Chapter 177
Time has passed!

One day. Two days, three days. Five days!

After Umbrella summoned all the well-known media in Yanhuang, and took advantage of the umbrella, the major media did not stop for a moment, reporting and promoting crazily for QQ promotional advertisements.

Moreover, the budget of the umbrella for advertising promotion will only increase and not decrease. Just as Li Yu ordered in the conference room five days ago, the subway station, railway station, and commercial centers of several major cities, major portal websites, and places with traffic , all under the umbrella of advertising.

It can be said that when many people open their eyes to go to work, or go out to play, or surf the Internet, the most they see is the advertisement of the umbrella. Many people are not interested in it, but they are all interested by the endless advertisements.

There are enough advertisements, but because the umbrella has set restrictions on downloads, although many people are greedy for QQ now, they really have no way to use it. They can only wait for the official website of the umbrella to release the download link again.

at last!

In the bitter waiting of many people!

Early in the morning on the fifth day, the umbrella staff immediately opened the download limit on the official website as soon as they went to work!

Many people who were waiting directly clicked into the download page, and what popped up were various introductions to QQ, including the latest membership function!

"You can download it, there is no limit this time!"

"Damn it, after torturing me for five days, I can finally download it."

"Now this mobile app is the best tool for finding girls. I've been waiting for it for a long time."

As soon as the download link came out, all eyes were on everyone's eyes. Everyone clicked on the download and installed QQ on their mobile phones. In just one hour, the download volume was close to [-] million. At that time, I spent a lot of money to replace the server, otherwise the website would have collapsed if so many people logged in.

"Membership function, to increase the upgrade speed? 20 yuan a month?"

"I'll go. Last time Xiaoqing showed me how high her account level is. When I become a member, I will directly surpass her."

When the software was updated and the membership function was enabled, many people were attracted directly. 20 yuan is not much, and for the sake of face, it must be able to pay.

For a while!

In the entire Yanhuang Download, the number of people who signed up for membership is on the rise. The sum of money is not much, but the combination of countless sums is a large sum. Unimaginable funds are gathering towards the umbrella account!

Bansai's branch in Yanhuang, at the beginning Bansai's mobile phone system was provided by them to the major mobile phone manufacturers in Yanhuang. Attracted the attention of Bansai Company.

The branch of Bansai Company in Yanhuang!
"Mr. Lied, I wonder if you have watched the news recently?" Fang Ying, an executive executive of Bansai Company, said.

"Are you trying to say that the umbrella is very popular now?" In front of this employee, a foreigner sat on the boss's chair and said in Chinese.

"That's right!"

"Aren't Mr. Lied worried? Now Umbrella One has developed a software compatible with the Bansai system, which is not conducive to our company's plan." Fang Ying said.

"It's impossible for their mobile phone software to be successful. The system we passed on from Ban Sai to Yanhuang is not so compatible." Liede said with a confident smile.

Fang Ying: "Mr. Lieder means, don't leave this umbrella?"

"Let them stumble by themselves. Of course, you can also send someone to contact the umbrella. If you really want to solve the software compatibility, you must spend one billion, and our class will come forward to solve it." Lied thought for a while.

"What if the umbrella refuses to pay one billion?"

"Then look for the next one. Whichever company bids the most, our Bansai can help that company solve the compatibility problem." Liede smiled treacherously.

In fact, the system passed by Bansai Company back then was not compatible with any software other than the system's own software. It was a loophole intentionally left.

If anyone's software wants to run, it must be approved by Bansai Company, or be given benefits. In short, Bansai Company wants to take advantage of this compatibility loophole to take money from Yanhuang Electronics Company.

"Mr. Lied, I understand." Fang Ying understood the meaning, and smiled treacherously: "It seems that it's time to go to City C, umbrella, I hope you can pay enough, otherwise!"

Umbrella Building, 34th Floor President Conference Room!
Ten days have passed since the official release of QQ, and the practicality of the previously costly promotion has reached the initial harvest time!
"Come and report to me the user situation and financial situation of QQ software for the past half month!" Li Yu clasped his hands and said in a deep voice.

"Boss, in the past month, the number of QQ users on mobile phones has exceeded 70.00 million, and it is still increasing steadily. There are also [-] million users on computers, which almost defeats the sum of all chat software, including Yanhuang Internet users. [-]% of that.” Tianxinghui reported.

"How about the finances?" Li Yu turned his attention to Zhang Yu. As a product of an electronics company, and an independent electronics company, Zhang Yu knows the financial situation best.

"Boss, I have to say that the membership function you proposed at the beginning is very strong. Among the more than 2 million mobile phone users, nearly 7000 million people have opened membership. A membership of 14 Yanhuang coins has brought [-] yuan to our company. If the profit of [-] million yuan is offset against the promotion expenses, other research and development expenses, and taxation, this month I have used QQ Company to earn [-] billion yuan!" Zhang Yu said excitedly, earning a net profit of [-] billion yuan in a month, this is It is unimaginable to say it.

"Well, not bad!" Hearing the profit of one billion yuan, Li Yu just nodded indifferently. Although this number is large, it did not exceed Li Yu's expectations.

"The follow-up advertising promotion can't be left behind. Now our umbrella is the first mobile phone software to run successfully. We must seize this opportunity to completely establish the ranks of mobile phone hegemony, so that latecomers can no longer catch up."

"This one billion profit is only the effect of QQ in the early stage. After the follow-up service, I will earn more. At that time, I will give the electronics company a plan. It has the same function as membership, and it can be regarded as a VIP service!" Li Yu naturally took the trap of QQ The scheme of circling money was put forward.

"Wei Quan, how is the situation in the pharmaceutical factory?" Li Yu asked with concern.

"Boss, everything is running in the right direction. After accepting the former Donglin factory, the production speed has increased by at least ten times, and there are countless drug importers who come to the group every day. Now the drugs under my umbrella are almost It has radiated more than half of Yanhuang, and this month's financial income is 20 billion!" Wei Quan said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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