I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 194 Assets reached

Chapter 194 Assets reached
Somalia is known to the world for its chaos!

Somali pirates are the most fundamental synonym for chaos in Somalia!

In the Gulf of Aden, merchant ships and cargo ships from many countries must pass through, and Somali pirates are dedicated to robbing these merchant ships, burning, killing, and looting, doing everything.

Generally speaking, Somalia is a place that everyone fears. Whether it is a native or a foreigner, if you are a little careless in Somalia, you may die, because there is no order at all, as long as you kill, there is only a hail of bullets. snatch.

"Boss, why did you choose Somalia? It's not a peaceful place!" Zhang Hong asked suspiciously.

"It's because he has no order, it's because he is chaotic, that's why I choose it!" Li Yu said deeply, with no doubt in his tone.

"In Yanhuang, it is because there is too much order. My umbrella is subject to many checks and balances. It is difficult to develop in an all-round way like Umbrella. However, the disorder and chaos in Somalia are just right for my umbrella to develop. There, my umbrella A new order can be established, where my umbrella will have different developments, and when a crisis that covers all mankind in the world breaks out in the future, it can be used as a sub-base of my umbrella!" Li Yu said firmly.

The reason why he decided to go to Somalia was that Li Yu wanted to develop his strength there and develop the strength of the umbrella. Of course, there would never be the main base of the umbrella. In Li Yu's idea, the main base of the umbrella must be absolutely controlled by himself, and that The location needs to be considered, and sufficient funds are needed. Although the current umbrella has reached tens of billions, it is still not possible!

"Will there be a crisis covering all mankind in the future?"

All the management in the conference room were surprised and at a loss.

"It's not yet time to completely unravel this matter. When the time comes, I will tell you. Anyway, now, my umbrella must develop its strength as much as possible and do my best." Li Yu said.

"Yes!" The management confirmed.

"To set Somalia as the first foreign market to open up, someone must first contact the official forces in Somalia, and I already have candidates. Wu Peng, Wei Quan, Wu Lin, are you willing to be the vanguard of my umbrella? , Negotiate with Somali officials?" Li Yu's eyes fell on the three people who had been set in his heart before.

The crisis in Somalia has emerged. This trip must have Wen and Wu. Wu is defined as Wu Peng, Wen is defined as Wu Lin, and Wei Quan is defined as the production management of this investment.

According to Li Yu's understanding, turmoil breaks out in Somalia all the time, wars are rampant, and bloody incidents are frequent, and there is a great need for medical drugs, and Somalia has low productivity, almost no productivity, and no foreign manufacturers. I am willing to go to Somalia. After all, it is too chaotic. I am afraid that my life will be in danger if I go there. The gain outweighs the loss.

As for Li Yu's development of Somalia this time, the best trump card is to build a factory for the production of medical drugs, which is naturally very simple for the foundation of the umbrella.

Somali officials know that Umbrella will go to Somalia to invest, set up a production plant, or set up medical drugs they urgently need. They will definitely welcome [-]% and cooperate absolutely to help Umbrella.

"Boss, we are willing!" The three named were not afraid of Somalia, but were very enthusiastic about it.

The emergence of sub-bases is an opportunity for the umbrella management. Maybe future base leaders and ministers will be born in it.

"Very good, you didn't let me down!" Li Yu looked at the three of them appreciatively, as expected of his trusted subordinates, he didn't let him down.

"Of course, as your boss, and as your confidantes who follow me to fight the world, I will not send you to die! Although Somalia is dangerous, our umbrella also has security!"

"This time, I will first have someone communicate with the Somali embassy, ​​expressing that my umbrella is willing to invest in Somalia, and after Somalia agrees, I will ask them to discuss with Yanhuang officials and arrange a special passenger plane to carry my umbrella's [-] security personnel and All kinds of staff engineers, and this group of security is different from usual, they must be fully equipped, fully armed, and fully responsible for protecting our group employees!" Li Yu smiled firmly.

Although the order in Somalia is chaotic, there are still official organizations. Although they have little power, and Yanhuang, as the big brother in Africa, also takes care of Somalia. Naturally, Somalia also has an embassy in Yanhuang.

"Boss, bring weapons out of the country, will the authorities agree?" For Li Yu's statement, it is absolutely difficult for the management to display it. After all, Yanhuang is famous for its strict firearms management.

"If the Somali official speaks, the Yanhuang official will definitely let it go." Li Yu smiled confidently.

He was very sure that Somalia would be happy to hear that Umbrella was going to invest, and he would do his best to make it happen. There is absolutely no need to worry too much about the trivial matter of carrying arms.

"Yi Hailun!" Li Yu called by name.

"Boss, please order." It was Yi Hailun who became the head of the purchasing department who respectfully said.

"I'll leave it to you to communicate with the Somali embassy. Be sure to do it beautifully for me." Li Yu said.

"We will definitely not let the boss down." Yi Hailun promised.

"Wei Quan, you select enough technical staff in advance. Of course, you can't force them to go, you need to be voluntary. Wu Lin, you are also prepared for financial issues. Wu Peng, you are responsible for selecting a hundred of the most elite security guards! You guys The three must be ready at all times!"

"Okay, let's end this meeting here. If there is anything else to discuss next, I will leave it to Mr. Jiang. I have something to do, so I will leave first!" Li Yu waved his hand, stepped out of the conference room, and went straight Back in my office, the whole trip seemed very urgent and rushed.

"Now let's discuss the details of the development of various industries, investment issues in various places in Yanhuang, by the way, Zhang Hong, last time you went to Dongshan for inspection, how is it going?" Jiang Yuyao immediately took over the host, with a heroic look on her face.

"Mr. Jiang, the investigation was perfect and received by the local officials"

Back to the office!

"Now the group's assets have reached 130 billion, plus the 20 billion that was robbed of Lin Dongchu last time, the total assets are 150 billion, and the asset system has been opened again." The reason why Li Yu returned to the office without stopping is all because of The big thing about technology.

"Intelligent brain, open the asset system!" Li Yu ordered directly.

"Master, your assets have reached 150 billion, can you immediately activate the technology rewards??" The electronic voice of the intelligent brain sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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