I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 181 Umbrella Comes

Chapter 181 Umbrella Comes
Chutian Hotel!

"The system has been upgraded, and the software without the Bansai authorization code will absolutely not work! It's a pity that QQ is such a good chat software!" Fang Ying sneered while holding the phone. Naturally, he also used the Bansai system phone.

Moreover, in order to learn more about QQ before, he specially downloaded one. After the system was upgraded, he clicked on QQ!

"Crash!" In Fang Ying's heart, the penguin with the umbrella on its head had already been sentenced to death.

But the next step!
Drop drop!
"Welcome to Umbrella QQ Software!"

With a pleasant ding sound, Fang Ying's mobile phone entered the QQ user page, and all functions were normal, and after the system upgrade, the speed of entering the software was much faster.

"How is this possible?" Fang Ying's expression changed, a little surprised.

"Impossible. Unauthorized software can never run." Fang Ying couldn't believe it, and tried every function of QQ repeatedly, but without exception, all of them were running fully, without any signs of crashing.

After running for a while!

The collapse was not a collapse, but Fang Ying's fingers were numb.

"Didi, you have an update!" At this moment, the QQ system popped up a window.

Fang Ying subconsciously clicked open!

"In order to adapt to the latest system, Umbrella Group has updated the latest QQ program. After the update, users can enjoy more stable and comfortable use. Special reminder, there is absolutely no risk of any crash in the QQ program. Please rest assured to use it."

Click on the message, it is an upgrade program.

"Bastard, it's impossible!" Fang Ying was almost so angry that he spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Over time!

QQ has also been running stably for a whole month!
"Experts, it's your turn to cash in on your bets."

"Experts, please come out"

On the Internet, there was a wave of criticism against experts. Many people still clearly remember the bet made by the umbrella president and a dozen experts a month ago.

Umbrella QQ has successfully used its own stable operation. The familiar service has been running for a month, with [-] million registered users, and it is still growing. It can be said that Umbrella QQ has become Yanhuang's largest mobile phone software overlord.

But today, one month later, those experts who like to play tricks all disappeared, not to mention apologizing, not even a single hair, which also caused many netizens to scold them.

While countless netizens were angry at the actions of these experts, Langxin Weibo issued an official statement: "In view of the previous bets between Mr. title!"

"Well sealed!"

"Haha, Langxin Blog has done a good thing for the first time."

"Let's see what tricks these experts have in the future." There was enthusiasm on the Internet.

And those experts whose accounts were blocked showed a reversal, each one was full of regrets, those fans who followed the expert accounts took them many years to accumulate, but this time the account was banned, but their jobs were all lost. If you lose it, no one will pay attention to your lip service in the future.

"Yanhuang, what a magical land, here I am Harrison!" A blond foreigner in his forties came to the international airport of Shanghai.

"Umbrella, Li Yu! Your good days are over!" Harrison had strong hatred in his eyes.

"Sir, where are we going?" Harrison followed closely behind six black bodyguards, very sturdy.

"Go to Ban Sai's branch in Yanhuang." Harrison said.

"Yes! This subordinate will arrange it!" The black bodyguard nodded.

Not long after, several cars drove up to Harrison and the others, got into the car, drove out of the airport, and headed for the location of Bansai Company.

"Mr. Harrison! Why did you come to Yanhuang in person!" When Harrison came to the Bansai branch, Liede, Fang Ying, and all the employees of the Bansai branch came out to greet him.

"The doctor ordered me to come to Yanhuang to deal with important matters," Harrison said.

"Dr. William!" Lied's pupils froze, a little afraid of the name.

"Let's talk about the advanced company if you have anything to say, let's talk about it alone." Lied said.

Afterwards, he led Harrison and several bodyguards into the company!

Those who don’t know only know that Bansai Company is an electronics company from the United States, but if they are informed, they will find that Bansai Company and Umbrella have a very similar connection, or that Bansai is Umbrella branch.

"I don't know what's the doctor's business, but he sent you to Yanhuang in person." Lied asked Harrison, making a cup of coffee.

"Have you heard of the umbrella?" Harrison said with a cold tone.

Hearing the name of the umbrella, Liede was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded abruptly: "I have heard that the umbrella has a very good reputation in the past year, and I sent my subordinates to deal with the umbrella a few days ago."

"You also dealt with the umbrella?" Harrison was very puzzled. He had just come to Yanhuang, so naturally he didn't know that the umbrella had now entered the electronics industry, and even overcome the loopholes in the Bansai system.

"That's right!" Lie De nodded heavily, and then said: "This year can be said to be the time for the rise of the umbrella. A year ago, the umbrella started from drugs and became a well-known drug giant in Yanhuang now. We have received great support from Yanhuang officials, but just over two months ago, the umbrella suddenly entered the electronics industry."

"Do you know about the Ban Sai system?" Reed asked back.

"Well, the leaky system introduced by a company called Yanhuang, the source of the system is the artificial intelligence researched by me, Umbrella, as a template." Harrison nodded seriously.

"It's been less than three months since Umbrella stepped into the electronics industry, and it has overcome the compatibility loopholes of the Bansai system." Lied's tone was extremely dignified.

"Are you sure you're not joking with me? The Bansai system, which uses artificial intelligence as a template, has been conquered? Does Yanhuang have this technology?" Harrison looked disbelieving.

"Harrison, I can distinguish between the serious and the serious. The umbrella has not only overcome the first loophole, but even the second loophole has been overcome by the umbrella." Lied shook his head helplessly.

"It seems that Li Yu has grown to an unimaginable level in Yanhuang, and it must be eradicated as soon as possible, otherwise let alone kill Li Yu to get that thing, I'm afraid even his shadow can't deal with it." Harrison also realized the current situation Li Yu, the current umbrella is stronger than it was a few months ago.

"What did you say?" Reed looked at Harrison's murmur and asked doubtfully.

"Do you know what the doctor sent me to Yanhuang this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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