I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 197 The Killer Attacks

Chapter 197 The Killer Attacks

Umbrella security company, training base.

This place was densely packed with people, all standing neatly in place, and the leader was Wu Peng.

Looking at the hundreds of security personnel in front of him, they are all elites of the security company, and they are all veterans with extraordinary skills who have crawled out of the hail of bullets.

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

Holding a miniature submachine gun, Wu Peng stood in front of the crowd, scanning the security personnel.

"emegency notice!"

Wu Peng said in a serious voice: "I just received the password from the BOSS. From now on, the entire Umbrella Company will enter the S-level alert!"

"What happened?"

As soon as Wu Peng said the words, there was a little commotion below, and the faces of all the security team members present had a bad look, S-level security level, for these veterans who walked through the hail of bullets, of course they knew mean something.

But soon, the team returned to the previous calm appearance, but their hearts were all raised.

S-level security, which means that the company may face a huge threat.

"I know you are all confused." Wu Peng glanced at these people and said, "I can tell you that the opponent you are facing this time will be Yanhuang's famous killer organization, and you may also know some of them, so you must always Be vigilant!"

"This security operation is about the life and death of Umbrella Corporation, you must keep your spirits up!"

"Action now!"

As soon as the voice fell, the standing crowd immediately divided into organized groups and ran quickly in all directions.

Outside the umbrella company, from a distance, one after another security guards stood in front of the company with guns in hand, and all personnel entering and exiting had to go through strict checks.

Umbrella Building, President's Office

"Boss, all the security personnel have been arranged and distributed in every corner of the company." After arranging the security matters, Wu Peng immediately came to the president's office to report.

"Let them cheer up!" Li Yu was standing by the transparent glass window at the moment, looking down, where rows of security personnel in black uniforms could be clearly seen.

"Yes, I have already arranged it," Wu Peng nodded and said, "Facing so many top killer organizations, these security personnel may not be their opponents, so tell them to introduce the enemy into the building if necessary, and the Red Queen will Assist in processing."

"This is the best." Li Yu nodded and smiled. At the beginning, Li Yu just wanted to use these intruders to test the ability of the Red Queen.

He didn't worry about whether those Yanhuang killers could come here at all, just the security arranged outside, the assistance of the Red Queen and the defensive weapons installed inside were enough for these people to eat, even if they came here, so what ?With your own strength, you don't need to be afraid at all.

Not far from the Umbrella Building, a number of black cars were parked on the side of the road, and pairs of eyes in the car were staring at their target, the Umbrella Building!

"It seems that Li Yu already knew about our operation and prepared in advance." In a black car at the front, there were Lied, Harrison and a man with a bald head and big ears.

"So what if we know?" The bald man snorted coldly, glanced at the security guards with guns in front of the Umbrella Building, and said, "You want to stop us with these trash?"

"As expected of Yanhuang's famous killer," Harrison clapped his hands with a smile and said, "If you don't have two brushes, how can you claim to be a famous Yanhuang's killer?"

The bald man snorted coldly, he was already a little annoyed by hearing Harrison's words, and ignored the two of them.

A few cars were parked quietly on the side of the road.

Umbrella Building, President's Office!
"Boss, look, these black cars" Wu Peng has been paying close attention to the few black cars not far from the Li Building from the very beginning, and he is very suspicious.

"You underestimated them." Li Yu looked at the number of black cars on the monitor screen and said: "If the famous killer of Yanhuang is discovered by others because of his stupidity, he will not be alive."

"You mean?" Wu Peng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Is this their trick?"

"if not?"

It was gradually getting dark, and the night was shrouded in murderous intent.

"The dead are coming"

Wu Peng stared at the monitor screen, the windows of those black cars were closed tightly, and there was no movement after they came, but he was surprised when he heard Li Yu's words.

"You don't need to go see it, there are not many people coming down from above." Li Yu said with a cold smile: "The real Lord is coming soon."

Li Yu's voice just fell, and the voice of the Red Queen sounded at this moment.

"BOSS, they are coming!" The camera in the corner turned, and the data transmission of the Red Queen's figure appeared in the air. The Red Queen controls the umbrella company, and naturally every move of this building is under her surveillance. If there are illegal personnel intruding into it, the Red Queen will be able to detect it immediately.

Sure enough, on the three-dimensional image of the building controlled by the Red Queen, a group of people in black casual clothes were sneaking in from the other end of the building.

They thought they had fooled the security personnel, did not cause any disturbance, and did not expose themselves, but in fact, their every move had long been under Li Yu's monitoring.

"Wu Peng, notify all the security guards and start taking action." Li Yu glanced at the stereoscopic image and signaled Wu Peng to take action.

"Attention all teams, the intruders have entered the strike range, and are always ready to fight." Wu Peng immediately ordered and said into the walkie-talkie.

The real security elites have long been arranged by Wu Peng to enter the building, and the outsiders are just ordinary security personnel, just putting on a show.

"Remember what I said to you?" Li Yu said, turning to the red queen in the air.

"Yes, BOSS, the building's security defense system has been activated, you have authorized the execution of the enemy, and everything is under control." The Red Queen reported like a machine.

"Let's start." Li Yu said coldly.

At the same time, all the exits of the Umbrella Building were completely closed at the same time, leaving only the eye-catching sign of the Umbrella.

The Umbrella Building is now equivalent to a tight iron cage, and no one can open it without Li Yu's order.

At this moment, the lowest end of the Umbrella Building
"People in front stop!" A row of security personnel stood in front, watching a group of people in black casual clothes walking not far away.

"Security?" The bald man in the lead glanced at the security personnel in front of him and said with a disdainful smile, "A bunch of trash!"

"Please stop advancing immediately! Otherwise, you will be killed!" The serious voice of the security personnel said again.


As soon as the words fell, a crisp gunshot resounded in everyone's ears.

(End of this chapter)

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