I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 195 Undercurrent

Chapter 195 Undercurrent
"Open it now!" Li Yu said directly without thinking.

"Assets reach 100 billion, unlock random technology rewards, get primary military technology, and a set of light weapon design drawings!!" Zhinao said.

"Light weapon blueprint!"

Li Yu was surprised, and actually pulled out a military technology. Is this a good thing that God has eyes or a smart brain, knowing that he is going to open up the Somali market, and specially sent it to the door.

If the umbrella wants to gain a foothold in a chaotic place like Somalia, it will not work just by relying on the so-called official Somali army. Its own strength must also be strong, and there are only two ways to complement its strength: people and weapons.

In the turbulent area of ​​Somalia, as long as the umbrella costs a small price, there must be as many people as you want, but the weapons are not so simple. Although Somalia is full of weapons, they are all poor weapons that have been eliminated by various countries. What too much power.

But if Umbrella produces its own weapons, a military-industrial enterprise is established in Somalia!

Then Li Yu can arm as many people as he wants!

"When the assets reach 200 billion, the technology will be rewarded immediately. In the next step, the owner needs to reach [-] billion in assets to unlock the lottery again!" Zhinao said.

"I didn't expect that after exceeding [-] billion, I only need to double the assets to be able to draw a lottery." Li Yu was a little excited.

He is really afraid that after the assets reach 100 billion, the lottery will still be drawn according to the original multiple, which will be difficult. Ten times of 1000 billion is [-] billion, which is difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

"Zhinao, let me see what the rewarded light weapon technology includes!" Li Yu looked curious.

"Light weapons cover all aspects, light submachine guns, light sniper rifles, light pistols, light grenades, light sabers, light body armor! There are six types in total!" Zhinao replied.

"Very good!" Li Yu was very satisfied with this lottery draw.

Don't look at it as a light weapon, but the alien technology produced by Zhinao is definitely not comparable to the light weapons in this world, and these six are all unique weapons, that is, there is no such thing in this world.

"The next step is to wait for the negotiation with the Somali embassy, ​​and then start to develop overseas markets!" Li Yu expressed his expectation for this.

C City Prison!
"An Beigousan organized illegal forces in Yanhuang and attacked Yanhuang citizens. Now, you still haven't confessed your crimes?" In the interrogation room, An Beigousan no longer looked like the vice president of Yinhua Group. Handcuffed to a chair, he was a complete criminal with a bitter look on his face.

"I can't understand what you are saying. My Yinhua lawyer will come here soon. Before the lawyer arrives, I have the right not to answer your questions." Abe Gou San has no intention of admitting that the organization attacked the umbrella things.

"Let me tell you, it's useless even if your lawyer comes. We will prosecute with crimes of endangering public security, assault and other crimes. You will stay in my Yanhuang prison for the rest of your life." After saying something dejectedly, he was about to leave the interrogation room.

"who are you?"

"Ah bang bang"

But at this moment, there was a burst of gunfire outside the interrogation room, as well as several painful screams.

"What happened?" The police officer's expression changed, and he hurriedly took out the walkie-talkie and asked, but only a blind voice answered him.

"It's been so many days, and I'm finally free!" Abe Gouzan had a sneer on his face.

A bang!
The door of the interrogation room was slammed open by a huge force, and several black-clothed men with samurai swords rushed in. When they saw the two police officers in the room, their murderous intent flashed, and the samurai swords rushed in. As soon as he moved, with the shadow of a knife that ordinary people couldn't see, before the two police officers had time to fight, there was a bloodstain on their necks, and they lost their vitality and collapsed to the ground.

"President, please punish your subordinates for being late in the rescue!" The leader of the man in black said in Japanese, kneeling in front of Abe Gosan.

"Don't talk too much, get me out quickly." An Begousan said eagerly.

During the several months in the prison, An Beigousan suffered unbearable hardships. Although all the prisoners in the prison are prisoners, there are many angry youths. When they know that he is from the Japanese country, it is inevitable that he is a After a lesson, people with special hobbies have developed some parts for him. These days, if Abe has not insisted on hope, I am afraid that he would have ended up on his own.

"Umbrella, Li Yu, you wait for me, I will never let you go, absolutely!" There was strong hatred in An Beigou's three eyes.

"Secretary, it's not good. The Japanese who organized the attack on the umbrella was taken away, and all the ten remaining police officers in the prison died." The police officers of the prison system hurriedly reported.

"They can't escape very far, issue a wanted warrant and search the whole city, absolutely can't let this guy escape!"

For a while!
City C, which brought C city to the top due to the prosperity of the umbrella, set off another wave because of Abe's escape.

Bansai Company, a conference room, if it was the past, the senior management of Bansai should be sitting in this conference room, but at this moment, it is surprising!

None of the people here are managers in suits and ties. There are bald, tattooed, and smoking everywhere. There are about thirteen or four people, and almost every face has a fierce look. At first glance, these people are not good characters.

"Welcome everyone to Bansai!" Lied and Harrison sat side by side at the main seats in the conference room, looking at the people present with a smile on their faces.

"Foreigner, stop talking nonsense, talk about something, we don't have time to waste time with you." A bald man said arrogantly.

"Let's talk, you have invited all of our well-known assassin organizations from Yanhuang, who do you want to deal with? How much will it cost?" The others didn't intend to talk to Lie Duo, and they spoke directly.

They don't like to make a living as a knife, only money is the theme!

"Everyone is worthy of being the well-known assassin organization of Yanhuang, you really did it!" After being scolded by these fierce people, although Lie De was angry, he did not explode, but praised very quietly.

"Then I won't talk nonsense, I hope you will take action against Li Yu, and the price will be [-] million Yanhuang coins!" Liede said coldly.

At this moment, the birth of the umbrella mobile phone system has captured the entire Yanhuang users at once. The major mobile phone manufacturers have interrupted the contract with Ban Sai and selected the umbrella mobile phone system. This action has already made Ban Sai lose Most of Yanhuang's market has been wiped out. If this continues, Yanhuang will have no place for them!
For this reason, their plan to deal with the umbrella that should have been brewing for a long time was launched in advance! !

(End of this chapter)

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