Chapter 191
One hundred thousand units, in front of so many people in Yanhuang, seems very rare, indeed!
Many people who are interested in the umbrella mobile phone are afraid that there will be a fierce competition. When it is launched, many people will definitely be disappointed, which is inevitable.

But after the production of the follow-up umbrella, everything will be restored!

Two days later!
In front of the stores of the major operators designated by the umbrella, most of them are full of customers.

"I want a Umbrella Generation A model with the highest configuration."

"Holy shit, local tyrants, almost [-] Dayang, you can buy it if you want."

"I want a C-type standard."

Countless customers rushed into the operation store directly, and there was a bustling noise.

"Because the number of the first batch of mobile phones is not large, the Umbrella Group hereby stipulates that each person can only buy one mobile phone for the time being, and purchase with an ID card. Please be aware." The person in charge of each operating store said to all the customers.

"What? Everyone can only buy one? Isn't that bad?"

"You have to have an ID card to buy, isn't that too overbearing?"

Among these customers who buy mobile phones, in addition to customers who really want to buy mobile phones, there are also many scalpers. They want to buy mobile phones in large quantities, and then use the sources in their hands to copy prices.

If they buy with their ID cards, they will not be able to achieve the purpose of hoarding goods, so they naturally retort dissatisfied.

"President Umbrella personally issued instructions, and we have no right to change them. If you want to buy an umbrella phone, you must present your ID card. Now the phone is on sale. Now please line up and buy it in an orderly manner." How can the pressure given by the Umbrella Group be something that their small stores can resist.

First day!

[-] mobile phones, of various models, sold out in less than one morning!

"I'll go, the [-] mobile phones are sold out, and I'm still queuing."

"The Umbrella Group should work harder and continue to produce."

Many people who did not buy a mobile phone are very sad.

On the Internet, discussions about umbrella phones are layered one after another.

"Friends who bought a mobile phone, how does the mobile phone feel?" Countless people who are greedy ask.

"Hahaha, it's very good, it's so good, it runs super fast, it's definitely better than a mobile phone loaded with the Bansai system, it really is a boutique made by Umbrella."

"The words upstairs are bad, the umbrella phone is bad, and it's stuck."

"Visual inspection upstairs is the navy of the company that protects the umbrella, and they came here on purpose to make trouble."

"I can tell you with certainty that Umbrella Mobile is definitely a good brand, better than the Bansai system."

On the Internet, there are constant discussions, among which there are many belittlings on the umbrella mobile phone. Don't think about it, those are the trolls hired by the major mobile phone manufacturers in Yanhuang to deliberately slander and suppress the umbrella, but the nature determines everything. After all, the voice of the umbrella mobile phone is still more praise than slander.

In general, the umbrella mobile phone is extremely popular, it can be said that the supply is in short supply, the factory outputs a batch, and the batch is bought!
"Speed ​​up production! Supply all over the world!" The release of mobile phones, production is the main force, and Wei Quan, as the head of the production department, is also fully supervising. The entire electronics factory is fully equipped, fully staffed, and fully engaged in production. Thousands, hundreds of thousands of mobile phones are exported from the factory crazily!
Ban Sai Branch!
"Mr. Lied, this is an umbrella phone!" Fang Ying held a brand-new phone case with an umbrella-shaped logo on it.

"I'd like to see what's amazing about the umbrella phone." Liede smiled coldly, opened the box, and took out the brand new phone inside.

"The appearance is good, but that's it. It can only deceive those who don't know much." Lied turned the phone upside down, sneered, and then started to turn on the phone.

In just two seconds, the pitch-black screen lit up, and it was successfully powered on and running stably.

"Two seconds to start up?" Lied was a bit suspicious. He is the person in charge of Bansai, so he naturally knows how much time it takes to set up his Bansai system. Even the best ones take twice as long as the umbrella phone.

After trying for a while, Lied tried to use the mobile phone, and a rapid experience rose.

Originally, Lied was ridiculing the umbrella mobile phone system, but after some attempts, the sarcasm suddenly disappeared, very dignified.

"Harrison, take a look." Lied handed the phone to Harrison.

After Harrison took the phone, after some experiments and attempts, he also put on a look of surprise.

"This phone runs as fast as the best phones in the U.S. market," Harrison thought.

"What should we do?" Reed said solemnly.

Originally, the issue of mobile phones and mobile phone systems under the umbrella was treated with contempt, and it was not taken seriously at all.

But now it turns out that Umbrella's mobile phone system has indeed surpassed Ban Sai, which also changed Lied's mentality.

Bansai's main profit in Yanhuang is from the sale of system loading authorizations, as well as the so-called authorization fees secretly charged for compatibility vulnerabilities.

The only one in the Bansai system can be said to be truly dominated by the Yanhuang family.

But now a protective umbrella has been thrown out of nowhere, stronger and better than Ban Sai, which makes Lied feel a sense of crisis.

"You go out first." Harrison said to Fang Ying in the house.

"Yes." Fang Ying glanced at Lie De, not daring to disobey, and left the room quickly.

"The momentum of the umbrella has fully grown. It is not listed, and it is all personal assets, so it is not feasible to use assets to attack the stock market. Therefore, on the bright side, we have already been powerless against the umbrella." Harrison said seriously, with a strong tone in his tone. The fear is getting stronger and stronger.

"What do you mean?" Liede's eyes were cold.

"Only from the dark, as long as Li Yu is removed, a big disaster will be eliminated for the company. Without Li Yu's umbrella, it is a garbage." Harrison said clearly.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want. The Bansai system has been in Yanhuang for so many years, and it must not be destroyed by a Yanhuang person." Lied said.

"Hurry up and recruit the killer organization within Yanhuang, and when the time comes, do your best to kill Li Yu." Harrison said coldly.


Umbrella Building!
"Director, Weihua mobile phone company has sent people to the group, and I want to discuss with you the investment promotion of the BHS first-generation system. Shall I meet you?"

"Director, Pear Mobile Company has also sent someone to the group, and wants to authorize the mobile phone system..."

As time passed, the Umbrella phone became a big hit, and praises for the phone were everywhere on the Internet, and it also attracted the attention of many mobile phone manufacturers!

ps: Brothers who are capable, please come to Qidian Chinese website to subscribe to this book, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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