I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 202 Fear

Chapter 202 Fear
Inside several black cars parked not far from the Umbrella Building!

"It's been so long, I don't know what's going on inside." In the black car at the front, there were Lied and Harrison sitting. The bald man who was sitting in the car before the action He left the car without a sound.

"Did you hear the gunshots inside?" Harrison turned to look at the Umbrella Building and said with a smile.

"Of course I heard it, and it was very intense, but it's gone after a while!" Lied also said with a smug smile.

"Don't worry, they are all well-known killers in Yanhuang territory, and they have seen it before. After all, a billion Yanhuang coins are placed in front of them. Such a big temptation, how can there be no reason not to give up their lives?" Harrison showed an evil look on his face. Look, in his eyes, there is nothing in this world that money can't accomplish, as long as enough money is given, anything can be done.

"Li Yu, this time I think you are doomed!" Harrison said with a sneer.

"No, look at the security guards on the outside, how did they all go in?" Lied looked at the umbrella building, and from a distance, the umbrella was shining with red light, and the random door opened slowly, and there were all the security personnel on the outside entered the building.

"Haha, that's when they found out that their Li Yu was killed, so they ran to support and succeeded!" Seeing this scene, Harrison was so excited that he almost jumped out of the car, thinking that the umbrella group had lost Li Yu's root If they are under the leadership of the backbone, then they will no longer be able to confront Ban Sai. Soon after, this mobile phone market will be dominated by Ban Sai again.

"Really? Li Yu was finally killed!" Lied couldn't help getting excited when he heard Harrison say this.

While the two were cheering for killing Li Yu, the glass on the car door was knocked twice.

"Who is it?" Harrison and Liede looked at each other and said to the outside of the car.

Because of his vision, Harrison squinted his eyes and could only see the two slender legs standing in front of him, but he couldn't see the upper body and appearance of the legs.

Knocking on the car door at this time disturbed his interest. Harrison opened the car door angrily. He was about to yell at the person in front of him, but when he looked up and saw the face, his pupils frowned. , the whole person softened like a puddle of mud, his legs trembled, and the whole person leaned against the car body.

"Li, Li, Li Yu." Harrison's heart was beating wildly, and he looked at the man in front of him with a horrified expression, which was Li Yu.

Liede, who was sitting in the car, was about to come out with Harrison to find out who it was, but when he saw Harrison slump down on the car body and spit out the two words, Liede's legs immediately became weak. , his heart suddenly raised his throat, and he actually maintained a posture of sitting up and down.

After dealing with what happened internally, Li Yu decided to come over to greet Harrison and Lied who had been waiting for their news in the car for a long time.

"Mr. Harrison, what's the matter with you?" Li Yu stood in front of Harrison with a smile on his face, and asked in a tone that sounded concerned, but when he listened carefully, there was a bit of a strange feeling in that tone .

"Mr. Harrison, are you excited to see me? I didn't expect you to condescend to come to Yanhuang. I'm really honored!"

Li Yu continued to speak in that seemingly concerned but strange tone, biting heavily on the word condescending.

"No, no." Harrison shook his head quickly, with cold sweat on his forehead. At this moment, he was already scolding the so-called Yanhuang killers who had been sent there. Standing intact in front of your eyes?

"Mr. Lied is also in the car." Li Yu bent down and looked in the car and said, as an opponent, although Li Yu had never seen them face to face, he had seen the photos.

Seeing Li Yu's face, Lie sat down all at once, his eyes full of horror.

"I saw from the surveillance that your car has been here for a long time. Is there something important, or is there something wrong with your car?" Li Yu said, looking back intentionally or unintentionally. A few glances.

"There is no problem." Harrison swallowed and said, he could hear that Li Yu meant that he had been monitoring himself since he came here yesterday.

"If there is no problem, I suggest you drive away from here as soon as possible. Our umbrella security has just dealt with a group of terrorists who tried to attack us, and is now waiting for the arrival of the police." Li Yu waved his hand and said helplessly.

How could Harrison fail to understand what Li Yu meant? Didn't he tell himself that the people he sent out had been subdued by the security personnel of the umbrella?

"This place is too messy, I have to go back quickly." Harrison touched his forehead in cold sweat, then got into the car, started the car, stepped on the accelerator and sped forward.

The number of black cars in the rear remained motionless, as if everyone in the car had fallen asleep.

Li Yu stood where he was, looking at the black car going away, with a cold smile on his face
. . . . . .

Bansai Company, a small office, used to be the place where Lied and Harrison trained female subordinates, but today, the atmosphere in the office is surprisingly quiet!
Harrison and Lie drove back to the company as quickly as possible, helped each other into the office, and didn't care whether the cars that went with them followed or not.

In the office, Lied and Harrison were sitting on a chair each, with terrified expressions on both faces.

"Harrison, was that Li Yu just now?" Back in the office, Lied still couldn't believe what he saw just now.

"These bastards kept saying that they could solve Li Yu, but they failed in the end!" Harrison stood up angrily, picked up a valuable vase beside him and smashed it to the ground.

Lied blinked his eyes immediately, seeing the valuable vase smashed to the ground, his heart twitched for a while, but thinking of the current situation, he couldn't care less.

"If this is fine in normal times, but what Li Yu said is very clear, it is inevitable that we will not give us a confession if we have captured a few alive!" Harrison gradually calmed down, and said with a sad face, what he was most worried about was this, Once he is confessed by those bastards and pays for hiring murderers, then the umbrella company can use its name to suppress Ban Sai, and Ban Sai may collapse.

"Then what should we do? Should we contact Xunteng Company?" Lied thought for a while and said.

"What's the use of contacting them? In the end, I will be the one to take the blame!" Hudson said, swallowing.

"It's over, this time it's really over!"


(End of this chapter)

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