I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 186 Another 1 item

Chapter 186 Another project (for subscription)

A kind of management asked excitedly.

Building a mobile system from scratch is daunting, but with templates it's easy!

"It's not the Bansai system!" Li Yu smiled mysteriously: "It's a better system than Bansai's. It is loaded with a mobile phone, and it runs at least three times faster than Bansai's mobile phone!"

Li Yu raised three fingers, very confident, without any bragging!

At the same time, this also convinced all the management present here. After all, there are too many miracles created under Li Yu!
"Mr. Jiang, what happened to the mobile phone factory I was going to acquire last time?" Li Yu turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuyao.

"The acquisition has been completed. Although the reputation of a small mobile phone brand is not obvious, all kinds of production equipment are complete, and the factory is located in C City." Jiang Yuyao said.

"How much money was spent?" Li Yu asked.

"500 million, a full set of equipment, buy out the brand, and hire all the employees!" Jiang Yuyao said.

"This number is within my ideal range, not bad." To acquire a mobile phone production factory, Li Yu thought of an expected capital of 500 million, and the invisible savings of [-] million made Li Yu very happy.

"Boss, you bought a mobile phone factory. Could it be that our umbrella also produces mobile phones?" Wei Quan asked excitedly, smacking his mouth.

"After the birth of our umbrella development mobile phone system, naturally we can't let other mobile phone factories take advantage of it and deliver the system. This is not my Li Yu style." Li Yu laughed.

"Next step! Wei Quan, I hope you will quickly take over the mobile phone factory, appoint a direct management that belongs to my umbrella, and prepare to produce mobile phones that belong to the umbrella at any time!"

"Boss, I understand." Wei Quan nodded.

"Liu Guanglei, go and take over the engineers in the development department of the mobile phone factory, and merge them all into the scientific research department, which will be managed by you. Then, I hope you can lead them to develop new mobile phone templates, which are more beautiful and detailed!"

Nowadays, people pursue mobile phones not only for quality, but also for their beauty. If the mobile phone they buy back is not beautiful, I’m afraid not many people will use it. After all, people nowadays have a good face.

So to sum up, the first choice for many people to use mobile phones is aesthetics, and the second is quality!

And Li Yu wants to combine these two points to create a mobile phone that everyone can't resist. After all, there is a system programmed by the Red Queen, and there is already a very basic guarantee in terms of quality.

"I will definitely lead the scientific research department to design beautiful hands!" Liu Guanglei also immediately accepted the task.

"Did the entire group have an accident in which the system was compromised just now?" Li Yu said in a deep voice.

"That's right!"

"The hacker who attacked just now is too strong, we can't deal with it at all, but fortunately, the hacker did not touch the confidential documents of the group's core, otherwise the loss will be great."

"I don't know which force actually hacked our group's computer." All the management members nodded, obviously still vividly remembering the moment when the entire group's computer was paralyzed just now.

"Don't worry, everyone. There are no hackers. The accident just now was caused by me." Li Yu looked at everyone's worried look and smiled.


"Boss, your computer technology is so powerful, you hacked one or two thousand computers of the group at once?" Everyone expressed doubts.

Li Yu didn't make excuses, and went straight to the news: "Red Empress, come out and meet everyone!"

Li Yu said to a camera in the meeting room.

"Boss talking to the camera?" The management looked over in amazement, still puzzled.

This time!

In the eyes of everyone, the camera emitted a projected red light, which fell directly on the table in the conference room, and an illusory little girl in a red dress appeared in front of everyone.

"Huh? This little girl isn't...isn't that?"

Looking at the appearance of the red queen, everyone recalled that the scene that appeared on the screen at the same time after the computer was hacked and restarted was not this little girl.

"Let me introduce myself to everyone!" Li Yu said.

"I am the Red Queen, the artificial intelligence system of the umbrella. From today on, I will control all the computers and systems of the umbrella!" The clear voice of the Red Queen sounded in the conference room.

"I'm going, artificial intelligence system!"

"This is too far ahead."

"No one in the world has been able to develop a real artificial intelligence. How can I see that this red queen is very intelligent, and it is completely formed artificial intelligence."

All the management's eyes fell on the red queen, surprised, admiring, and all kinds of emotions lingered endlessly.

"As you can see, Red Queen, the artificial intelligence belonging to my umbrella group, has surpassed human intelligence. From now on, Red Queen will control all systems within the group and serve the umbrella wholeheartedly!" Li Yu said.

Everyone looked at Li Yu blankly, and wanted to speak, but there was only incredible horror in their eyes!

First the mobile phone system, then the acquisition of a production line to make mobile phones, and then an advanced artificial intelligence popped up. This kind of shock was really layer upon layer, and they, the management, couldn't recover for a while.

"Of course, regarding the existence of the Red Queen, I don't want you to publicize it to the outside world. This is a secret that belongs to my umbrella. If anyone leaks it, he will be punished with the crime of betraying the group!" Li Yu's voice changed, revealing an extraordinarily cold warning.

"Don't worry, BOSS, we understand." All the management knew what the emergence of artificial intelligence meant, so they nodded immediately, and they didn't ask about the origin of the red queen. This must be the highest taboo, and you can't ask.

Li Yu: "The authority to use the Red Queen corresponds to the identity authority of my umbrella. The higher the authority, the higher the authority to use the Red Queen!"

Everyone nodded numbly, looking at the red queen, the color of horror in their eyes was uncertain!

"Red Queen, go back to the main control room!" After asking Red Queen to meet with the management, there was nothing else, so Li Yu asked Red Queen to leave.

"Yes, Master!"

Facing Li Yu, the Red Queen was not as indifferent as facing the management, but very respectful. The red light flashed, and the projection of the Red Queen disappeared directly in the conference room.

"It's incredible, my umbrella actually has artificial intelligence!"

"I chose the right one. Working for the umbrella, I have been exposed to more mysteries than I have in most of my life." The management were all amazed, and of course, they were full of excitement and excitement.

The emergence of artificial intelligence has made them more and more sure that the future of the umbrella is limitless!

"Okay, let's go!"

"The management that I assigned the task just now, complete the task as soon as possible. I hope that in a month's time, the mobile phone of my umbrella will be released and sold!" Li Yulang said.

"Don't worry, BOSS, we will work hard and serve the umbrella wholeheartedly!" All the managers stood up solemnly.


(End of this chapter)

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