I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 206 Doing Business

Chapter 206 Doing Business (Add More)

Bansai Company! !
Suddenly so many police and armed police came, and every employee felt something bad in their hearts, especially when they saw Fang Ying and Lied, the senior managers, being escorted down by the police upstairs, they suddenly panicked. Some employees began to panic, and rumors spread for a while.

In addition, the people from the Administration for Industry and Commerce suddenly conducted a surprise investigation on the company's finances and froze assets. The company's financial personnel could no longer sit quietly.

"The company's stock has been exchanged for funds by the boss!"

"There is only a tiny amount of money left on the company's books!"

"Boss Harrison ran away with a huge sum of money!"

“The company is incapable of distributing funds to employees!”


This sudden situation, coupled with the fact that no government department did not take adequate countermeasures, caused rumors to spread in the company for a while, and every employee put down their work and kept looking for the rest of the company's senior personnel to ask for an explanation.

"We are checking the situation!"

"Today's incident came so suddenly, we didn't know it beforehand!"

"We just found out about the boss's sale of stocks!"

All the senior managers of the company were almost frayed at the moment, looking at the employees who were crowded at the door, they kept persuading them.

It was only today that these high-level personnel knew that something had happened to the company. They had just contacted the government department and confirmed that the bosses had sold their stocks and fled with huge sums of money. Only one Liede was left to receive treatment in the hospital at the moment.

For a while, the news that Bansai Company became a shell company spread throughout Yanhuang, and the employees of Bansai Company's mobile phone factory went on strike one after another and came to ask for an explanation.

Developers big and small in Yanhuang all rushed to City C overnight, demanding to cancel the terms of signing with Bansai Company, and asking Bansai Company to pay a huge amount of fees.

Under such circumstances, these high-level executives were treated as living targets, beaten and scolded by many employees, and kept punching and kicking in the conference room.

"If you can't get our salary today, don't even think about leaving here!" One of the fat female employees said with a fierce expression on her face.

"Yeah, hurry up, we want wages!" A group of employees behind said in unison.

In desperation, the senior managers could only send representatives to the Central Hospital to look for Lied and Fang Ying. Currently, only these two have the most power in the company.

But what is even more absurd is that the high-level representatives who were elected to go to the Central Hospital were actually stopped outside the ward. Several policemen stood guard at the door of the ward with guns in hand. No one could enter without the order of their superiors.

"Let's go in!"

"Comrade policeman, the sky is upside down now. If you don't get in touch with the two inside to discuss the next step, the consequences will be really unimaginable!"

The representatives pleaded for mercy outside the ward door with pained faces.

"This..." Seeing this scene, the leading police officer was a little uncertain for a while.

"You wait."

After speaking, the police officer took out his mobile phone and immediately reported the situation here.

Fang Ying and Lie De, who were in the ward, naturally woke up long ago. Hearing the noise outside, Lie De's heart couldn't be colder. Fang Ying also had a panicked expression at the moment.

"Boss, what happened, why was I knocked out!" Fang Ying looked anxious at the moment.

"This Harrison! It's over, it's all over!" Lied was lying on the hospital bed at the moment, moaning in pain constantly. He already understood that Harrison ran away with a huge sum of money and left himself here as a scapegoat.

"The company is over, Harrison ran away with all the funds!" Lied said painfully.

"Then the company is going to go bankrupt? Boss, can I still get my salary?" Fang Ying said stupidly when he heard that the company had been hollowed out.

"Send, send your code!" Lie De couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, grabbed the cup by the bed and threw it at it.

"You gringo, don't think I'm afraid of you. You used to be the boss, but now the company is going bankrupt. You're nothing!" Fang Ying was also irritated at the moment.

In the ward, the two got entangled and started fighting.

The situation is extremely chaotic and is rapidly brewing and fermenting.

Temporary office meeting room in the Umbrella Building.

"Mayor, it's not good. Those employees know that something happened to their boss. At the moment, they are all gathered at the door of Bansai Company to ask for wages. There are also large and small software that cooperate with Bansai in various places. Mobile phone developers are all here. Hurry up."

People kept coming in to report the situation.

"This is the trouble!" Fang Yanghui said with a frown. A company was hollowed out and went bankrupt, causing a chain reaction like dominoes. Employees went on strike, and partners interrupted cooperation. All this was for money.

"Zeng Lei, how much money does our city government have?" Fang Yanghui said solemnly.

"According to the statistics a few days ago, there are about a few million left!" Secretary Zeng Lei said after thinking about it.

A few million is nothing to this huge Bansai Group, and it can't even solve the urgent need.

"Mayor, this is the proposal just sent by the employees of Umbrella Company. They want to acquire Bansai Company!" A small police officer walked in at the door and handed a written material to Fang Yanghui.

"That's right!" Fang Yanghui suddenly came to his senses. He was in the Umbrella Building now. Why didn't he think of Umbrella as an important company? Wouldn't it be much easier.

"Mayor, looking around, the only company in our city that can buy the stall of Bansai Group is the Umbrella Company!" Secretary Zeng Lei said.

"Li Yu, you really know how to do business!"

President's Office of the Umbrella Building.

"Boss, the city government has agreed that we can purchase Bansai, but the specific price and a series of matters are still being discussed."

Huang Yao was in the office at the moment, with her hands in front of her, she said respectfully.

"Well, you are solely responsible for this acquisition. Just like the last acquisition of Donglin Group, you have experience in this area and should know how to do it. It is best to keep the price to a minimum." Li Yu said.

"Boss, the government seems to be happy to hand over the Bansai Group to us. After all, in City C, I am the only one with the ability to protect the umbrella," Wu Peng walked over and said.

"Moreover, the front door of Bansai Company is already full of employees who went to ask for wages, and the software vendors and mobile phone vendors that cooperate with Bansai have also come! Under this situation, the city government's funds are not enough to solve this matter. They are not capable, so they naturally have to find capable people, and the umbrella is the best candidate for this," Li Yu said confidently.

"The news about BOSS is very well-informed." Wu Peng said with some surprise, he had only heard these news not long ago.

"Is there any news about Harrison?" Li Yu asked.

"Boss, so far Harrison seems to have evaporated, there is no news!!"


 PS: Add more chapters, for the rudder of this book, (dark green sky) brother's ten thousand coins reward to add more, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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