I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 200 Sweeping Out Groups of Enemies

Chapter 200 Sweeping Out Groups of Enemies
"Look, what is that!" Just as the killers were discussing how to break through, one of them saw a girl in a red dress floating in the air not far away.

"Fuck, she doesn't want to live anymore!" Xuesha still had so much control over there at the moment, so don't get angry, he picked up the weapon in his hand and aimed at Honghou, and then attacked.

"Passed through? Are you okay?" Xuesha couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes when he punched out. A ray of fire directly passed through the body of the Red Queen. The Red Queen was still flying in the air without being affected a little hurt.

"Obtain the highest authority and execute the right to execute the enemy!"

"Kill the invading target!"

The red queen, who was suspended in the air, stared at the killers hiding behind the bunker in front of her, ready for the next move at any time.

"Damn, what is this!"

"What the hell is in here?"

At this moment, the nerves of Xue Sha and the group of people were already in a state of numbness. They only wanted to break through, but the sudden appearance of the red queen in front of them really stimulated their nerves again.

"I can't control that much anymore, break through!"

Xue Shazai, who was hiding behind the bunker, couldn't hold back his temper. He looked around and saw that there were no security guards. He let out a wild roar and ran towards the outside of the corridor, followed by a group of people.


"The target has entered the strike range of the security system, execute the kill!"

After Xuesha and others stepped out of the corridor, they entered the strike range of the Red Queen's security system, but how could they know the danger they were facing at this moment.

"here is?"


The killers who had just come in with the blood saw that the place in front of them was empty and there was nothing. That's right, this was the third floor. Because of the pre-processing, everything here was removed.

And here is also the final strike range of the security system.

"Why is there no one?"

"what should I do now?"

After a few people entered, they originally wanted to use firepower to attract a few security team members, so as to make time for themselves to leave, but when they entered here, they found that there was nothing here.

"There are pursuers behind, why not go up first, there is nothing here, once the fire - it will be very bad for us, there is no place to hide."

Several people exchanged glances and decided to leave here and find a place with many hidden objects.

"Da da!"

Just when a few people wanted to leave here, a few black gun holes protruded from the exit not far away, aiming down, sparks splashed everywhere.


"We were fooled! There is an ambush here!"

After being driven back, several people realized at this moment that their being driven here was premeditated, and it was a trap.

"That's right, you're right!" A playful laugh came from above.

"There are people above! Attack!"

A few people immediately became vigilant, the weapons in their hands aimed upwards, and their eyes followed the source of the sound. They pulled the trigger with their fingers, and a ferocious attack roared out, but in the end it seemed as if they had hit something hard~hard. There was a loud bang.

At the same time, all the lights in the dark hall were turned on, and several huge searchlights were shining on the people below.

Blinded by the sudden glare of the light, Xuesha and the others immediately blocked it with their hands, their eyes narrowed into slits, and it took a long time before they opened slowly.

"Everyone is a famous figure in Yanhuang."

A few people heard the reputation and looked at the top of the hall, Li Yu's figure appeared there, looking at them coldly from top to bottom.

"Want to leave after coming here? Where do you think my umbrella is?" Li Yu looked coldly at the few people below, as if he was looking at a few ants.

"You are Li Yu?" One of them rose into the air and wanted to attack Li Yu.

"If you kill you, you will get one billion Yanhuang coins!"

It's just that as soon as he said this, a sharp crossbow arrow shot out from above, directly piercing the man's eyebrows, and then the whole person fell down, blood flowing all over the ground.

"It seems that he still has energy." Li Yu smiled coldly.

"Withdraw!" Seeing this, several people no longer wanted to take Li Yu's life, so they ran towards the exit randomly.


Before reaching the exit, several swarthy weapons were already aimed at the feet of several people, and the attacks were sprayed out mercilessly.

They are all well-known killers in Yanhuang, but they never thought that they would end up in such a dilemma today. If they were given another chance, they would not come to participate in this operation no matter what.

"Forget it, it's one death anyway, so why don't you take two!" Xue Sha roared, he didn't want to die so uselessly.

"That's right, I'll give you the Red Queen." Li Yu sneered, and walked outside without even looking at it.

"Execute the kill!"

There was a sound of mechanical movement, and the upper wall moved slowly, and then a dozen sharp crossbow arrows like ancient organs were pushed forward, and they were constantly revealed. Under the afterglow of the searchlight, the sharp arrows of the crossbow arrows emitted black The dazzling light then aimed at several people below.

"Shh, shh, shh!"

Hundreds of ruthless and icy crossbow bolts roared towards Xuesha and the others, covering the entire area, Xuesha and the others were unavoidable. In an instant, hundreds of crossbow bolts ruthlessly penetrated into their bodies, killing them all. They shot into hedgehogs, and Yin~hong's blood continued to spurt out from their bodies.

Now the defense system of the Umbrella Building is not only equipped with modern equipment, but also with ancient crossbow arrows. Once touched, it can kill infinitely.

In the future, after the protective umbrella has mastered the laser technology, purchase laser defense, and for any intruder, there is only one word, die!

Bright red blood gushed out like running water, dyeing the floor of the hall blood red.

"The target has been killed."

"Command executed successfully."


"All the invading forces have been wiped out!"

The voice of the Red Queen, like an electronic voice, is reporting the situation after the war.

"Xiao Yao, you lead the second security team to clean the building!" Wu Peng's voice came through the walkie-talkie.

"Luo Feng, you lead the third security team to deal with the aftermath!"

"Li Qiba, send our injured security personnel to the hospital for treatment!"

Wu Peng's orders came through the walkie-talkie one after another.

"Yes!" The three voices answered in unison, and then their respective leaders began to execute the assigned roles.

"Ask for instructions. We found intruders who still have signs of life, should they be treated?" Xiao Yao's voice sounded on the walkie-talkie. He didn't dare to make claims on these intruders, so he asked his superiors.

"Leave a few alive."

Li Yu's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Xiao Yao looked at the moaning intruders who still had a glimmer of life on the ground, and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. These people can be regarded as one of the best known killers in Yanhuang territory after all, but now they have fallen into such a situation.

Except for the intruders who were more conscious, all the rest who still had a trace of life were killed. This kind of treatment would take a certain amount of time, which did not match the plan Li Yu had in mind, and it would be useless to keep it.

The sharp saber in his hand was raised, shining coldly, locked on the unconscious intruder on the ground, and struck directly.

Pfft! !
"I'll give you two extra knives!"

(End of this chapter)

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