I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 213 1 Everything is Ready

Chapter 213 Everything is ready

"You three, I will give you one day to prepare, prepare all the manpower and material resources, and inform the staff and technicians who are going to make full preparations, and start setting off early tomorrow morning. Of course, it is now the Group's overseas development In the early stage, for the sake of safety, the family members of expatriate employees cannot follow for the time being, and the group will gain a firm foothold in Somalia in the future, and then go forward!" Li Yu issued an order.

"Boss, don't worry, we understand!" The three said together, very clear.

"Sister Yao, you are responsible for assisting them to sort out the list of staff and technicians who went to Somalia this time, and enter it into the list of the Somali branch. In the future, everything in Somalia will be in charge of Wei Quan and the three, and then through you, and finally to I!"

"At the same time inform the Somali embassy!" Li Yu said seriously.

"Okay, leave these two matters to me!" Jiang Yuyao nodded and said.

"Yi Hailun, this time you went to Kyoto to negotiate with the Somali embassy and successfully established a grand duke for the company. The company decided to reward you with 50 Yanhuang coins!" Li Yu smiled.

"Thank you BOSS!" Yi Hailun said excitedly, the word money is unavoidable for many people.

"As long as you contribute to the company, the company will never treat you badly!" Li Yu encouraged everyone.

"Boss, don't worry, we will do our best for the Umbrella Group!" Everyone said in unison.

"Not much to say, start preparing!" Li Yu said.

Li Yu gave the order, and everyone began to return to their posts and prepare.

The Finance Department on the 28th floor of the building!
"You guys fix this."

"And this is what you need to prepare for leaving tomorrow."

"Xiaoyun and the others are all elite financial personnel, call them here quickly."

"Get ready, let's go tomorrow!"

As soon as Wu Lin returned to the finance department, she began to get busy with preparations.

The technical department on the 26th floor!

"This time, we are going abroad to expand the territory. This is to add honor to the company, and this is to win honor for ourselves!"

In the office of the technical department, Wei Quan looked at the selected technicians and said, this is mental preparation.

"Everyone is elected voluntarily, so, you must give full play to your enthusiasm, give full play to your own advantages, and strive to be the best!"

"Must!" The technicians said with a smile.

"Will it be dangerous?" an employee said.

"Dangerous?" Wei Quan said with a smile when he heard this, "The gun in the security guard's hand that you are taking with us can't spit fire!"


Security department, training base!

"Take a break!"

"stand at attention!"

"Look to the right!"

Wearing a black security team uniform, Wu Peng stood upright in front of the hundred security team members with his hands behind his back.

These people are the security team members who will accompany everyone to Somalia.

"Let me tell you a good news! Tomorrow we will go to Somalia to expand the territory!" Wu Peng said excitedly standing in front.

"Finally going!"

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

These security team members also showed excitement on their faces. They had heard that they would go abroad to open up markets, but they finally came today.

"You are all the elites of the elites in our security department. After several rounds of selection, there are only 100 of you left. Therefore, you must be more energetic!" Wu Peng said sharply.

"Received the order from BOSS, we will fly to Somalia tomorrow, I hope everyone is prepared!" Wu Peng said.

"Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid! Not afraid!"


On the edge of City C.

"Harrison, have we been hiding here all this time?" said the muscular mercenary.

Yes, this is the missing Harrison, but now he is hiding in a relatively hidden place.

"What can we do then?" Harrison said, looking at the mercenaries beside him.

Since escaping that day, Harrison and the others have been constantly approaching the city center, and finally came to a relatively remote place to temporarily settle down.

"Why don't we go back to America and report the situation to the doctor!" said one of the mercenaries.

"Are you crazy?" Harrison immediately looked at the man and said: "Our mission has not been completed, this time it is the doctor's order to die, if we go like this, we will all have to become the doctor's test subjects! "

When everyone heard the "experimental product", they couldn't help but think of the biochemical warrior sent a few days ago. trembled.

To become an "experiment" would be as good as death.

"Then what do we do now?" the mercenary asked.

"Now we have to make amends, find time, and cause damage to the umbrella. It is best to strike a fatal blow and get what the doctor wants, so that we can go back aboveboard and not be punished by the doctor!" Harrison said.

"That's the only way to go," everyone said.


Early next morning!

"Li Yu, everyone is ready!" Jiang Yuyao walked into the president's office and said.

"Is everything ready?" Li Yu asked

"Yes, Wei Quan, Wu Lin, and Wu Peng are all ready, and they are gathering in the lobby on the first floor of the building, waiting for you!" Jiang Yuyao said softly.

"Go and see together!"

The lobby on the first floor of the Umbrella Building!
At this moment, the employees who are going to Somalia are all standing in the hall ready to go. Wei Quan, Wu Lin and Wu Peng are standing in different places, and the corresponding teams are standing behind them.

Standing behind Wei are dozens of technical staff, behind Wu Lin are financial staff, and behind Wu Peng are a hundred security guards standing neatly, each fully armed and full of energy.

Each of these people is fully prepared, with excited and happy expressions on their faces.

"BOSS!" Wu Peng, Wu Lin and the three leaders of Wei Quan said in unison when they saw Li Yu's arrival.

"It's all ready!" Li Yu said with satisfaction, looking at the hundreds of employees in front of him.

"Boss, we are ready and ready to go!" Hundreds of employees in the hall said in unison, full of momentum!

"As expected of an employee of my umbrella!" Li Yu said with a smile.

"Boss, when are we going to leave?" Wu Peng stepped forward and asked.

"In a while!" Li Yu said.

"Sister Yao, has the Somali embassy notified you?" Li Yu turned to look at Jiang Yuyao next to her and said.

"It was notified yesterday. The embassy moved very quickly. They replied to us last night saying that everything is ready and we are waiting for our departure!" Jiang Yuyao nodded.

"What about the airliner? Have they arranged it?" Li Yu asked.

"The embassy has sent someone to arrange it, and the contracted passenger plane is at our airport in City C!" Jiang Yuyao said.

"Very well, everything is almost ready!"

"set off!"

 PS: Brothers, please subscribe to support!
(End of this chapter)

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