Chapter 174
Surrounded by a group of subordinates, he took the special elevator on the high floor, and after a while, Li Yu came to the lobby of the second floor building!

"Welcome President Li!"

A word resounded in the venue, and the umbrella employees in the venue stood up one by one and began to applaud. In such an atmosphere, many media reporters did not dare to sit still, and stood up and applauded one after another.

For a moment, the whole venue was full of enthusiasm and boiling!

In the eyes of all the stars, Li Yu enjoyed the welcome that only the real superiors had, and stepped onto the main stage.

Then, with a gentle smile on his face, he smiled at the people in the venue and said, "Thank you all the media reporters for your support. I, Li Yu, welcome you on behalf of the umbrella!"

Clap, clap!

The applause that had just stopped for a while became enthusiastic again!

"Thank you for giving me Li Yu's face, everyone please sit down." Li Yu glanced at him and smiled.

The applause stopped, and everyone sat quietly, waiting for Li Yu to speak.

"Today, my umbrella summoned reporters from major media outlets from Yanhuang to come. For no reason, it's actually a press conference for my umbrella product!"

"Mobile phone chat software!" Li Yu didn't talk nonsense, directly entered the topic, pressed a button on the remote control in his hand, and on the big screen of the venue, a huge and cute penguin appeared in everyone's eyes.

"During this period of time, my entry into the electronics industry under the umbrella has attracted many people's discussions. Some experts even named and criticized me, Li Yu, who is not afraid of tigers at birth, and will die in this electronics industry."

"The so-called experts are very sure that Umbrella Electronics is absolutely impossible to succeed, and the mobile phone software is doomed to fail!" Li Yu smiled ironically, and his voice passed through the microphone to the ears of every reporter.

As a discussion point in the past ten days, although Li Yu didn't deliberately look at it, he still understood something, especially after being bitten by some experts self-righteously, which made Li Yu very annoyed.

What Li Yu hates the most is the kind of people who are incompetent, have no capital, and like to criticize and talk about others.

"Here today, in front of all Yanhuang and all media reporters, and in front of the camera, I, Li Yu, represent an individual and represent my umbrella group to give a word to the so-called experts!" Li Yu smiled coldly: "Self-righteous experts, talk too much Don't flash your tongue, my umbrella will go my own way, it's none of your business! Don't gossip on the Internet if you have the ability, I, Li Yu, am waiting for you under the umbrella!"

When this sentence came out, the reporters in the venue looked at Li Yu in disbelief, and they wanted to speak but were speechless. This sentence is too crazy, it offended all the experts!

As we all know, although those experts have no skills, they are all very vengeful. Li Yu offended them with this sentence. I am afraid that they will be targeted by those experts for any actions of the umbrella in the future!

"This Li Yu is so crazy that he dares to say that about me."

"Okay, okay, you go your own way and don't care about my business, I'll wait for your umbrella to go bankrupt"

When seeing the live broadcast experts who Li Yu said this, every one was trembling with anger. Almost at the same time, they boarded their expert account and began to respond to Li Yu's sentence.

"Of course, some of you may be thinking that my words are a bit crazy!"

"But I, Li Yu, would like to say something here. Everything about me, Li Yu, is not done by so-called experts, but by myself and my employees. Those experts are not only playing big on the keyboard, but also being keyboard warriors. It must be of no use!"

"Of course, maybe you think this is just my one-sided opinion of Li Yu. Well, before the product launch, I will make a bet here today, a bet with those so-called experts!"

"If I obey the so-called experts, my mobile software fails, or even my Umbrella Electronics can't do it any longer, my Umbrella is willing to give [-] million to those experts, and I, Li Yu, will apologize for my crazy words today. "Li Yu said loudly.

"Bet. [-] million?"

"This umbrella president's handwriting is too big!" The reporters at the venue were all surprised by such a large amount of funds, even surpassing the crazy words Li Yu just uttered to the experts.

"And if the mobile phone software developed by my umbrella is successful and runs stably for a month, I don't need those experts to lose money, because I also know that they have no money except for their good words. If they lose, I only want each of them to give I recorded a video, a video of apologizing for my umbrella! In the future, don’t use so-called lip service to comment on anything, because they don’t deserve it!”

"Those experts, are you willing to accept this bet? If you are willing, please board your expert number, and then respond with the toughness of your experts!" Li Yu looked at the camera in front of him and laughed teasingly. Knowing that the so-called experts must be watching this scene.

"Mr. Li is domineering, throwing [-] million, slapping an expert in the face!"

"Wait for the experts to take the bait!"

"Experts, why are you still not online? Aren't you usually good at talking? Come on, let's fight!"

On the Internet platform, netizens who don't think it's a big deal are busy with experts, and at the same time, many people have admiration for Li Yu, the same age, different status.

"Li Yu, this is what you asked for. I promise you the bet. As long as the software you make can be stable for a month, I will definitely apologize and never comment on anything in the future." Under the booing of many netizens , an expert aboard his Whisperer responded.

"Li Yu, don't regret it, I am looking forward to having [-] million in the account." More than a dozen experts responded to Li Yu and agreed to the bet.

"There must be many experts who have already agreed to the bet. Here, I would like to ask all the media to be a witness. If these so-called experts break the contract after losing, I think they should be able to repay them generously and let everyone know. These shameless people!!" Li Yu winked at all the media.

"President Li, don't worry, we Chaoyang Daily will witness today's bet."

"We have witnessed together that if those experts break their bets, we will definitely discredit them."

Many media immediately expressed their willingness to supervise this bet. After these media's words, it is conceivable that the bet between the umbrella and the experts has risen to everyone's attention. There are also the most people.

"I've finished talking about some irrelevant things, so let's move on to the topic, the chat software developed by my umbrella, everyone look at the screen, this penguin!!"

(End of this chapter)

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