I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 173 Opening of the Press Conference

Chapter 173 Opening of the Press Conference

Hear Zhang Hong's answer!
All the reporters couldn't help being a little disappointed. After all, they didn't get an affirmative answer to this question, but when they thought that a press conference would be held ten days later, and Li Yu would answer it in person, all the reporters were also a little relieved. At the same time, seeing Zhang Hong's confident smile, almost all the reporters felt Guess in my heart, did Umbrella successfully develop a mobile phone software that solves the compatibility problem?

With this kind of confusion, after asking a few irrelevant questions again, Zhang Hong also refused to answer the questions, and returned to the building, and these reporters could only leave angrily, waiting for the press conference held by the umbrella ten days later!

But with the departure of these reporters, after the vaccine has been immersed for a long time, the protective umbrella that has gradually disappeared from the public eye has reappeared in the eyes of the public. Many people know that Umbrella stepped into the electronics industry and researched mobile phone software!
"After all, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They are too young. The umbrella drug industry has just established itself and has not yet stabilized. If Li Yu rashly steps into the electronics industry, he will definitely fail!" said a well-known business expert.

"As we all know, there are loopholes in the Bansai system. Without the authorization of Bansai Company, it is absolutely impossible to be compatible. Umbrella will definitely fail to research mobile phone software this time, and lose hundreds of millions of funds in vain!" A certain e-commerce boss.

"To be honest, I really look forward to the umbrella's stepping into electronics. If it is successfully developed, it may not be a slap in the face of Bansai Company."

"I heard that this time the umbrella is developing a mobile chat software. If it succeeds, it would be a good thing. Chatting on a computer is too inconvenient, unlike a mobile phone that can be carried around." On the Internet and in the media, discussions about umbrellas have not stopped. Pass!It even brought out many bigwigs in the business world, and it continued to ferment!

"Li Yu, I heard that you have set foot in the electronics industry, congratulations!" Ying Deyi, the director of the Central Hospital, called Li Yu to congratulate him, but he did not ask Li Yu if he had successfully developed it, as if he was very confident in Li Yu.

"Thank you, Dean of the Camp." Li Yu said.

I just hung up on Ying Deyi's phone!
Chu Hanyun also called: "You are actually researching mobile phone software, don't you know the compatibility problem of the Bansai system? This is something that even Chutian Group dare not get involved in!"

"Of course I know, but how can you know that you won't succeed if you don't try it?" Li Yu smiled confidently.

"Forget it, I can't talk to you. In short, it's best not to invest too much money, so as not to lose too much. Also, when I have time, I would like to treat you to a meal." Chu Hanyun said.

"What do you eat for no reason?" Li Yu was surprised. Although the long-term contact over the past few months has made the relationship between the two people much closer, it is just a friendship.

"I'll call you when I arrive." Chu Hanyun didn't answer Li Yu's question, and hung up the phone directly, which made Li Yu very helpless.

"BOSS, after receiving the notice from Director Zhang, all the matters of the press conference have been arranged, and the venue is arranged in the exhibition hall on the second floor of the building! The invitations to the press conference have been distributed to all the famous media and newspapers in Yanhuang. If there is no accident, they should all be there !” Chen Yueyue came to the office and reported respectfully.

"Good job!" Li Yu praised.

"Have the materials needed for the press conference been sorted out?" Li Yu asked.

Chen Yueyue was very strict: "It's all sorted out!"

"As long as the electronics industry successfully enters and stabilizes, the next step is to develop overseas. Although Yanhuang is good and peaceful and stable, it is not suitable for the core development of my umbrella!"

"The location of the core base of my umbrella must be completely in my hands!" Li Yu thought to himself, after stabilizing the electronics industry, he had a plan and definition in another step.

In fact, if Li Yu's property is sufficient, there will be tens of billions, hundreds of billions, the most suitable place in Li Yu's mind is to buy an island in the deep sea as the main base of the umbrella, and then radiate the whole world, but now the funds are insufficient , Li Yu can only develop step by step.

And at this time, Umbrella also got an A potion, and I don’t know what process the T virus has entered. This is a time bomb, and it might explode. Chaos, everything is the fist and the boss, so Li Yu has to accumulate strength as much as possible to prevent biochemical disasters that may erupt at any time, and the crisis of the end of the world!
In ten days, it will arrive in a blink of an eye!
Under the assignment of the heads of various departments, the umbrella is developing steadily, and as the main force of the product development this time, the electronics company has repeatedly tested the software hundreds or thousands of times during the ten days, and the results are all running stably. , there are no loopholes, optimize the program again, and after confirmation, the programmer starts the registration process again, and can officially apply for a QQ account!

It can also be regarded as the last step for the press conference!
Ten days later!
Umbrella Building, early in the morning, the media reporters who were invited came outside the building, and then were brought into the building in an orderly manner!

The venue on the second floor of the building is like a large auditorium, with a main stage, a projection screen, and hundreds of seats below, which is completely enough for the media reporters who received the invitation letter to sit.

Soon, all the reporters who received the invitation were seated. Of course, there were also several media who received the invitation and did not come. I don’t know what they were thinking!
"Are all the reporters here?" Li Yu was about to enter the press conference, and asked Chen Yueyue.

"Boss, ten media outlets that received invitations did not come, namely Sunshine Daily and Fox News. What should we do? Should we call to remind them?" Chen Yueyue said.

"It doesn't matter! My umbrella is not worth asking for help. I will permanently pull these ten media into my umbrella blacklist. From now on, no matter whether it is business or what, they will be prohibited from entering my umbrella group!" Li Yu is like this, people respect me a foot, I Respect you, Umbrella sent out the invitation letter to give those media face, but they didn't appreciate it, anyway, they don't have to deal with it in the future.

"Yes!" Chen Yueyue said.

"Ready to enter the venue, are all the executives ready?" Li Yu said.

Chen Yueyue: "All the management are waiting outside the door!"


Li Yu adjusted his clothes, suits and leather shoes, very formal, and walked out of the office with the confidence of a successful person!
"BOSS!" All department heads shouted respectfully.

"Enter the venue and start the press conference!" Li Yu nodded, gave his subordinates a wink, and stepped towards the elevator. Behind him, more than a dozen department executives followed closely, all in suits and leather shoes, and all the women were full of heroism!
Surrounded by Li Yu, the latter looks like a king who rules an empire! !

 PS: Congratulations brothers Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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