I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 203 Provide evidence against

Chapter 203 Provide evidence against
In the conference room, the atmosphere was unusually quiet, and the eyes of every official present were on Li Yu at this moment.

"Yes, what I want to talk about is the support of the forces behind these people!" Li Yu said solemnly.

"Then who are the forces behind these killers?" Fang Yanghui stared closely at Li Yu.

"According to our company's investigation, the assassination was done by the Bansai Group!" Li Yu said word by word in a heavy voice.


The expressions of all the officials present changed slightly, and Fang Yanghui's expression became even more serious at the moment.

He never thought that the Bansai Group would do such a frenzied thing, and even shoot a killer to assassinate the senior management of the umbrella!

"Yes, Mayor Fang." Li Yu said with a serious expression.

"Everyone here knows that the BHS mobile phone system newly developed by our company has occupied most of Yanhuang's mobile phone market once it was launched. The senior management of the Sai Group secretly summoned killers to assassinate the senior management of our company, hoping to save the company that is on the verge of collapse and regain the Yanhuang market!"

"That's why my company was attacked last night!"

Li Yu stared at the officials of all sizes in the conference room and said.

All the officials here are familiar with the commercial competition between Umbrella Company and Bansai Company, and they all know that Umbrella Company is gradually occupying the mobile phone market share, which has led to the continuous decline of Bansai Company's market share, but they did not expect that Bansai Company Sai Company will assassinate the top executives of the umbrella. The act of assassination alone is already a violation of the law, and this is no longer a legitimate business competition. Ban Sai Company is taking extreme measures!
"Li Yu, do you have sufficient evidence for what you said?" Mayor Fang Yanghui asked with a serious look, after a long moment of thought.

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't talk nonsense with everyone here!" Li Yu nodded and said calmly.

"Okay, show your evidence!" Fang Yanghui said.

"Everyone, don't worry." Li Yu smiled lightly and waved his hands.

Li Yu looked around, carefully looked at every official present, then took a long breath, stepped forward, and walked straight to the front of the conference room, as if to announce something.

"Now, as the highest-level president of the Umbrella Group, I will report and expose the Bansai Group to everyone!"

As soon as Li Yu's words came out, the people sitting in the meeting room immediately exploded.

"Quiet!" Fang Yanghui looked at these officials, and then at Li Yu in front, waiting for what Li Yu said next.

"Article [-], the Bansai Group conducts malicious commercial competition, uses unfair competition methods, conducts malicious personal attacks on the umbrella company, charges a huge amount of phone calls, hires killer organizations, and attacks our company, causing casualties and financial damage to our company. My Umbrella Security Department investigated, and the Bansai Company gave the killer a reward of one billion Yanhuang coins, based on my life, with only one purpose, to defeat the Umbrella Company!"

"Secondly, Bansai Company uses the loophole-compatible Bansai System to conduct unlimited monopoly to collect money. All electronic companies in Yanhuang want to pay huge fees to Bansai Company if they want to install software that adapts to the Bansai System. Not long ago, the senior management of Bansai Company Manager Fang Ying came to my umbrella company to ask for a huge authorization fee of one billion yuan, but my company refused and threatened in disguise. This behavior is a serious violation of the law and is seriously shameless!"

"I have prepared the evidence. The arrested killer has been sent to the hospital for treatment and is under strict monitoring. I also have the recording of Fang Ying extorting my company to pay a huge fee of one billion yuan. The witnesses and physical evidence are all ready. !"

"Wu Peng, bring the prepared evidence!" Li Yu said into the walkie-talkie.

"Good boss!"

As soon as the words were finished, the door of the meeting room opened, and Wu Peng walked in with a USB flash drive in his hand, walked straight to the front of the multimedia, and inserted the USB flash drive into it.

"Everyone wait a moment!"

"This is the video of the killer sneaking into our company last night and having a fierce battle with our security team." As he spoke, Wu Peng moved the mouse slightly, and a video was projected on the screen.

This video has long been processed by Red Queen, and some passages that are not suitable for publicity have been erased by Red Queen. With Red Queen's technological level, even the most advanced identification technology cannot identify this video. Did tricks.

From the beginning to the end of the video, the killers continued to torture and kill, and the security team fought back hard, and finally subdued the killers!
All the officials present watching this video were terrified. They were all people who sat in the office all day, with heavy fists in their hands. Where had they seen such a scene.

"This is the recording of Fang Ying, an executive from Bansai Company, blackmailing our company." Wu Peng moved his finger lightly, and a recording began to play.

In the audio, both Fang Ying's voice and Li Yu's voice are in it, and Fang Ying can clearly hear Fang Ying personally admitting that Bansai Company used system loopholes to collect money, and admitted a series of facts, and finally blackmailed Li Yu, and then threatened .

At this point, the recording playback ends.

"How do you feel?" Li Yu said with a smile as the two major pieces of evidence were put in front of everyone.

All the officials present swallowed secretly. It seemed that Li Yu was full of praise this time and wanted to deal a devastating blow to Ban Sai. At the same time, they all looked at Mayor Fang Minghui.

"It's disgusting!" Fang Minghui slammed his fist hard on the desk in the meeting room, and the water in the glass spilled out everywhere.

"This Bansai company is simply lawless. It dares to be so arrogant in my Yanhuang territory, and violates my Yanhuang law again and again. It is an unforgivable crime!"

Fang Minghui also knew the seriousness of this incident, so he simply made up his mind in his heart to set an example for everyone here, but for the behavior of Bansai Company, it is not just a show that can be forgiven!
"Since this is the case, please ask Mayor Fang and the leaders of relevant departments here to make the decision to protect the legitimate interests of my umbrella company!"

Li Yu is to let these people here punish Ban Sai's behavior.

"This Bansai company has reached such a point, I'm afraid it should be rectified vigorously." A thin official with a Mediterranean head said.

"Yes, we will fully cooperate with this rectification!" Another capable man in police uniform said.


All the officials present expressed their views one after another, expressing that they will severely punish Bansai Company!
(End of this chapter)

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