I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 196 The Right to Execute the Enemy

Chapter 196 The Right to Execute the Enemy

"Do you think I'm stupid, or are we all stupid?" said the bald man who spoke before.

"What is Li Yu's identity? The president of Tangtang Umbrella Group, worth tens of billions, and has a formal security company under his command. You bid [-] million to make us work for you? Are you kidding?" the bald man said.

"Yes, Umbrella Security Company legally holds guns. We used to be afraid that we would be shot into bullet holes before we saw Li Yu." Others also spoke out one after another, looking at Lied with disdain.

"Hehe, it seems that you are all experts. It was a joke just now, please don't take it seriously." Lie De laughed awkwardly, his tone very weak.

"One billion Yanhuang coins, we bid one billion Yanhuang coins, as long as Li Yu can be killed, of course, if you can capture Li Yu alive, the price will be even better." Harrison raised his big hand and said loudly.

"One billion, that's about the same." The bald man nodded in satisfaction.

The others also nodded, expressing satisfaction with the number.

"Everyone here is the leader of the well-known assassin organization in Yanhuang. We must have our own plans for the assassination and sneak attack, so we won't say much. In short, we have only one goal for you, who can kill it. Li Yu, whoever brings back Li Yu's head will own one billion Yanhuang coins." Lie De slapped the table violently.

"Okay, I'll kill you. Within ten days, I promise you will see Li Yu's head." The bald man's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Blood killing, don't talk too much, let's use our own methods," the leaders of other killer organizations said. In the eyes of these killer leaders, money is everything.

"All the well-known killer organizations in Yanhuang have taken action, Li Yu, you're not dead this time!" Seeing the fight between the killer leaders in front of him, Harrison's eyes glowed ferociously.

Umbrella Building!The president does it!
"Boss, I just received the news that Bansai Company has secretly summoned the major killer organizations in Yanhuang, probably to deal with you." Wu Peng rushed to the president's office and said eagerly.

As an umbrella group with tens of billions of assets today, it is no longer a small company that didn't even know all kinds of information. Although the actions of Bansai Company are secret, they are not an impenetrable wall.

Harrison, Lieder, they never imagined that this place is Yanhuang, Yanhuang who belongs to Yanhuang people is not something outsiders can play around with!
"Well, I got it!" Li Yu was staring at the computer, processing various documents waiting for instructions, and nodded to understand the situation of the class competition reported by Wu Peng.

"Boss, what should we do? Should we fight back against Ban Sai?" Seeing Li Yu's calm expression, Wu Peng was in a hurry.

"The birth of the BHS first-generation system is the best counterattack against Bansai. In a few months, when all mobile phones equipped with the umbrella system are on the market, Bansai will face ruin." Li Yu said lightly.

"But they invited many famous killer organizations from Yanhuang! They are all vicious people." Wu Peng was still worried about Li Yu's personal safety.

"What do you think of the strength of the original dragon group superhumans?" Li Yu withdrew his gaze from the computer, and looked at Wu Peng seasonedly.

"Very strong, very strong, he is no longer a human!" Wu Peng's expression froze, remembering the scene when the dragon group and the Yinhua group fought against supernatural beings, the sword was flying, if it was like a sci-fi movie, Wu Peng felt Horrified.

Among the protective umbrellas, only Wu Peng has had close contact with the level of supernatural beings, and other high-ranking officials have not yet come into contact. This is also Li Yu's deliberate effort. After all, it is not yet time for them to contact.

"In my eyes, I can kill the team of dragons by myself. Do you think those ordinary killers can kill me?" Li Yu smiled coldly and said confidently.

Li Yu, who has broken through to the third-order ability user, can be said to have doubled his strength. Although it is not the end of the world at this stage, and there is no opponent, Li Yu can clearly feel the violent power contained in the body. The strength of dual-line ability users is increasing. It is not that simple of.

"Boss, what you said is right, but it is inevitable that those killer organizations have some calculations, two fists are hard to beat four hands." Wu Peng still persuaded, as if he wanted Li Yu to be prepared.

"Okay, I know you're worried about my safety."

"During this period of time, I will stay in the building and not go out, and the company's major executives are the same. They can only stay in the company in the near future and are not allowed to go out." Li Yu thought for a while and decided.

"Boss, I'm going to mobilize the security and defend the building with all my strength!" Wu Peng nodded with satisfaction. As the head of the security company, he was born to protect Li Yu and the group.

"Wait a minute!" Li Yu suddenly stopped Wu Peng.

"Boss, do you have anything else to order?" Wu Peng said.

"Have the defensive weapons I asked you to purchase last time been installed in the building?" Li Yu asked with concern.

"I do things, don't worry, the 35th floor of the Umbrella Competition, each floor has enough defenses against the enemy, crossbows, firearms and ammunition, all controlled by computers, as long as there is an enemy who dares to set foot on my umbrella building, Keep them alive or dead." Wu Peng sneered.

"Red Queen!" Li Yu nodded and called to the camera in the corner.

"Master, what are your orders?" At the camera, the data projection of the Red Queen floated directly in the air. This artificial intelligence is not an artificial intelligence that can be developed in this era. It has enough data capabilities. Inside the umbrella building, even Umbrella other industries, as long as there is data transmission, the red queen can be displayed.

"Control the defense system of the building!" Li Yu ordered.

"Yes!" The red queen's digital projection flashed, and after about 3 minutes, the red queen's projection reappeared: "Master, the 35th floor inside the building is fully controlled by the defensive fire control system. As long as the master gives instructions, you can fire at any time." !"

"I will give you the right to execute against the enemy. Anyone who is not an employee of my umbrella and has malicious intentions towards the group can be killed according to the situation!" Li Yu opened the authority for the red queen.

"Accept authority, control the right to execute the enemy!" The Red Queen reported like an electronic voice.

"This is Wu Peng, the person in charge of security, who is responsible for dealing with intruders. You must fully cooperate with him against the enemy!" Li Yu said.

"Yes!" The Red Queen glanced at Wu Peng and nodded.

"Wu Peng, in the next period of time, in addition to protecting the safety of employees, security members will also have to use the Red Queen to deal with intruders. You need to pay attention!" Li Yu said.

"Boss, I understand that there is artificial intelligence to protect the building, and those killer organizations can destroy as many intruders as they come." Wu Peng rubbed his hands a little excitedly. He was still a little worried about the arrival of the killer organization. After arriving in the red, on the contrary, I was somewhat looking forward to the arrival of the killer organization.

Come and die! !
(End of this chapter)

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