I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 183 Controlling All Systems

Chapter 183 Controlling All Systems

"After the popularity of artificial intelligence, serve the master wholeheartedly!"

The flickering projections of ten servers formed the little girl in the red dress who looked at Li Yu with a unique spirituality, and a crisp voice came out of her mouth.

"Not bad, not bad!" With indescribable excitement on Li Yu's face, he created an artificial intelligence with his own hands. This advanced feeling is indescribable.

"Thank you for the compliment, Master. If Master has any instructions, the Red Queen will do her best to follow them! The core of the Red Queen's intelligence only follows two rules. Everything is based on the master's interests. Anyone who dares to violate the existence of the master will be destroyed by the Red Queen!"

When saying the first rule to follow, the Red Queen's tone showed strong loyalty and was very gentle, but when she said the second rule, her tone changed in vain and became incomparably cold and silent, which made the whole computer room depressive, as if someone was in front of her. Yes, he would definitely think that he was being targeted by some murderous demon.

The two guidelines, when the Red Queen was constructed, all Li Yu's information was injected into the core program, and at the same time, constituted an absolute loyalty program, if you dare to violate and betray Li Yu, you will be rebounded by the core program, the system Crash directly.

"Red Empress, what ability do you have?" Li Yu asked in a deep voice.

"Master, I have the ability to control all programs. As long as there is a network, I am the god of the network. No hacker or intelligent system in this world will be my opponent."

"I can build a defense system for the master. As long as I am here, the master's base will be absolutely safe, and the intruders will definitely die!" The Red Queen did not dare to disobey Li Yu at all, and replied respectfully.

"Take control of all the computers under my umbrella group immediately!" Li Yu ordered immediately.

"Yes!" The Red Queen responded immediately, the control lights of the server flickered, and then, the lights inside the entire umbrella building, and the umbrella industries distributed throughout City C, as long as the machines and computers connected to the network, were all screens. It's all dark, directly black screen.

hum, hum, hum!
The shrill sirens resounded through every floor of the Umbrella Building!
For a while!

The thousands of employees inside the building were all shocked and fell into some kind of panic.

"What's going on? The computer was hacked? Is there an intruder?" In the general manager's office, Jiang Yuyao's beautiful face flashed solemnly.

"Enable SS authority, security alert, and can grant firepower to fight against the enemy!" Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Yuyao directly opened the emergency contact button.

"SS-level alert, SS-level alert!"

"All departments stay in the office and don't move around. Security patrols and strictly guard the entrances and exits of each floor. If there are enemies, they will be destroyed!" Wu Peng, the person in charge of security, urgently issued an order.


"SS-level alert."

At the moment when Jiang Yuyao issued the order, all the hundreds of security guards in the building and the umbrella building were mobilized, with Wu Peng as the main, Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, and Li Qiba as the deputy, all armed. Shuttle inside and outside the building, guarding all the entrances and exits of the building, closely guarded against the enemy.

"Hackers invaded, all employees of the technical department entered the counterattack!"

With the opening of the double S authority, the entire group entered martial law, and all employees of the technical department also entered an emergency counterattack mode.

"Turn off the power, restart the computer!" Tian Xing said loudly.

"Yes, supervisor!" Dozens of programmers in the technical department urgently opened their defenses and counterattacked.

"Director, the computer can't be turned on, it's completely compromised by hackers."

"The power outage did not interrupt the hacker's attack." All the employees in the technical department looked dignified.

"Start up the backup server, backup computer!" Tian Xing stroked his chin, sweating a little on his head.

On the 32nd floor, outside the computer room, Zhang Yu also received a call from his staff!
"Manager Zhang, it's not good, all the computers in the company have been hacked." The employees of the electronics company rushed to report.

"Has the QQ server been affected?" Zhang Yu asked nervously. In the electronics company, other computers are at most ordinary programs. If you lose it, you will lose it. It won't be too serious, but the QQ server is owned by the entire company. Human effort cannot be lost.

If the server is hacked, the hundreds of millions of QQ users in Yanhuang will be paralyzed like never before, and the losses caused are unimaginable.

"Hackers don't seem to plan to attack the server. QQ is fine and still running stably," Employee Report reported.

"As long as the server is fine, you lead the programmers to counterattack and try to rescue all the hacked computers." Zhang Yu gave an order to his employees, hung up the phone, and still looked worriedly at Li Yu's place engine room.

"Hey, why hasn't the BOSS come out yet? The Bansai company has made trouble, and the group has been hacked again. Something has really happened!" Zhang Yu looked anxious.

"Where is Li Yu?" Jiang Yuyao also dialed the numbers of the major management.

"The boss is in the computer room on the 32nd floor!"

"Li Yu is buying a new server room?" Jiang Yuyao thought for a moment: "Could it be that the group's sudden alarm was not hacked, but what Li Yu was doing?"

"Heads of all departments pay attention, don't mess up, keep the employees in their respective departments, the technical department, and the programmers of the electronics company don't retaliate. I declare as the general manager that the building is not in danger!"

"The computer intrusion will be over soon!" Thinking that Li Yu would not buy servers for no reason, Jiang Yuyao was a little sure that the complete paralysis of the computer might be related to Li Yu, so she simply gritted her teeth and gave an order to the entire group.

"The security company received the order, and the situation is stable, and there is no risk of accident!" Wu Penghui reported.

Tianxing: "The technical department stopped the counterattack."

"Electronics company programmers stop counterattacking!"

"The personnel department is stable!"

"The financial sector is stable and there are no surprises in the financial situation"

After Jiang Yuyao's order was issued, each department reported the information one by one.

"Li Yu, I hope you made it this time, otherwise I won't be able to pay the job." After everything stabilized, Jiang Yuyao rubbed her forehead lightly, thinking.

In the engine room!

Li Yu just saw the lights in the computer room, and the computer's display screen was flickering black, but he didn't know that all the industries in the whole group showed the same scene.

"Master, the Red Queen has controlled all the computers and systems of the group. Do you want to restore and restart?" The projection of the Red Queen opened its mouth.

"Restart?" Li Yu was a little confused.

"Master, each computer system of the group has a firewall. If I want to control the system, I must first hack it before I can control it!" The Red Queen replied honestly.

"It means that you invaded all the computers of the group just now? Is there nothing wrong with the QQ server?" Li Yu looked anxious.

"Master, when I hacked into the system, I knew that the QQ server is one of the most valuable assets of the master. Naturally, I did not force the intrusion. Naturally, the server was not affected, including the data of the scientific research department, and various umbrella confidential cores, all of which were protected by me. !” The Red Queen said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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