I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 198 The Great War

Chapter 198 The Great War

As soon as the words fell, a crisp sound resounded in everyone's ears.

A pig-killing scream followed.

"This is a warning!"

The security captain held a heavy crossbow and issued a warning with a hissing sound. Before that, they had already received Wu Peng's instructions, and their goal was to eliminate these killers.

The killers were obviously taken aback, they didn't expect that the security team members in front of them would dare to attack them, in their view, these people were like ants to them, nothing to be afraid of.

"You dare to do it, I think you are tired of work." Among the killers, a man with a machete moved quickly, and rushed towards the security team at a high speed.

"Attack, attack!"

The security personnel yelled orders, and as soon as the words fell, before everyone could react, the black-clothed killers had already rushed forward.

The ear-piercing sounds of battle sounded from the bottom of the building, the heavy crossbows in the hands of the security personnel, and the vibrations of ordinary guns became faster and faster.

The perimeter of the Umbrella Building.

The powerful sound of fighting sounded, and the security guards guarding the outside of the building were stunned for a moment, and then they reacted immediately, all of them looked dignified, and all of them entered the state of wartime alert, looking for the source of the movement.

However, what made them a little puzzled was that, following the movement to find the past, they were actually inside the Umbrella Building.

"what happened?"

"Someone invaded?"

People kept reacting, and when they wanted to enter it for support, they found that the entrance had already been sealed.

"Attention, BOSS order, your task is to guard the perimeter, the situation inside the building has nothing to do with you, from now on, everyone will enter the S-level wartime alert state, ready to fight at any time!"

Just when the peripheral security team members were puzzled, Wu Peng's serious order came from their electronic communication equipment.

"All enter the S-level alert state!"

The ground floor inside the Umbrella Building.

Among the many security guards, the man with the scimitar came up to a security team member in just a few figures, with a sneer on his face and a cold killing intent in his eyes. A colored liquid sprayed out from the security guard's neck, and he collapsed to the ground.

It was so fast, and in such a short period of time, several people quickly eliminated a well-trained security team member.


Seeing his teammates fall to the ground, a security team member suddenly became angry, and turned his weapon to attack the machete man ferociously.

In just a moment, that person collapsed to the ground just like the previous security guard, with his throat cut by Scar.


The security team members dispersed in all directions. They had already realized the gap between themselves and the group of people in front of them, so they dispersed to minimize the probability of casualties.

These security personnel are all elite veterans selected by the umbrella company. Each of them is a well-trained soldier, far from being comparable to ordinary security personnel, but in front of this group of famous killers In front of it, it seems to be a bit worse.

"Captain, what should we do, their melee combat is too powerful!"

Although relying on the advantages of weapons, the number of people suppressed the opponent at home, but facing the attacks of this group of killers, each of them was extremely fast, they still had no way to start, and they could only pin their hopes on the weapons in their hands.

However, this is not the solution after all!

"Take the wounded brothers and withdraw from the battle!" The security team known as the captain waved his hand and ordered decisively, while roaring at the killers again.

"Scar, what do you think we should do?" Among the killers, a woman with an enchanting figure looked at a bald man, as if signaling him to find a way.

Because of the frantic defense of the security guards, they are all hiding behind the bunker at the moment. Although they are powerful, their bodies cannot withstand the fierce firepower. If they go out at this time, they will only be beaten into sieves and shot into hedgehogs by countless heavy crossbow arrows.

"Does this make it difficult for me?" The bald man known as Scar sneered coldly, and then took out the fireworks and firecrackers that he had prepared a long time ago from his arms. For the bounty of one billion Yanhuang coins, Scar has already Go all out.

"If I'm not fully prepared, how can I come here to take your life? Li Yu, I'm going to take your head!" Bundles of the most common fireworks.

In Yanhuang, the control over all kinds of weapons is very strict, even if Scar and these people are killer organizations, it is impossible to get weapons.

"Hmph!" Dao Scar laughed ferociously, ignited the firecracker in his hand, and threw it at the defensive security.

Bang, bang!
The bright fireworks exploded directly. Although the lethality was not strong, it was still very painful, causing panic to the defending security personnel! !

In the lobby on the ground floor, there were only puffs of charred smoke drifting towards the surroundings, and for a while, there was chaos in front of the entire building.

"Damn it!" Many security guards felt attacked by the flames and could only dodge.

"This is the time! Let's do it, brothers!" Taking advantage of the firework's offensive, dozens of killers came out from behind the bunker, raised their sharp knives one after another, and killed the surrounding security guards.

"another one!!"

While speaking, the scarred man's frenzied smile appeared on his face, a firecracker was ignited, and he shot forward from his hand again. For a moment, the entire umbrella building was surrounded by smoke. People who didn't know thought what happened For a festive event, umbrellas set off fireworks to celebrate.

Umbrella Building, President Office.

"Boss, we were careless." Standing in front of the computer, Wu Peng watched the fierce fighting scene on the screen, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

"These people can't be said to be top-level killers, but they are among the best. Although the security guards are veterans with rich experience, there is still a gap compared to them. The point is that they are shameless and thought of using fireworks."

Li Yu had expected this a long time ago, he didn't panic at all, he seemed to be very stable, but he was very speechless about the use of fireworks by Dao Scar and others.

"Let them withdraw, and leave the rest to Queen Red."

Li Yu already had countermeasures in his mind. The security system of the Umbrella Building is no longer as fragile as it was at the beginning. It is easy to deal with this group of people by activating artificial intelligence.

"Okay boss." After hearing Li Yu's order, Wu Peng nodded and said.

"Boss, I suggest introducing them into the defense system, which will save us unnecessary trouble!" The image of the Red Queen appeared through data transmission.

"Don't ask me, I have granted you the right to execute the enemy, I am just a spectator." Li Yu smiled, what these words mean is that everything is managed by the Red Empress Wu Peng, and he will not interfere, he wants to see only the final result.

But hearing the internal defense system, Li Yu was a little excited. As long as you go in there, you will die. No matter how powerful you are, you will be sieved by crazy attacks in the end, because no one can escape the dense storm.

"Good boss!"

The Red Queen and Wu Peng looked at each other and nodded.

Ground floor of the Umbrella Building.

The Yanhuang killers, who relied on the scarred man's smoke bomb to regain the situation, frantically showed their ferocity in their hands at this moment, as if they wanted to wipe out those security guards completely.

At this moment, the security team members were forced to escape in all directions due to the chaos caused by the fireworks. They hid behind the bunkers that were not affected by the fireworks, and they were very passive.

(End of this chapter)

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