I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 205 Acquisition of Bansai

Chapter 205 Acquisition of Bansai
"Let's go!" Harrison waved his hand, stood up, walked to a wall, and pressed his finger to an inconspicuous place in the corner.

Harrison pressed his fingers on it, and the wall was slightly sunken, and then the whole wall began to move slowly, and finally opened as a door. It was used, but it was a pity that he couldn't use it, and was used by Harrison later.

"Go!" After Harrison finished speaking, he was the first to go in, followed by the mercenaries.

After everyone walked in, the wall slowly returned to its normal state. There was no trace, not even a single gap could be seen. From the outside, it was impossible to find a secret door here.

A large number of police and armed police officers and soldiers entered the building at once, which naturally attracted the attention of many employees in the company.

"What is this fight for?"

"It's impossible to fight terrorism here."

Many employees chattered, they only saw this kind of attitude in American University ~ movies, or sci-fi war movies, and they didn't expect to see it in reality.

"You guys, maintain order here, confiscate their mobile phones and other electronic devices, and don't allow audio materials to be released!" The leading policeman ordered.

Soon, the police and armed police officers and soldiers came to the offices of Harrison and others.

The officers and soldiers of the armed police found a good position and were ready to break in at any time. The policemen on the side also took their guns and were ready to fight at any time.


With a gesture, the armed police broke into the door first, aiming their weapons at the inside, ready to strike at any time, but found that the room was empty, only Fang Ying and Lied lying on the ground were left.

"Another important one has escaped!" The police officer in charge cursed. The two most important people given in the information were Lied and Harrison. Now only Lied was left, but Harrison was nowhere to be found.

"Attention all units, the entrance and exit of the building are strictly sealed, and no one is allowed to enter or exit!"

"The target is missing. The target is missing, search closely!"

The police leading the team angrily continued to issue orders into the walkie-talkie.

Temporary office meeting room in the Umbrella Building.

Several people in police uniforms and people from the Administration for Industry and Commerce walked into the meeting room one after another.

"Is there any latest news?" Mayor Fang Yanghui asked while sitting on a chair.

"Mayor, we found Fang Ying and Lie De, who are high-level executives in Bansai, but we didn't see Harrison! He had fled before we went, and Fang Ying and Lie De were lying on the bed when we entered. The ground is in a coma, and it has been sent to the central hospital, and additional staff have been assigned to guard it." It was the policeman who led the team that reported.

"So, one escaped?" Fang Yanghui frowned.

"Yes!" The policeman lowered his head.

"Where's the news from the Industry and Commerce side?" Fang Yanghui looked at the people in black suits and said.

"Mayor, according to our investigation, Bansai Company has sold its stocks acutely a few days ago. Most of the stocks were converted into cash a day ago and deposited in a Swiss bank account. The funds from the Internet are also deposited in it, and the method is exactly the same as that of Lin Dongchu and his son back then, I am afraid that the money will not be recovered." The person from the industry and commerce said.

"These bastards have repeatedly done such things!" Fang Yanghui said angrily.

"How many casualties were there in this operation?" Fang Yanghui asked.

"Report, there were no casualties in this operation. With the assistance of the armed police force, they successfully entered the Bansai Building, but no foreign mercenaries were found!" said the police leader.

"Then, is there any collusion between the Ban Sai executives and the foreign mercenaries?" Fang Yanghui said.

"Mayor, this matter is still under investigation, but what is certain is that there are foreign mercenaries in Bansai Company, but their whereabouts are unknown!" said the police officer leading the team.

"Then the problem is, Bansai has become a hollowed out company again, with no funds at all, what about the employees' salaries?" Fang Yanghui said with a sad face.

Umbrella Building, President Office.

"Boss, the police operation is over!" Wu Peng walked in and said.

"Oh, what's the situation?" Li Yu turned around and asked.

"The police successfully captured Fang Ying and Lie De. It is said that they passed out when they were discovered, but they did not find any traces of Harrison and the mercenaries." Wu Peng also told what he knew. .

"The most important thing is to run away. This Harrison is really not easy." Li Yu shook his head, the expression on his face was a little ugly. After all, in Li Yu's heart, Harrison is a poisonous scorpion. It's not good to be nailed by a scorpion.

"Then Fang Ying and Liede are in the hands of the police?" Li Yu asked.

"Yes, Boss, these two people are being treated at the central hospital, and the officials are monitoring them," Wu Peng said.

"Is there any news about the people we sent out to those places at the airport?" Li Yu asked.

"Not yet!" Wu Peng shook his head, and the brothers sent out have not heard back so far.

"Tell me about the current situation of Bansai Group!" Li Yu said, he is most concerned about this.

"Boss, people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau said that Harrison and others sold out their stocks a few days ago and sold them all. At the same time, they also transferred the funds from the account of Bansai Company and deposited them all in the account of the Swiss bank. So now Bansai Company has been hollowed out, leaving only an empty shell." Wu Peng said in detail.

"Bansai Company has become a shell company through Harrison and others. It will definitely have a great impact. The payment of employees' wages, mobile phone manufacturers and software vendors will all come to make trouble. Here is an opportunity to intervene, and at the same time, the government will also freeze and seize the assets of Ban Sai's company, and the series of reactions will cause a great impact on society!" Li Yu analyzed bit by bit.

"What does BOSS mean?" Wu Peng already guessed seven or eight points in his heart.

"This time, the market value of Bansai Company will definitely fall to the lowest level. At the same time, the government also needs to deal with the social crisis brought by Bansai. I hope that at this time, just like the last acquisition of Donglin Group, let the Ministry of Commerce directly communicate with the government. , Put forward our plans and opinions, strive for a result that is beneficial to both parties and the society, take down the Bansai Group, and officially include it under the name of our umbrella group!" Li Yu said.

Bansai Group, as a large group and company that once occupied half of the mobile phone market in Yanhuang, even if its internal funds have been emptied, the basic industrial equipment and strength are still there. Incorporating Bansai into the umbrella group will undoubtedly greatly strengthen the umbrella The Group's strength in the handset market.

"Sister Yao, make arrangements and notify all departments of the group to make preparations. No matter what, we must take down Bansai Company. Remember, just like the acquisition of Donglin Group, it is a complete acquisition!!"

"Also, aren't they just below? Inform Huang Yao that she is the best at this kind of thing, let her take full responsibility, go over and talk to them!"

"This time, as long as I successfully annexed the Bansai company, plus the background of their Bansai system before, my umbrella will be the only one in the Yanhuang mobile phone system!!"

(End of this chapter)

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