed in the shortest possible time, the meeting is over!"

After this meeting today!

All departments are actively working hard to find approval from various departments, which is also the beginning of the most preliminary promotion!
Over the past few months, the protective umbrella has become the focus of Yanhuang relying on vaccines and anti-viruses, and the major media have paid attention to it. Although with the passage of time, the amount of attention that has attracted worldwide attention has dropped by half, but as today's C City Drug giants still have many news media staring at them.

As soon as there is a disturbance in the umbrella, it will spread like wildfire!

This is not!

The initial promotion of the umbrella intentionally released the news of the successful development of the mobile phone chat software. After hearing the news, the major media in city C ordered the reporters under the media to seize the first-hand information about the umbrella.
of course!

After the media publicized, after the news that Umbrella developed the mobile terminal system, not only some people looked forward to it, but also many people ridiculed it. It is not that no one in Yanhuang made mobile terminal software, but none of them ended in failure!
"Umbrella has good drugs and does not do it. If you come to make mobile phone electronic software, you will definitely lose money."

"The compatibility instability of the Bansai system is well known to many electronic companies. Even Yanhuang's largest electronic giant cannot solve this compatibility problem. This umbrella has just set foot in the electronic industry, and if you touch the mobile phone terminal, you will definitely encounter Waterloo. "

After many people heard the news, there were praises and criticisms, but most of them were derogatory. After all, the mobile phone terminal is listed as a taboo now, and it is deeply rooted in everyone's heart. Moreover, the umbrella has just set foot in the electronics industry and developed mobile phones. Software has a feeling of a newborn calf, which naturally attracts many people's belittling and ridicule.

A few days later, Umbrella stepped into electronics, and the development of mobile phone software continued to ferment!
In front of the Umbrella Building!

In order to get the first-hand news, the major media in city C came to hear the news one after another, but without a work permit and a visitor permit, they were blocked outside the building by the guards and were not allowed to enter!
"We want to interview Mr. Li. I wonder if we can ask you to report to the higher authorities?"

"Please let us go in." Many media reporters tried to pass through the security line and enter the umbrella.

It was inevitable that an accident would happen, and the security guards reported the news!

Wu Peng and Zhang Hong came outside the building at the same time to deal with these reporters!
"Media reporters, I'm sorry, I'm Zhang Hong, the personnel director of Umbrella, and the BOSS is busy with affairs, so I specially sent me to answer questions from all reporters." Zhang Hong smiled politely.

"Personnel director, this is the position of the third in command of the umbrella." Media reporters also have some understanding of the position division of the umbrella.

"I'm a reporter from a TV station in City C. I would like to ask Director Zhang a question. Has Umbrella really set foot in the electronics industry? There are rumors that Umbrella is developing mobile phone software? Are these true?" A reporter asked first.

"I will answer this question on behalf of my umbrella president!"

"Not long ago, my umbrella spent a lot of money to acquire all the industries of the original Donglin. I believe you all know that in the Donglin industry, there happened to be the electronics industry. So I, the president of the umbrella, Mr. Li Yu, made a final decision and went to the original Donglin. Electronics invested another [-] million yuan to establish Umbrella Electronics!"

"In addition to drugs, my umbrella has officially set foot in the electronic network industry!"

"In addition, the former Donglin Industry has a hotel trading company. The president of my umbrella invested another [-] million to establish a hotel chain under my umbrella! Step into the hotel industry!" Zhang Hong said with a smile, and returned to the reporter's question.

Of course, the so-called investment of [-] million to establish Umbrella Electronics and [-] million to establish Umbrella Hotel are just Zhang Hong's gimmicks to attract the attention of these media and publicize them.

"The president of your company is really courageous!" Hearing the funds of up to [-] million, all the media reporters couldn't help admiring, and they were successfully attracted attention.

"Hello, Director Zhang. I'm a reporter from City C Evening News. I want to ask a question. Is your company successful in developing mobile phone software? Has your company solved the compatibility problem of the Bansai system?" A reporter asked again, As soon as this problem came out, all the cameras, microphones, and reporters all looked over. This is what all the media and many people are concerned about.

Zhang Hong smiled mysteriously, but he didn't answer directly, and kept it a secret: "Let's keep this question a secret for now! In ten days, my umbrella will hold a product launch conference, and I will send out invitations to all the well-known media in Yanhuang. Questions, Bansai system compatibility issues, will be answered by my umbrella president himself!"

(End of this chapter)

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