I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 176 Membership

Chapter 176 Membership
After the reporter stood up!
The other reporters at the venue, and the employees with umbrellas at the venue, all stood up at the same time. Everyone held up their mobile phones, and the Penguin software on them was particularly conspicuous.

Everyone looked at Li Yu with excited eyes!


Crack, clap.!s
A stronger applause resounded in the venue than when Li Yu had just arrived, and the sound was like thunder. There is no doubt that after today, Li Yu will appear in the focus of Yanhuang again. If he has a name, it can be said that He is the founder of Open Mobile Chat!

"It seems that the chat software developed by my umbrella has succeeded!" Li Yu smiled gently and said loudly, with strong joy in his tone.

The QQ press conference has taken the first step as a matter of course, and it is also the most critical step!
It has tens of millions of registered users in less than a day, which has surpassed the first-day feat of all chat tools in China!

"Mr. Li, I'm a reporter from the Kyoto Times. I wonder if I can ask you a question?" In the venue, a reporter picked up the microphone, showing a kind of respect.

"Excuse me!" Li Yu smiled gently and stretched out his hand.

"If QQ can continue to operate stably, it will become the overlord of Yanhuang's mobile phone without any accidents. Regarding this, I want to ask you, will QQ charge in the future?" the reporter asked.

"That's right, this chat software doesn't charge, does it?"

"There are a lot of computer-side chat software in China now, but when they arrive, they forcefully add various fees, and they have to pay to use it. It's really disgusting."

"If this QQ becomes the first software to run stably, won't it really charge for it?"

Everyone is very concerned about the charging issue, because no accident, everyone here will use this software in the future.

"For your question, I can answer it for sure!" Li Yu smiled calmly: "QQ will not charge any compulsory fees in the future, and chatting is absolutely free!"

When he said this, Li Yu secretly smiled in his heart. You don’t know QQ too well. Chatting is naturally free. After that, various members and things will be opened, and that will be the big money, especially now QQ Just born, there must be a lot of people to compare with, for the sake of rank, they will definitely do everything possible.

"Mr. Li is really courageous!" The reporter who asked the question gave a thumbs up.

"If you have any questions, please ask, and I will answer them together." Li Yu smiled.

"Mr. Li, I want to ask, what caused you to enter the electronics industry, and what led you to develop this electronic taboo that all companies dare not touch?" Another reporter stood up and asked.

"There are two reasons why I decided to enter the electronics industry." Li Yu raised two fingers, his expression showing self-confidence from strength: "First, after Lin Dongchu of Donglin Group went bankrupt and ran away, I took over the entire umbrella Donglin's original industry, which happened to include the electronics company!"

"Second, as early as when I was in charge of the umbrella, my goal was not limited to the pharmaceutical industry. In the future, my umbrella will not stand still, not only drugs, not only electronics, but not only hotels, including light Industry, heavy industry, electronic digital, if the conditions in the territory permit, even the military industry will be involved in my umbrella!"

"Mr. Li is so courageous!" The reporter who asked the question, including everyone in the venue and everyone watching the live broadcast, were shocked by Li Yu's rhetoric.

Hearing the meaning of this, Li Yu clearly wants to develop into the whole industry!
"Mr. Li, I also have a question. The download share of your company's official website is only 1000 million, and the download has been closed now. If someone needs to download and use it, what should I do?" A reporter asked, who happened to be watching the live broadcast want to ask.

"After the first batch of tens of millions of public betas, my umbrella will collect various data, optimize the software, and re-open the download channel in five days! Please pay attention to my official website!"

In the process of asking and answering for a while, the time came to [-] pm, and the press conference was over. As the umbrella of the host, a banquet was set up in the umbrella hotel, and all participating reporters were invited. The deputy directors of each department accompany!
But above the supervisor, Li Yu called them to the meeting room.

"Today's press conference has successfully promoted QQ to the mass market. We must seize the opportunity and add fire!" Li Yu looked solemn.

"Boss, do you want to increase advertising promotion!" Zhang Hong immediately understood Li Yu's meaning.

"I request that everywhere in city C, subway stations, train stations, bus stations, commercial centers, wherever there is a lot of traffic, advertisements for my umbrella QQ must be placed!"

"I want to see advertisements about my umbrella QQ on Yanhuang's major portals and the homepages of major news media!"

"I will increase the advertising investment this time to [-] million. If it is not enough, I will continue to increase it. I hope this wave of advertising can last for more than a month!" Li Yu said very seriously.

As the saying goes, all products are advertised, and Li Yu wants to use this easy-to-understand point to completely sell QQ!
"Don't worry, BOSS, the task will definitely be completed!" Zhang Hong assured.

"Tianxing, five days, tens of millions of users, you are responsible for collecting data, and in addition, add the umbrella logo of my umbrella group on the software image, as I said, everything from my umbrella needs to be stamped with my umbrella mark !"

"Zhang Yu, you are responsible for optimizing QQ after Tianxing collects data, and then adding level functions and membership functions!" Li Yu is like a king planning strategies for the release of new products.

"Boss, what is the membership function?" Zhang Yu asked suspiciously.

"Membership function, simply put, is the difference between ordinary users and VIP users, and the difference in terms of use, the identity of VIP users will be displayed in red, while the identity of ordinary users will be ordinary black, and the speed of upgrading VIP users will be faster than that of VIP users. Ordinary users are much faster." Li Yu briefly introduced.

"Level up faster?"

"Boss, I'm afraid this membership system has caught the weakness of many people's comparisons." None of the executives present is an idiot, so naturally they understand the usefulness of this membership function.

"The membership function is only the first step, and there will be businesses that need funds to start in the future. After optimization, they will be opened one by one. In short, after this QQ has a firm foothold, it will only bring more profits than the pharmaceutical industry. Absolutely Not less." Li Yu said with certainty.

Yanhuang has a population of more than one billion. As the first mobile phone chat software, it will definitely enter the mainstream of everyone, and even lead the mainstream. Even if each person contributes one dollar, it will be more than one billion. This is a huge profit point, exceeding Drug industry! !

(End of this chapter)

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