I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 182 The Birth of the Red Empress

Chapter 182 The Birth of the Red Empress
"Lied, do you know why the doctor sent me to Yanhuang this time?" Harrison asked suddenly.

Lied stroked his chin, pondered deeply, and after a moment, he said in a surprised tone: "Don't tell me it's for the umbrella? For that Li Yu?"

Harrison nodded heavily: "You guessed right! The doctor sent me here to deal with Li Yu. He has something that the doctor wants in his hand. It depends on whether the doctor can take power alone in the future!"

"It's so serious, it's actually related to the doctor?" Lied didn't expect it either.

"I actually sent people to Yanhuang to deal with Li Yu, but it failed. Several well-trained mercenaries and two biochemical warriors were all dead! That's why I came to Yanhuang to deal with Li Yu myself!" Harry said. Sen has a very strong fear of Li Yu.

"The biochemical warriors are all dead? Isn't that kind of monster invulnerable and impossible to kill?" Lied opened his mouth wide.

"Dead anyway, and completely lost contact with the artificial intelligence."

"This time, I came to Yanhuang with more than 100 technical employees and hundreds of millions of dollars in funds. I hope to use these resources to deal with Li Yu." Harrison said.

"Don't worry, we are both the doctor's subordinates. The doctor's affairs are my affairs. As long as you order, I will do my best." Liede said immediately.

"Very well, I will definitely ask for credit for you after completing the task of the doctor." Harrison said with a smile.

After a while of pleasantries, it also entered the theme!

"I hope that you can arrange one hundred of my subordinates to work under the division of labor in the class competition, so that you can have an identity in Yanhuang. Besides, I hope you can contact Yanhuang's famous killer organization or powerful black forces."

"No problem, don't look at Yanhuang's strict governance, but those are aimed at ordinary people. As long as you have money, you can do anything. I have stayed in Yanhuang for several years, and there are some intersections between the bright and the dark. , Killer organizations, will definitely find the top, but do you want to use these killer organizations to deal with Li Yu?" Lied asked.

"Yes, since foreign forces have no use in Yanhuang, then I will recruit forces within Yanhuang to deal with Li Yu." Harrison's eyes were ruthless.

Umbrella Building, the second floor of No.30!
"Boss, according to your instructions, we purchased five servers through import channels, not to mention the world's top, but they are definitely outstanding among Yanhuang." Tian Xing pointed to the servers placed in the room.

"Get me a computer!" Li Yu nodded and said.

"Yes!" Tianxing arranged for people to get ready.

"Let Mr. Jiang know that within ten days, we must purchase a mobile phone digital production line." Li Yu thought of something, and quickly ordered.

"Boss, are we going to enter the mobile phone market? But mobile phones now use the Bansai system. With our current relationship with Bansai, I'm afraid they won't cooperate with our group." Tianxing said.

"Don't worry about Ban Sai, you just need to tell Mr. Jiang that it is very important to acquire a mobile phone production line as soon as possible." Li Yu's tone was very firm.

"Yes!" Tian Xing nodded.

"In the next few days, don't let anyone come to the 32nd floor to disturb me." Li Yu said.

"I'll go talk to Wu Peng later and send security guards over to guard it," Tian Xing said.

"Well, you go out first!" Seeing that the computer was ready, Li Yu waved to Tianxing.

After Tianxing left, Li Yu slowly sat on the chair in front of the computer, full of positive colors.

"It's time for the artificial intelligence that belongs to my umbrella to be born!" Li Yu's eyes were full of ambition.

At this stage, the artificial intelligence of Umbrella in the United States is still in the research stage, and the umbrella is the first to let artificial intelligence be born, which is absolutely crushing Kuangshi. The birth of artificial intelligence will definitely bring unspeakable benefits to the umbrella.

Intelligent management of small things in the group, intelligent treatment of intruders, intelligent treatment of hackers and umbrella secrets, all kinds of things are self-evident!

"Intelligent brain, transfer the artificial intelligence program to the computer!" Li Yu gave instructions to the intelligent brain.

"Follow the master's instructions and start transmitting the artificial intelligence program!" The intelligence brain responded immediately, and the infinite signal was connected to the computer in front of it, and the weird codes formed the program one by one and passed it into the computer.

There seems to be a lot of programs for this code!
After more than an hour of continuous transmission, when Li Yu checked the progress, it was only half of the transmission. The artificial intelligence endowed by the brain is not something that can be programmed by the power of this era. Naturally, there are many codes and very profound.

After more than two hours!
All codes transferred!
"Start to compose codes and synthesize artificial intelligence!" The intelligent brain machine responded, and the program codes on the computer were programmed and synthesized at a fast speed.

And this period of time is also very long!

"Is the BOSS inside?" Zhang Yu came to the door where Li Yu was, and asked the security guard at the door.

"Sorry, the BOSS ordered that no one is allowed to enter." Several security guards at the door replied softly.

"This is not good!" Zhang Yu had a panic on his face.

"Can you go in and tell the boss that I have something very important to report."

"I'm sorry, it's my responsibility, please forgive me!" The security said apologetically.

"Okay, then I'll wait outside." Zhang Ji had no choice but to nod helplessly. Umbrella security is different from any group in the group. It will only be ordered by the direct superior or the president of the umbrella, and the management of other departments, regardless of rights No matter how big you are, you can't order it. This is the reason for each to perform its duties.

"The synthesis is about to be completed!" Li Yu looked at the computer screen intently, looking forward to it.

Intellectual Brain: "Master, the intelligent program has been synthesized, please give the image of the artificial intelligence to the master! And name it!"

"Image? Naming?" Li Yu stroked his chin with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Suddenly, the image of Umbrella's artificial intelligence in his previous life appeared in Li Yu's head.

"There can only be one umbrella in this world, and that is my umbrella group belonging to Li Yu!"

"That being the case, my umbrella will definitely crush you in all aspects, and artificial intelligence is no exception!" Li Yu's eyes were full of ambition: "The artificial intelligence is named after the red queen! The image is a little girl in a red skirt!"

"The artificial intelligence image has been defined for the master, name!"

"Elementary artificial intelligence, the red queen, the little girl in the red dress!" Zhinao said calmly.

At this moment, the ten servers stored here were running at the same time, making a crisp fan sound, and ten flashes of light flashed in the room, and then gathered together to form an illusory projection.

Looking again, a very cute little girl in a red dress came into view!
"After the popularity of artificial intelligence, serve the master wholeheartedly!"

(End of this chapter)

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