Chapter 204
"This matter is no small matter. We must investigate it thoroughly and get rid of this group of harmful insects from our city C! Moreover, the location of Bansai's company is not in C city. We must ask the official forces of the location of Bansai to cooperate!" Fang Yanghui said with a solemn expression.

"Immediately mobilize all forces. According to the existing evidence, the relevant departments will earnestly implement their corresponding responsibilities and thoroughly investigate this matter!" Fang Yanghui issued an order.

"In view of this sudden situation, Mr. Li Yu, can you use this meeting room as a temporary meeting group?" Fang Yanghui's meaning is very clear, he wants to conduct temporary work in this meeting room

"This is no problem!" Li Yu nodded and said, it is naturally best for Fang Yanghui to do this.

"Very well, all departments start to act!" Fang Yanghui gave an order, and the leaders of several relevant departments present immediately picked up their mobile phones and made calls one after another.


"Boss, it seems that this time Mayor Fang is determined to cooperate with us in fighting the class competition!"

In the president's office, Wu Peng sat on the sofa and looked at Li Yu standing by the window and said.

"What do you think? Fang Yanghui regards our umbrella as a temporary place to handle the case, which is enough to show his attention and importance to this matter." Li Yu said.

"Then what's the reason for their delay?" Wu Peng asked with some doubts.

"They are verifying the authenticity of things, and at the same time verifying the authenticity of the evidence we provide." Li Yu said that even if the umbrella provides more evidence, it will take a certain amount of time to convince them.

"Ban Sai, let me see what you guys do!"

Ban Sai Company, in an office.

"The bureau just got the news that Fang Yanghui used the umbrella as a temporary office, and a large number of government-related personnel are in it." Lied put down the phone, this is the news he just got.

"Are those killers alive?" Harrison is most worried about this. As long as there is one alive, if Li Yu and the others pry their mouths open, the consequences will be disastrous!
But they didn't realize at the moment that Ban Sai had fallen into the quagmire.

"As you expected, several survivors were indeed sent to the Central Hospital!" Reed said.

"Quickly, send someone to tell them that as long as they don't talk nonsense and bite us back, the one billion Yanhuang coins will be theirs!" Harrison said in a deep voice.

"It's useless. I've already sent someone to try it. The umbrella and the police are guarding outside the ward. Even if a fly flies in, it will be caught!" Lied shook his head, how could he not know what Harrison just said? said this method.

"Do you want to run away?" Reed said.

"Wait a little longer." Harrison said, frowning tightly.

"Notify the mercenaries sent by Umbrella and let them wait anytime!"

At the same time, the temporary office meeting room of the Umbrella Building.

Several staff members in police uniforms quickly walked into the conference room and walked towards Fang Yanghui.

"How's the investigation going?" Fang Yanghui's expression was extremely serious.

"The investigation is clear, mayor, after repeated appraisals by the technical department of our city, the recordings and surveillance videos provided by the umbrella company have not been processed at all!"

A police officer in uniform said, and handed the identification results in front of Fang Yanghui.

"Are you sure? There is no mistake?" Fang Yanghui said.

"Sure, there is no mistake!" The police uniform staff said with a serious expression.

"Mayor, the criminal investigation department of our city has also made a clear investigation. After repeated interrogation, the people who attacked the umbrella company are indeed killers in Yanhuang territory, and they all have a lot of background!" said another staff member in police uniform.

"Mayor, based on our understanding with the Administration for Industry and Commerce, it can be confirmed that the Bansai Group does rely on system compatibility loopholes to collect money. The reply given by the Administration for Industry and Commerce is that this behavior is not allowed by law. !"

"Mayor, during the investigation, we also found a problem, that is, the senior management of the Bansai Group seems to have contact with foreign mercenaries, and this group of mercenaries seems to be in our city C!"

"What!" This time it's the turn of the gongan hall~ the chief is angry, the problem of foreign mercenaries has not been once or twice, foreign mercenaries appear frequently, this should be the head of the department who should be punished, if he If he doesn't say anything, then he should be the one to step down next.

"There are also mercenaries. This Bansai Group is really courageous. It almost caught up with Lin Dongchu and his son. I thought Li Yu's words were a bit exaggerated, but I didn't expect that everything was right!" Fang Yanghui said The face is angry, this kind of thing has happened more than once under his hands, if it continues like this, will this C city still be C city?

Is my mayor still useful?

"It's time to check, it's time to catch, not a single pest will be let go!" Fang Yanghui slammed his fist on the conference table, staring straight at the table.

"Action to me immediately!" Seeing this, the chief of the public security department waved his hand and shouted the same!

President's Office of the Umbrella Building.

"Boss, just received the news that Fang Yanghui and the others have started to act!" The door opened, and Wu Peng walked in and said.

"Finally started to attack Ban Sai?" Li Yu said playfully.

"But BOSS, I heard from the official that the Bansai Company colluded with foreign mercenaries, the mercenaries of the Umbrella Company of the bio-warriors last time. This incident made Fang Yanghui very angry, and immediately ordered action!" Wu Peng Tell me all the news you heard.

"Umbrella!" Li Yu frowned. When Harrison appeared, Li Yu expected that Umbrella was going to attack him again, and the appearance of mercenaries was no surprise.

However, Li Yu also admires Umbrella's courage. He has never stopped in Yanhuang territory.

"Is it accurate that they are lurking in Ban Sai?" Li Yu asked.

"Absolutely accurate, I just got in touch with the intelligence person inside Bansai Company!" Wu Peng said.

"Collude with foreign mercenaries, coupled with their current situation, the next move should be to leave the country and escape abroad!"

"They must be preparing to escape from the situation. Immediately arrange for people to guard at the major airports, railway stations, docks and other places where they can leave here. Be sure to stop them, especially the group of mercenaries!"

At the same time, the Administration for Industry and Commerce.

"Check Bansai Company, freeze the company's business license, and suspend all their business activities!" A man in a black suit walked to the work desk and said.

"What's the matter, Brother Wang?" the employee asked.

"If you tell you to do it, do it, hurry up!" The man in the black suit lost his temper.

Seeing this appearance, the staff no longer dared to ask any more questions, and just nodded and began to operate quickly.

"Now I have received the order from above to seal up Bansai Company, Xiao Li, Xiao Chen, you guys follow me!" The man in the black suit turned and walked outside with a stack of documents in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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