I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 189 The First Mobile Phone

Chapter 189 The First Mobile Phone (for Subscription)
After the entire umbrella group launched its power!
Yanhuang had hundreds of millions of QQ users almost at the same time, and a message popped up on QQ: "The Umbrella Group has successfully developed a mobile phone system belonging to Yanhuang, which is called BHS mobile phone system, after painstaking research and development and spending countless funds! The performance is stronger than that of Bansai. The speed is more than three times! After seven days, the mobile phone equipped with the BHS mobile phone system will be sold in all Yanhuang stores!"

In this push message, in addition to introducing the performance of the BHS system developed by Umbrella, it also showed pictures of three mobile phones that will be sold soon.

"I'm going, is this news true or false?"

"Umbrella develops a mobile phone system with better performance than Ban Sai?"

"Besides, Umbrella also produces its own mobile phone. The mobile phone looks very tall, not bad!"

"The Umbrella Group has always been known for its miracles. Such a large-scale push of news must be true."

"I'm really looking forward to Umbrella's mobile phone system and mobile phone. After all, the shit class game gets stuck after a long time. It sucks."

"Using the mobile phone system produced by my own Yanhuang, that is the real high-end. I decided to wait for the mobile phone to be released, and I must buy one..."

Umbrella Group's publicity channels are not only QQ, but also the official website, as well as major online portals. Umbrella spends a lot of money on advertising.

For a while, just like the successful development of QQ by Umbrella, the emergence of the mobile phone system and the Umbrella mobile phone brand spread all over Yanhuang.

Under this kind of overwhelming advertisement, there are many people waiting for the mobile phone to be released. It can be predicted that after the mobile phone is released, there will definitely be an endless source of customers and earn a lot of money.

Of course, such a big advertisement not only hit the eyes of countless potential users of Yanhuang.

"Mr. Lied, Mr. Harrison, I wonder if you have watched the news?" Fang Ying, the regional manager of Bansai Company, asked in a deep voice.

"What news?" As two foreigners, they naturally seldom pay attention to Yanhuang news.

"The Umbrella Group has used all channels to advertise today, saying that it has developed a mobile phone system that surpasses the Bansai system." Fang Ying said solemnly, seemingly feeling a sense of crisis.

"Beyond our company's Bansai system? Is the umbrella a sensationalist?" Lied smiled contemptuously, apparently disbelieving the news.

"The Bansai system took the company several years and hundreds of top programmers to build it. This umbrella has just stepped into the electronics industry to solve system compatibility loopholes. Let's count their luck, but the research and development of this mobile phone system is possible. It is definitely not something that can be accomplished overnight." Lie De said very confidently.

Harrison and Fang Ying nodded in agreement.

Everyone knows that mobile phone systems are difficult to develop. Otherwise, there are many mobile phone manufacturers in Yanhuang, but none of them make mobile phone systems. The main reason is that the system is difficult to develop.

"Mr. Lieder, if the umbrella is for grandstanding, why would he spend money on advertising? This is not in line with their style." Fang Ying still said worriedly.

"That's where I'm confused too!" Lied shook his head too.

"Don't think too much about it, continue with our plan, maybe it's just a counterattack by the umbrella after opening the restrictions on the compatibility loophole of Bansai." Harrison said.

"Mr. Harrison, I understand, let the umbrella continue to dance." Lied thought for a while and still couldn't figure it out, so he had no choice but to give up.

So what if the umbrella plan is well thought out?
With the momentum of the Umbrella Group, he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to, so he could only watch quietly.

Five days passed quickly. With the joint efforts of the technical department and the programmers of the electronics company, the BHS first-generation mobile phone system was successfully born. After countless trial runs, it was finally transmitted to the factory!
Under the Umbrella Group, Electronics Factory!

"Attention the data department, the first-generation mobile phone system has been transferred, and the assembled mobile phone is loaded with the system and ready for release." After the advertisement was released, it can be said that it was a moment that everyone was looking forward to. I felt the heroic spirit from the large umbrella group, if you don't move, you won't move, and if you move, you will be shocked.

Throughout the beginning of Li Yu's development under the leadership of the umbrella, every new product developed has shocked the world. The birth of antiviral agents, the birth of bird flu vaccines, the birth of QQ, and the birth of mobile phone systems, none of them are not affected. The thoughts of hundreds of millions of people in Yanhuang.

"Factory Manager, everything is ready." The various managers of the factory said.

"Loading the system, there can be no mistakes." Pan Bin made a final decision.

On the mobile phone production line, one after another formed mobile phones flowed into the unique system loading equipment, which used to be the loading

For the Bansai system, when Umbrella successfully developed its own mobile phone system, it directly eliminated the purchased Bansai.

"Loading system. The progress is [-] percent, [-] percent, loading is complete!"

With the joint efforts of all the staff in the factory, the first mobile phone equipped with the BHS first-generation system, the most luxurious A-type, was successfully loaded and produced!
"Director Wei, Director Liu, the first one has been successfully produced." Pan Bin picked up the first mobile phone from the production line and handed it to Wei Quan.

"Try to run it." Wei Quan took the phone with joy, pressed the power button, and turned on the phone.

Into the eye!

A unique golden umbrella-shaped mark of a protective umbrella appeared in Wei Quan's eyes!

It took only two seconds for the mobile phone to turn from off to on, far exceeding the five or six seconds of the Bansai system mobile phone!

Since it has just been produced, apart from some common software, there is only QQ under the umbrella on the phone. Wei Quan tried to use it a few times by tapping the screen. The smooth speed and the feeling of use are very good.

"Very good, it worked." Wei Quan laughed loudly while holding up his mobile phone.

The sound spread, and the surrounding factory management breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone was filled with joy.

Being watched by thousands of people, although this feeling is very refreshing and attracts attention, it is also very stressful. Now that the mobile phone has been successfully produced, it has not disappointed Li Yu and many Yanhuang customers who are looking forward to it.

"This first mobile phone is given to BOSS as a gift." Wei Quan raised the mobile phone in his hand.

"Yes, the first mobile phone produced by my umbrella is worth commemorating." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"There are still two days before the mobile phone is released and sold. During these two days, the factory will work overtime to produce more than [-] units. Also, although the mobile phone has successfully operated, it must be carefully tested to confirm that there is no other impact!" Production Wei Quan, the supervisor, instructed.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Pan Bin replied.

 PS: Look, your little brother has dropped!

(End of this chapter)

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