I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 201 How to Deal with Ban Sai

Chapter 201 How to Deal with Ban Sai
Umbrella Building, President's Office!
"Do you want to take care of these people?" Wu Peng was staring at the black cars on the monitor screen at the moment. It stands to reason that they also came to destroy them, but he didn't see any actions by these people.

"A group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals." Li Yu said lightly: "When they can't find the person sent tonight tomorrow morning, they will go back."

"For the security team members who died, 50 yuan of Yanhuang coins will be given to each of their families as a pension fee, and they will be distributed to their families. Be sure to do a good job in the aftermath!"

For these security team members who have worked hard for themselves, Li Yu will never let them feel cold in the ground, just because they have helped themselves, 50 is just a pension number, and their families and children will have umbrellas to take care of them in the future.

"Good BOSS." Wu Peng nodded. The compensation fee for the dead team members was paid even if Li Yu didn't say that he would pay it. After all, things have to be perfect. Umbrella is not an ordinary company. If you work hard for Umbrella Company, you will get corresponding rewards .

Umbrella Corporation will not treat everyone badly!

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Now that the invaders have been eliminated, the next thing is how to deal with Ban Sai.

"Didn't Ban Sai want my life? Then I will kill them this time!" Li Yu said with a sneer.

"What does BOSS mean?" Wu Peng has already guessed some of Li Yu's thoughts.

"The movement is so big this time, the police must have known it, even if they don't come to us, we have to go to them and report this action to the police." Li Yu said calmly, all this happened as early as he With a plan in mind, the purpose is to deal a fatal blow to Ban Sai!

"Boss, this time is different from the past. We may have to take certain risks!" Wu Peng said with some concern. It is a legal act of self-defense, but this time only the party with the umbrella is present, I am afraid that it will not gain the upper hand and cause trouble.

"This time is also a legitimate and legitimate self-defense act." Li Yu said calmly, with a confident expression on his face.

"We need enough evidence to convince the police!" Wu Peng said.

"The evidence has been prepared a long time ago, and I will push this attack to Ban Sai." A gloomy look appeared in Li Yu's eyes.

"Because the Umbrella Company's BHS system continues to occupy market share, Bansai's market share in mobile phones continues to shrink, so Bansai organized a premeditated assassination of the umbrella's top management, hoping to restore the situation that is on the verge of crisis. As a result, the Ban Sai was successfully defended by the Umbrella Security Company, and subdued within legal and legitimate means, successfully defending the safety of the senior personnel of the Umbrella.”

After Li Yu's touch, a set of clearer coping language was born in Wu Peng's mind.

"More than that, we also have to report to the police the deliberate input of system loopholes to collect money by Bansai Company. These people might not care about such behaviors before, but now we have sufficient evidence in our hands, and they have to deal with it." up"

"Is there evidence in the hands of the BOSS that Ban Sai used system loopholes to collect money?" Wu Peng said suspiciously. The company's disguise was very good, and there was no sufficient evidence, so Yanhuang's official organization also acquiesced to Ban Sai's behavior.

"Have you forgotten that a few months ago, Fang Ying, a senior executive of Bansai, came here and demanded a billion yuan in licensing fees?"

"Boss, where did you get the evidence?"

"Yes, the evidence is obtained. Bansai Fangying himself said that Bansai used system loopholes to collect money and extorted one billion licensing fees from my umbrella company."

"In this way, wouldn't it be possible to severely injure Ban Sai?" Wu Peng was a little excited when he thought of this.

"Will the class competition still exist after this time?" Li Yu smiled coldly.

"Red queen." Li Yu turned and said to the camera.

"BOSS, I'm here!" At the camera in the corner, I felt the figure of the red back summoned by Li Yu tremble, and floated in the air through data transmission.

"What orders does the boss have?" the Red Queen asked.

"Prepare the recordings of Bansai executives admitting to use system loopholes to collect money and blackmail our company that day, and then process the videos of the malicious attack that happened tonight from beginning to end, and hand them over to Wu Peng," Li Yu ordered. Order.

"Okay boss, it's being processed, and I'll hand it over to Mr. Wu Peng later." After receiving the order, the red queen looked at Wu Peng and nodded.

"Wu Peng, hold a press conference at the same time!"

"Yes!" Wu Peng responded.

Wu Peng vaguely felt that Ban Sai would be in great trouble this time!
The perimeter of the Umbrella Building.

Rows of security personnel standing neatly are constantly patrolling around with guns in their hands. The constant gunfire from inside the building makes their nerves tense. They believe that this time is definitely not a drill.

However, as time passed, nothing seemed to happen on the periphery.

"Attention, the peripheral security personnel lifted the S-level alert status, the battle is over!" Wu Peng's order was passed into the ears of each security team member from the walkie-talkie.


The security personnel who heard the order were obviously taken aback. From their point of view, it seemed that nothing had happened on the periphery, so it was over?

Until Wu Peng's order came to their ears again, these people believed that the alert was over.

At the same time, the red umbrella sign on the closed entrance of the Umbrella Building began to shine, and then the closed entrance began to slowly open.

The lobby on the first floor of the Umbrella Building.

The corpses of the intruders were neatly arranged in a row on the ground, some of which were already bloody, and each part was connected to a little bit of minced meat, and the fresh meat stained the surrounding area.

The peripheral security personnel who came in widened their eyes one by one, looking at the corpse on the ground with expressions of horror in their eyes, all of them were thinking about what happened inside the building.

Some peripheral security personnel with good eyesight actually saw those famous killers who had only seen on the Internet in these corpses, but at this moment, they were all lying quietly on the ground without moving.

"Report, the battlefield has been cleaned!" Xiao Yao came to Wu Peng and reported solemnly.

"Very well, no one is allowed to get close to the corpses. Put up a cordon around and wait for the police to arrive!" Wu Peng nodded and said with satisfaction. One of these corpses is for the police to see, and the other is to let the police The group of people in Ban Sai saw it.

These are the most powerful evidence!
Umbrella companies are inviolable!
 PS: Brothers, please subscribe and support a lot, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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