I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 187 Electronics Factory

Chapter 187 Electronics Factory (for Subscription)

City C City East Industrial Zone!

Umbrella electronics factory, more than 300 employees in the factory just went to work!

"Everyone checks again and cleans up all their posts. The new boss came to inspect today, and there must be no sloppy." The electronics factory, the director and person in charge, Pan Bin led a group of grassroots managers to patrol the factory, Very serious.

Originally, this electronics factory belonged to the production base of a small brand, but a few days ago, a powerful umbrella group directly acquired the factory. From that moment on, all the assets and equipment of the factory, including the ownership of employees, were all Under the umbrella.

After the factory was acquired by Umbrella, almost everyone was worried. After all, after the factory was acquired, the transfer of factory employees, and whether the staff would stay or not were unknown.

But in the midst of apprehension, the employees of the acquired factory have a kind of expectation. The treatment of the umbrella group is good, which is second to none in city C. It is definitely a good thing if they can stay and work in the umbrella group. This is the difference between small companies and large groups. the difference.

"The Umbrella Group, the Legendary Group in City C, I didn't expect that I would also enter the Umbrella one day!"

Similarly, like most of the employees, Pan Bin is both nervous and looking forward to the acquisition of the umbrella. He is a factory director in his thirties, which proves that he has good ability, but the original small factory has almost come to an end. , there is no way to go any further!
But it is different in the umbrella. Such a large group has a lot of opportunities and positions, and it is not impossible to go further!

Therefore, he must perform well, strive to stay in the umbrella, and strive to go further!
Under Pan Bin's urging, every employee cheered up and cleared their respective positions. This time it was related to everyone in the factory, so the employees were also extraordinarily serious and not lazy at all.

"Director Pan, the group's convoy has arrived!" At this moment, the security guards outside the factory quickly ran in front of Pan Bin.

"Workshop director, you gather the entire team with the employees, and the rest of the management and I go to meet the boss!" Pan Bin shouted hastily, not daring to neglect, and ran out of the factory quickly.

Outside the electronics factory!
A luxury convoy of ten cars with serial number plates was placed in front of the factory like a dragon!

More than [-] security guards got out of the car and divided into two factions, armed with anti-riot batons and fully armed, tightly protecting the car in the center.

"Boss, the electronics factory has arrived." Xiao Yao turned his head in the co-pilot and said to Li Yu in the back seat.

"En! Get out of the car!" Li Yu nodded majestically, Xiao Yao got out of the car immediately and opened the door for Li Yu.

Seeing Li Yu getting off the car, Pan Bin surrounded them with a kind of management, but a dozen cold-faced and selfless security guards stopped them directly.

"Welcome the president to the electronics factory. I am the director of the electronics factory, Pan Bin. These are the grassroots management of the factory. We represent all the employees of the factory. Welcome to the president!" Pan Bin had no choice but to give up and stood outside the security circle, respectfully.

"Let An keep it outside, Xiao Yao, Wei Quan, Liu Guanglei, the three of you and I will go into the factory and have a look." Li Yu said to the people around him, and then stepped towards Pan Bin.

"Yes!" Xiao Yao replied loudly.

"Strict security, no suspicious person can be allowed to enter the factory!" Xiao Yao said to all security members.

"Yes!" More than [-] people responded in unison, and then ran towards the factory gate, guarding it closely.

Now Li Yu's identity is no longer the boss of a small company in the past, but the leading president of a large group in C City. If all assets are considered, it is not an exaggeration to say that Li Yu is the richest man in C City. People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Under this identity, I don't know how many gangsters who have made a fortune are eyeing Li Yu. Naturally, we must be very cautious in terms of security.

"You are the person in charge of this factory." Li Yu walked to Pan Bin and asked with a smile.

"That's right, my name is Pan Bin, and I'm the director of an electronics company." Even though Li Yu was very gentle, with the identity of the president and the full breath of a superior person, Pan Bin was a little uneasy. There are several managers around him who dare not say a word, for fear of making Li Yu unhappy.

"Don't be nervous. I won't do anything to you. Let me introduce you first. This is the head of the production department, Wei Quan. This is the head of the scientific research department Liu Guanglei. This is the head of the security force Xiao Yao. You will definitely have a lot of dealings in the future." Yes." Li Yu pointed to the three people behind him and introduced.

Wei Quanquan is the head of the production department and manages all production matters, so the electronics company is naturally under his jurisdiction, and Liu Guanglei, as the head of the scientific research department, is equivalent to the boss of the R&D department of the factory.

As for Xiao Yao, there will be no accidents in the future, and he will be responsible for the security of the electronics factory in the future.

Now the positions of the security company are also very clear. Wu Peng is the general captain, and there are three sub-captains under him. Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, and Li Qiba are all senior management of the security company!

"Director Wei, Director Liu, and Captain Xiao." Pan Bin said politely.

"Director Pan, you're being polite." The three of them smiled gently.

"Okay, take me to the factory to have a look. I used to be a drug maker, so I don't know much about mobile phone manufacturing." Li Yu said.

"President, please!" Pan Bin immediately stepped aside and led the four of Li Yu into the factory.

Once inside the factory!

More than 300 employees are already neatly dressed and lined up!
"Welcome the president!" More than 300 people shouted at the same time, and the voice resounded throughout the factory, which was amazing and very powerful.


Seeing such a scene, Li Yu was not very excited, and his originally gentle face became a little cold!
"Boss pays attention to ability, and doesn't like these false things." Wei Quan immediately understood, and quickly warned Pan Bin in a low voice.

"Ah!" Hearing these words, Pan Bin was taken aback and was at a loss.

In the previous company, those leaders liked this kind of ostentation very much. Over time, Pan Bin also took it for granted that he thought of Li Yu as the same as the former leader.

"Hey, it's a failure this time. As the president of the Umbrella Group, a real leader, how can he care about this so-called ostentation." Pan Bin lamented in his heart, very helpless, which made Li Yu unhappy. He seemed to have foreseen At the scene of being directly expelled.

"When I acquired Donglin, I told all the management that the employees of the Umbrella Group put loyalty first and ability second. As long as they have these two points, there is a place for Umbrella. I hope you can do it in the future. Remember this sentence." But to Pan Bin's excitement, Li Yu didn't pursue it too much, and after a word of warning, he walked onto the main stage prepared by the factory before. After all, these employees had already gathered, let them directly Dispersion is also outrageous, so Li Yu decided to go on stage and say a few words.

 PS: Brothers, let me tell you, if you don’t vote, the little one will lose!
(End of this chapter)

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