I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 188 Omnidirectional Promotion

Chapter 188 Omnidirectional Promotion

Under the gaze of more than 300 employees in the factory, Li Yu stepped onto the main stage, smiled majestically, and glanced at the anxious and expectant employees below.

Li Yu: "I am Li Yu, the president of the Umbrella Group! I think everyone has heard of my name! Today, the reason why I stand on stage is not to show off the style of a big boss, but to say two things to my umbrella employees thing!"

Clap clap clap!

As soon as the voice paused, some of the employees applauded!
Li Yu didn't blame him. After the applause calmed down, he continued: "First, starting today, this electronics factory officially belongs to my umbrella industry, and you are also employees of my umbrella!"

"Second, there will be no changes in the personnel affairs of the factory for the time being. Of course, this is only temporary. If you want to stay in the factory and enjoy the treatment that belongs to the umbrella, you must perform well. People who are incapable cannot serve the group. Those who make contributions, my umbrella will not stay!"

"That's the two things I'm going to say!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yu walked down from the stage. The reason why he said this was that Li Yu wanted to dispel the anxiety and concerns of the factory employees. After all, the new group took over and had to make a good statement.

"President, I'll show you around the factory." Pan Bin ran over and said respectfully.

"En!" Li Yu nodded, signaling Pan Bin to lead the way.

This electronics factory is relatively large, twice the size of the first factory of the former umbrella drug factory, and the equipment is very complete. This factory is divided into several parts, which are several common parts of mobile phones and the production line for lithium batteries. , The production line for making screens and the production line for shells are very complete.

This is also the reason why the group's senior management chose this factory after various considerations. The key point is that it has complete equipment and all aspects. Otherwise, this small factory will not be regarded as a protective umbrella.

After visiting all parts of the factory, Li Yu came to the meeting room of the factory and held a special temporary meeting.

"Old Liu, what's the appearance of the new mobile phone I asked you to develop a few days ago?" Li Yu asked.

Liu Guanglei: "Boss, according to your instructions, the employees of the factory's R&D department and I have researched three types of mobile phone appearances, divided into upper, middle and lower, three types of phones, and three prices."

With that said, Liu Guanglei took out the laptop he carried with him, and respectfully placed it in front of Li Yu.

"This C model is the cheapest, and its appearance has been further optimized."

"This B model is medium, more detailed in terms of appearance!"

"This A model is the most high-end. It will be the best in terms of appearance and built-in." Liu Guanglei introduced carefully.

Umbrella Group will naturally not only produce one type of mobile phone. If the price is too high, it will block many people's desire to buy. If the price is too low, the group's profits will also be greatly reduced. So overall, it can be divided into three types. Different models of mobile phones have different prices, ranging from cheap to slightly expensive.

"Yes, I am very satisfied with the appearance of this phone, you all put your heart into it."

Li Yu appreciated the appearance of the three mobile phones and nodded, very satisfied.

"Thank you BOSS for your appreciation." Receiving Li Yu's affirmation, Liu Guanglei thanked, and several engineers from the original R&D department here were also relieved. These three mobile phone appearances were thought of by them in the fastest time. They were really afraid that Li Yu, the new boss, would be dissatisfied.

"The appearance of this mobile phone is good enough to attract the attention of many young people, but you still missed a little bit." Li Yu smiled slightly. ,

"President, tell me, what's wrong, I'll immediately arrange for engineers to improve it." Pan Bin said hastily.

"All the products of my umbrella group have the umbrella-shaped imprint of my umbrella. Naturally, these three mobile phones will be launched on the market in the future, and the imprint belonging to my umbrella cannot be left behind." Li Yu instructed.

"Boss, it's all my fault. The time is too tight. I have forgotten about it. Don't worry, I will improve it later and put an umbrella mark on the appearance of the mobile phone. After the mobile phone system is delivered, I will also let the technology The people from the Ministry put the mark of a protective umbrella on the inner screen of the mobile phone!" Liu Guanglei also assured.

"Well, that's enough." Li Yu nodded in satisfaction, and turned his eyes to Pan Bin: "The mobile phone system is successfully developed, and it won't take long. I hope that the factory can produce and assemble the mobile phone's shell and built-in parts as soon as possible. As soon as the mobile phone system arrives and is fully loaded, it can be sold directly on the market! Don't waste time at this stage!"

For the mobile phone system programmed by Red Queen, Li Yu has absolute confidence. As long as he uses QQ's billion-dollar advertisements, the entire Yanhuang will spread.

A few days ago, Red Queen had already programmed the mobile phone system template. After installing Red Queen's smart anti-theft lock, Li Yu immediately passed it to the technical department and started programming according to the template.

"President, don't worry, I will lead the factory to produce at full capacity!" Pan Bin promised.

"Now you are the management of my umbrella group. I also hope that you will stay in the umbrella in the future. You can also call me BOSS just like my subordinates." Li Yu smiled gently.

"Don't worry, BOSS, I will work harder!" With Li Yu's approval, Pan Bin was full of confidence.

"Boss, did you choose the name of the new mobile phone?" Liu Guanglei asked.

"The brand is still named after the umbrella. In the future, all mobile phones produced by the factory will belong to the umbrella brand. As for the name of the mobile phone, you can do it yourself!" Li Yu said after thinking about it.

"I understand." Liu Guanglei said.

Things in the factory have been arranged, and sufficient preparations have been made for the release and sale of mobile phones, and the next step is the promotion of advertising. After leaving the factory, Li Yu returned directly to the Umbrella Building and held a high-level meeting.

And from the technology department, the electronics company got accurate news that five days later, the mobile phone operating system developed by the Umbrella Group will be born!
Li Yu immediately seized the opportunity and ordered all the management of the group to carry out the final sprint to sell mobile phones!

Firstly, it is natural to file with the official department in front and get approval for issuance, and secondly, to exhaust all channels, media, internet, and all aspects to promote the news that the umbrella will soon release a new mobile phone system and sell mobile phones!
After the meeting, the entire Umbrella Group began to operate like a robot, fully activated!
"Upload the mobile phone system and the mobile phone model loaded with the new system on the official website!" Tian Xing returned to the department and ordered immediately.

"Publish the promotional news on QQ. The Umbrella Group has developed a new mobile phone system belonging to Yanhuang. The performance is several times higher than that of Bansai. It will be installed on the mobile phone and released for sale!" Zhang Yu ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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