I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 190 The Smile of a Profiteer

Chapter 190 The Smile of a Profiteer

"Everyone, take a look at the official website of the umbrella, there is a video of the mobile phone running the BHS mobile phone system on it!"

After the successful production that day, the Umbrella Group immediately mobilized all its energy, transmitted the video of the initial operation of the system to the official website of Umbrella, and notified all users through QQ push. How about the performance of the umbrella production system.

"The appearance of this mobile phone is really good. It looks more beautiful than the pictures. It's not bad. It's very to my taste."

"Have you seen that it took less than two seconds for this phone to run from being turned on to successfully running? My Bansai phone was purchased with more than 1 Yanhuang coins. It is considered a high-end phone, but the booting speed is the fastest. It's almost four seconds, but this phone takes less than two seconds, my God, this system is definitely better than Ban Sai!"

"The Umbrella Group is not bragging. They really developed my Yanhuang mobile phone system, not those gringos."

"I have decided that I must buy an umbrella mobile phone, and I will no longer use this foreigner's mobile phone system."

"The day after tomorrow is the time for mobile phones to go on sale. At that time, the umbrella will be distributed to operators around the world. This is just the beginning. The supply must be very limited. I must grab it."

After watching the video, many people have seen the promotional video of the umbrella mobile phone, and they can be regarded as having a real understanding of the BHS No. [-] system. In terms of performance, it has indeed surpassed the Bansai system mobile phone they use.

Umbrella Building!
"What do you think of the mobile phones we produce?" Li Yu said to the management with a smile while playing with the first mobile phone sent by the factory.

"Very good, let's not talk about the appearance, it is definitely several times better than Bansai's in terms of system operation."

"That's right, this running speed, without the slightest lag, is much better than the Bansai mobile phone I bought before." All the management present held a mobile phone in their hands. There was no accident, they were all mobile phones produced by the Umbrella Electronics Factory.

As the top management of the group, it is natural that the first batch of mobile phones, the first [-] units, were sent to the Umbrella Building and distributed to the management present here, as well as some employees who performed well.

"The mobile phone in your hand has the highest configuration among the three models. How much do you think it can be priced?" Li Yu asked with a smile.

"Overall, this phone is impeccable in terms of appearance and configuration. I think it can be sold as a mid-to-high-end phone, and the price can be set at [-] to [-] Yanhuang coins." Wu Lin thought for a while and said.

"Continue." Li Yu signaled Wu Lin to continue.

"As for the other two models, the medium configuration can be priced at [-] to [-] Yanhuang coins, and the low configuration can be priced at [-] to [-] Yanhuang coins, and I can be sure that the low configuration will definitely be higher than the first two. The configuration is more popular, after all, Yanhuang’s comprehensive rational consumption ability is limited by this, and the pricing of our three mobile phone models can just cater to Yanhuang’s various markets.” Wu Lin said.

"What do you think?" Li Yu glanced at the management.

"I have no objection." Jiang Yuyao was the first to express her opinion.

"We have no objection." All the management present expressed their views, and it seems that there is no objection to the pricing of these three mobile phones.

"Well, Wu Lin, you will report the prices of these three mobile phones to the official department later, and then post them on the official website, so that all potential customers have a mental preparation." Li Yu instructed.

"I understand." Wu Lin said.

"This time, the mobile phone system successfully developed by my umbrella produces a mobile phone with independent property rights. The profit in the mobile phone will only be one aspect, and another aspect will also be another income for the umbrella group. !" Li Yu smiled confidently.

"BOSS refers to the BHS first-generation system!" All the management understood it and understood it.

"Not bad!" Li Yu smiled slightly: "I am very confident in the umbrella mobile phone, and even more confident in the mobile phone system. The shopping malls have always been survival of the fittest. Everyone will use better things, and my umbrella mobile phone system is better than that of Ban Sai. The system is better, so it won't be long before the entire Yanhuang mobile phone system market will be occupied by the mobile phone system under my umbrella. Selling the loading rights of the mobile phone system is a key to the group's profitability. Selling the authorization to load software on the mobile phone system is also It will be a key to the group's profitability!"

"After the mobile phone system of my umbrella has become famous, as long as the major mobile phone manufacturers of Yanhuang are not stupid, they will be able to see the value of the BHS first-generation system, and they will definitely come to the group to discuss cooperation. At this time, we must set a licensing fee. For example, how much per year, and after the system is installed on the mobile phone, although there will be no compatibility loopholes like Bansai, but without the electronic authorization of my umbrella group, no matter what software can be installed on the system, so... "

Li Yu laughed sinisterly, showing a smile that only a profiteer has.

Bansai company uses compatibility loopholes to collect money secretly, but Li Yu will not do these secret shit, he will do it openly, reasonably and legally, and protect the mobile phone system that costs money to develop and charge reasonable charges. , Yanhuang officials will definitely not block it, and will even be happy to see its success.

After all, the Umbrella Group has to survive!
"BOSS is wise!" All the management immediately understood Li Yu's meaning, and they all showed a profiteer's smile, and gave Li Yu a thumbs up.

"Not much to say, I will officially issue a few tasks next!" Li Yu smiled and regained his sternness: "First, Wei Quan fully supervises the production of the electronics factory, must not stop for 24 hours, and must produce in the shortest possible time. More phones!"

"Second, Wu Lin, mobile phone pricing, filing and so on!"

"Thirdly, Huang Yao, you are fully responsible for the future investment promotion of the mobile phone system. Finally, you can get Mr. Jiang to sign and it will be approved."

"Fourth, all management should pay attention. Using the mobile phone system this time, I hope that the assets will exceed [-] billion in the shortest possible time!!"

"These four tasks must be completed, do you understand?" Li Yu said loudly.

"Don't worry, boss, we will definitely complete the task." All the management said excitedly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Li Yu waved his hand and dismissed the meeting directly.

After the meeting was over, all the management were busy with their own business, and the electronics factory was also running production at a high speed. Soon, amidst the high expectations, the first batch of mobile phones produced by Umbrella was [-] units, which exceeded the expectation by [-] units. Thanks to the fact that the factory started stocking up before the mobile phone system was programmed, otherwise it would not have been so fast.

[-] mobile phones, every time a batch is produced, a batch is sent out, and has been distributed to operators all over the place, [-] units, in front of so many people in Yanhuang, it seems very rare.
(End of this chapter)

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