I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 199 The Red Empress Starts

Chapter 199 The Red Empress Starts
"Hurry up, whoever kills Li Yu can get one billion Yanhuang coins, and take Li Yu's head to receive the reward!" The bald man in the Bansai meeting room who spoke officially that day killed blood, and at this moment he is holding The weapon picked up from the ground was aimed straight ahead, attacking the security team members hiding behind the bunker.

"This billion is mine!"

"I want [-] million!"

"I'm big!"

"Ha ha!"

Xuesha and a group of killers laughed, with a fierce look, they kept advancing the distance. Even though the security team was well-trained, under such a violent attack, it was inevitable that they would be injured. It is possible to escape backwards, but it is better than the ending where the killers are killed directly.

It's not that the security of the umbrella is weak, but that those who fight against the killer are the most ordinary security guards, responsible for luring the killer into the urn.

At the same time, the security control center of the Umbrella Building.

"The second team listened to the order, received the combat equipment, and all rushed forward to cooperate with the first team to evacuate! Xiao Yao led the first team to attack and suppress from the front!" Wu Peng ordered at the moment to the team members who were ready to go.

"The third team listened to the order, received the combat equipment, and carried out a suppressive attack from the rear. After the first team safely evacuated, drive the enemy into the security defense area. Luo Feng, you lead the third team to carry out the mission!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yao and Luo Feng were immediately ordered to lead a team and began to quickly collect combat equipment.

Due to reasons known in advance, Li Yu ordered that part of the combat weapons be transferred from the Security Department to the Temporary Response Department of the Umbrella Building.

The two teams quickly changed their equipment and were equipped with the best sophisticated weapons.

"Report, all personnel and equipment have been replaced, and I ask the captain for the next step!" At this moment, Xiao Yao and Luo Feng led the two teams to stand in front of Wu Peng, staring at the front and said sharply.

"Announce the BOSS order now, enter the battle immediately, and help each other to destroy the enemy!" Wu Peng waved his big hand, and then the two teams rushed in different directions. At this moment, after the killer went deep into the building, he had successfully lured the snake into the urn. , Umbrella security finally took out his trump card, an orthodox and legal security team member!
"The security of the umbrella is too bad, what is Li Yu doing, a bunch of shrimp soldiers and crab generals!" At this moment, Xuesha had a hideous smile on his face, picked up the weapon from the ground, and was heading towards a security team member who was hit in the leg walk over.

But he didn't know that he had been locked by a security guard's cold eyes!

"Let me end your life!" Xue Sha smiled coldly, and the weapon in his hand was about to show murderous intent at the security guard.

"call out!"

A loud sound came from the front, and Xuesha's hand that was about to pull the trigger was shot through by a shuttle arrow at this moment, and blood spurted out instantly.

"my hand!"

A shrill cry resounded through the entire hall on the ground floor. Even Wu Peng, who was standing in the temporary command post on the second floor, heard the scream like a pig-killing pig, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but sneer.

"You want to kill the boss, this is the price!"

"Attention! The first security team, please evacuate immediately and enter the safe passage!"

"The security team of the first team led the wounded to evacuate quickly and enter the safe passage!"

At this moment, a group of troops led by Xiao Yao joined the battle, and the weapons in everyone's hands were continuously roaring towards the invaders.

A team of more than thirty security guards held weapons, aimed at the invading killer in front, and attacked frantically, with more violent gunfire roaring than before.

"There's an ambush!" When these killers were still immersed in the raging enjoyment before, they couldn't react in time, and several of them were hit on the vital points by the fierce blows from the roar, and they collapsed to the ground with blood and flesh, which was horrible.

"Hurry up and hide, there is an ambush!" The moment the gunshots sounded, the killers who reacted faster had already reflected and quickly hid behind the bunker.

"Support is here! Retreat quickly!" The first group of security captain roared, leading a group of security team members and the wounded to evacuate.

After this sudden support, there were less than 20 assassins left, and most of the seemingly invincible group was now lying in a pool of blood.

"Fuck, fight them!" Xue Sha picked up the weapon in his hand, and wanted to turn around and fight back.

"Attention, the second team began to retreat, and the third team fired from the rear to drive the target into the strike range of the security system!" Wu Peng ordered through the walkie-talkie.


Xiao Yao and Luo Feng responded at the same time, then Xiao Yao led the second team to retreat along the route when they came, and Luo Feng began to drive violently from behind.

"Blood killer, we can't wait any longer. As soon as the front retreated, the rear came up. We are surrounded by them now! We must find a way to break through!" The face of the previous woman was already covered with blood.

"It's really careless this time!" Xuesha and a group of people have dignified expressions on their faces at the moment. They thought it would be enough to lurk into the building and get close to Li Yu to kill them, but they didn't expect to be exposed from the beginning.

"Okay, listen to you, start to break out, and break out forward!" Xuesha seemed to have made up his mind.

"Attention! The first team of security personnel began to retreat and enter the safe passage!"

"The security team of the first team evacuated quickly and led the wounded into a safe passage!"

"All the security personnel are hidden, and the defense is tight, and no intruder can be allowed to escape!"

Wu Peng's voice rang in the ears of all the security team members at this moment.

"Yes!" Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, Li Qiba, and the captains of all sizes responded at the same time, and all security members began to deploy their defenses in an orderly manner.

Just after all the security guards left for a head-to-head confrontation with the killer!
"Red Empress, it's time for you to perform!" Wu Peng said to a camera in the corner of the room where he was, with a sinister smile on his face.

"BOSS!" After giving the order, Wu Peng cast his eyes on Li Yu who was aside.

"Attention all employees of the umbrella department. There are intruders entering the building. All employees are waiting in the safe room. Don't leave!" Li Yu picked up a walkie-talkie, and the voice sounded on every floor of the building.

"The Red Queen accepts the order!" The data projection of the Red Queen appeared in various parts of the building.

At the same time, the major killer organizations have gone through all kinds of troubles, and most of the elite killers who died have only broken into the second floor of the Umbrella Building, and they are still surrounded by the regular security personnel of the Umbrella, so they can only hide on the second floor. Inside the corridor bunker, you can't enter or retreat.

It can be said that the ending of these killers is already a narrow escape situation!
"Damn it, I can't escape!"

"If I knew that the umbrella was so difficult to deal with, I wouldn't be greedy..." Among the eight remaining people, several elite killers were very regretful.

"Let's talk nonsense, we have reached this point. We have only two ways now, either kill Li Yu and get the bounty, or stand out from the encirclement and kill him!" Xue Sha said viciously, obviously, killing Li Yu is no longer practical , they have only one way, and that is to break through.

But when these killers were discussing the next step, they didn't realize that a camera had locked them in the corner of the corridor where they were hiding!
"The intruder is locked, a total of eight people, the degree of danger, A-level! The way to deal with it, kill and execute!"

"The viewing authority has been granted by the President of the Umbrella with the highest authority! You can kill it!"

 PS: There are a lot of restrictions on heavy weapons in the country, and the last one was blocked for this reason, so in the future, heavy weapons will be stricter in the country, but don’t worry, everyone will leave the country soon.

(End of this chapter)

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