I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 185 Li Yu's Announcement

Chapter 185 Li Yu's Announcement

"Could it be that Yanhuang officials are eyeing Ban Sai, and they have no choice but to do this? Or, they are just to deal with our umbrella!!" At this time, Zhang Hong said in a speculative tone.

"Absolutely impossible!"

"According to what the boss said, Ban Sai has already made a lot of money secretly by using this loophole. If the Yanhuang officials had evidence, they would have done it a long time ago. They will definitely not wait until now, so relatively speaking, I am more inclined to the second point. They just want to deal with our umbrella!" Wei Quan said.

"This is not easy to handle. After the compatibility loopholes are resolved, major electronics companies in Yanhuang will definitely develop mobile phone software one after another. At that time, the mobile phone electronics market will not be dominated by me." All management can think of Ban Sai The company's sinister intention to solve compatibility vulnerabilities is to make Umbrella more competitors in the mobile phone market.

"Ban Sai, the phone system!"

"What made them so determined to give up this cake, there is no reason!" Li Yu is still struggling with this matter, after all, in the bottom of his heart, Li Yu can be sure that Ban Sai will never give up the loophole money-making cake for no reason , no reason.

If it is just to deal with the umbrella and not pay the one billion authorization fee, then it is really unnecessary, after all, it is still taking advantage of loopholes to earn money from other companies!

"Is it possible that Ban Sai has something to do with Umbrella, and Umbrella ordered me to deal with me this time!"

Li Yu thinks left and right, thinking back to his opponents in his mind, the biggest is Umbrella, and then thinks again, Ban Sai also came from the United States, and immediately guessed.

"It seems that we should be more careful in the next few days. Even if Bansai is not Umbrella's property, it will definitely have something to do with it." Li Yu is very sure of his own thoughts. Bansai's attack is definitely related to Umbrella.

Intuition, this is Li Yu's intuition!

After initially locating the reason, Li Yu also recovered from his deep thinking!
When I saw the sad faces of the management present here, it seemed that they were worried about the competition in the mobile phone market after the compatibility loopholes were solved!
"Okay, everyone don't think too much!" Li Yuwei said solemnly, pulling everyone out of their thoughts.

"After this period of advertising and promotion, our umbrella QQ has been successfully implemented in Yanhuang, with hundreds of millions of users, and has completely established the status of the overlord of the chat terminal. It is definitely not something that new software companies can catch up with. So at this stage, what you should worry about is not competing with other companies, but continuing to promote and let QQ’s dominance go to the next level!”

"As long as QQ exists for a day and has such a large number of users, are you still worried that there will be no users for the software of the Future Group?" Li Yu's eyes are full of wisdom, and he completely sees the meaning of users. The electronics company has developed another software, which can directly push advertisements on QQ, and it can still attract a large number of users.

It can be said that the background of the pioneers cannot be caught up by the latecomers!
Bansai Company’s move to open the system seems to cause great difficulties for the umbrella, but that is only the basic aspect. The mobile phone communication has been frozen, and the only overlord is QQ. If those electronic companies in Yanhuang are not stupid, They will definitely not go head-to-head with QQ on chat software, because that is undoubtedly hitting a stone with an egg and asking for a dead end.

"Boss is right. We just need to stabilize QQ, develop and promote QQ step by step, and let all Yanhuang mobile phone users use QQ. In the future, no matter what software my umbrella develops, we can use QQ to promote it." The management team also agreed. They suddenly came back to their senses, they were just blinded by the sudden offensive launched by Bansai Company, and they just woke up after a little break.

"Bansai's target is to let it target it. Regarding this target, I only put forward one point, let it go, and the umbrella has no fear!" Li Yu said coolly, with incomparable confidence in his tone.

"We have no fear!" All the management also echoed.

"The first thing, the Bansai incident is over for the time being, now I want to talk about the second thing, or an announcement! Similarly, it is also somewhat related to our invisible rival Bansai Company, which will allow us to have a close relationship with Bansai Sai has become a real opponent!" Li Yu grinned at the corner of his mouth, with a weird smile, saying that he regarded Ban Sai as an opponent, but he acted like he was determined to eat Ban Sai.

"Li Yu, is our group going to develop some new projects?" Jiang Yuyao smiled softly, and she saw through Li Yu's purpose at once.

"BOSS?" A group of managers turned their attention to Li Yu, looking forward to it.

After Li Yu's order last time, the senior executives from Donglin had to sign a lifelong contract. It can be said that all the people present here are the management who signed the contract. Those who don't want to sign will be fired directly. People who are not loyal , Li Yu doesn't want it, and there will be no less umbrellas. In any case, loyalty is the first.

The current contract is only a framework in the contract, but in the follow-up, Li Yu will use the Red Queen to monitor all the employees of the umbrella in all aspects, and absolutely put an end to betrayal!

"I announce that Umbrella has officially entered the mobile phone system industry!" Li Yuwei smiled, glanced around, and saw the expressions of all the management in his eyes, and then announced very solemnly.

"What? Mobile phone system?"

Hearing Li Yu's announcement, all the management including Jiang Yuyao were stunned. Before the announcement, they guessed that Li Yu might announce the development of new electronic products. With the momentum of QQ, it is also possible to develop new electronic products. Electronic products, but did they all think that Li Yu would enter the mobile phone system.

This is a really big project!

Take the construction industry for comparison. A house of more than 100 square meters and a building of more than 1000 square meters are both projects, but the time and resources consumed are very different, and the gap between electronic products and mobile phone systems is like this. In other words, with the current number of programmers under the umbrella and technical aspects, it is absolutely difficult to develop a mobile phone system, and it is difficult to develop in time.

"Boss, with the current strength of our group, it's not feasible to develop a mobile phone system!" Tian Xing said.

"Yes!" Zhang Yu also nodded in agreement.

"I know what you think, but for the development of the mobile phone system, I can tell you exactly that you already have a system template. As long as you follow the template and optimize it, the stable program will be done." Li Yu is not going to directly program the red queen After all, it would be too shocking to take out the complete product system.

"Boss, you actually got the mobile phone system template?"

"Could it be a template for the Ban Sai system?"

 PS: Come on, girls, fanciers, let’s throw out the tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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