Chapter 214
Outside the Umbrella Building, more than a dozen large buses with golden umbrella-shaped logos were neatly parked at the door. Without exception, the prices of these buses were around hundreds of thousands, and all of them were specially prepared by Umbrella.

The Umbrella Building is located in the city center, with convenient transportation and bustling roads. More than a dozen black special cars are parked in front of the Umbrella Building. Each car has a value of no less than 200 million. This magnificence attracts countless drivers and citizens. Stopping to wait and see, they secretly sighed in their hearts for the wealth and power of the umbrella company. Looking around, only the umbrella company in the enterprise can come up with such a skill!
"Look at the umbrella company, it's so powerful!"

"These are all employees, right? Even the employees take such a nice car!"

"Does Umbrella Company still need people?"

"I won't drive this car, I'm going to work with an umbrella!"

There are more and more people waiting and watching, and everyone's eyes are full of envy. The Umbrella Group, in today's C City, is already the leading group, with the largest assets and the most powerful reputation. In the past, the company groups in C City were all suppressed. In the limelight.

"Are you all ready?" Li Yu glanced at all the expatriate employees in front of him and asked loudly.

"Ready!" Hundreds of employees said in unison, and the sound was so loud that many people outside paid attention.

"Very good, get in the car!" Li Yu nodded with satisfaction.

The door of the black bus was opened, and these employees lined up neatly in a row, and entered the car one by one, until the last car was full, just enough to accommodate all of them. Obviously, the group's internal affairs staff had already made statistics and arrangements.

"Boss, please!" The staff on the side opened the door of the front black car, and Li Yu led Jiang Yuyao into it.

As the top president and vice president of Umbrella, the two core figures are the first to open up overseas markets, and they must go. This is the first case of Umbrella.

The lead car started, and dozens of special cars formed a line, forming a special landscape on this busy highway. The umbrella convoy occupied a main road domineeringly. Pedestrians and drivers gave way one after another and had to avoid it.

Sitting in the car, Li Yu's phone rang at this moment, Li Yu frowned, and then pressed the answer button.

"Boss Li, your business is booming!" A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Mayor Fang, it's you!" After a while, Li Yu guessed the owner of the voice, Fang Yanghui, and smiled.

"Boss Li, where are you now?" Fang Yanghui said on the other end of the phone, seemingly very happy.

"I am now at the gate of the Umbrella Building, and I am ready to go to the airport!" Li Yu smiled.

"You are going to invest overseas, the capital city gave me instructions, saying let me help you with this matter!" Fang Yanghui said firmly, obviously his superiors gave the order to die, and fully cooperated with the umbrella .

Just last night, when I was reviewing documents in the office, the red dedicated phone on the desk rang. After Fang Yanghui connected, it turned out to be someone from Kyoto.

The red phone is an internal call, so it is impossible to fake it. Fang Yanghui immediately listened to the meaning of the other end respectfully. It probably means that the Umbrella Group in City C is going abroad for overseas investment. Category.

"It seems that the government attaches great importance to it!" Li Yu thought with a smile.

"Does Boss Li need help?" Fang Yanghui asked with a smile.

"Mayor Fang is bothering you. It's a trivial matter. It's not a big problem. If there is, I will definitely speak to Mayor Fang!"

The two exchanged some pleasantries, then hung up the phone, and Fang Yanghui called, which happened to show the importance Yanhuang officials attached to the umbrella company's overseas investment.

"A call from Fang Yanghui?" Jiang Yuyao asked softly.

"Yeah." Li Yu nodded.

At the airport in City C, more than a dozen black special cars drove slowly, and finally parked in a neat line outside the airport. This posture attracted the attention of many people.

Dozens of security guards got out of the car, ran to the front car, and opened the door respectfully.

Then the doors of the buses the employees were riding on opened one after another, and the employees got off the bus in an orderly manner, and finally arranged them neatly according to their duties.

"Boss Li, we've been waiting here for a long time!" When the Umbrella Group's convoy arrived, several airport staff walked over quickly and smiled.

After receiving the instructions from above, these staff members have long been waiting here for the arrival of Li Yu and others.

"I am Xiao Li who will lead the way for you this time!" said the man named Xiao Li.

"Where is our special plane?" Jiang Yuyao has a serious face. In front of outsiders, she is unsmiling and looks like a strong woman.

"Everyone, please follow me!"

After Xiao Li finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the interior of the airport, and then everyone followed behind in a mighty procession.

People who understand the situation know that this is an employee of the umbrella company going abroad, but those who don't know think it is a tourist activity organized by a large travel agency.

"This is it!" After walking for a while, Xiao Li and his staff walked to a white plane and said with a smile on their faces.

"When can the plane take off? When can we board the plane?" Li Yu said.

"Everyone can board the plane at any time. According to the flight route, it will take off in an hour!" Xiao Li said.

"Well, board the plane now and prepare to take off!" Li Yu ordered.

"Boss has an order, all groups start to board the plane!" Wu Peng said loudly to the crowd.

Then Wu Peng, Wu Lin and Wei Quan led the crowd into the plane, and the security team led by Wu Peng boarded the plane last.

In less than 10 minutes, all the staff had already boarded the plane, and all of them were in the plane.

"Boss, all personnel have boarded the plane!" Wu Peng reported.

"You go up too, you can take off as soon as the time is up!" Li Yu nodded and said.

Wu Peng nodded respectfully, looked at City C with nostalgia, then turned and walked towards the cabin.

Seeing that all the personnel had boarded the plane, Li Yu turned around and took Jiang Yuyao towards the outside of the airport.

"Contact them at any time, and notify the company as soon as you arrive in Somalia, and I will leave this matter to you, Sister Yao." Li Yu said as he walked.

"Well, get in touch with them when they arrive!" Jiang Yuyao nodded.

"Sister Yao, today is so beautiful!" As he walked, Li Yu said a word of praise.

Jiang Yuyao was taken aback for a moment, and then her face turned red, regardless of Li Yu, she just walked towards the car with her head down.

Li Yu smiled lightly.

At the same time, not far away, several pairs of eyes were fixed on Li Yu's body.

"Harrison, do you want to kill Li Yu at this time?" A mercenary suggested.

"This Li Yu is not easy to deal with, he is not someone who can be killed easily!" Harrison said seriously.

"I didn't expect that Li Yu would drive the company to Somalia, is he crazy!" said the mercenary on the side.

"No, I have a hunch that this Li Yu wants to do something ulterior, or wants to get rid of Yanhuang's official control!" Harrison said.

"Harrison, are you sure you don't do it at this time?" The mercenary asked again. In its view, this time is the best time. With his marksmanship, he can kill Li Yu with one shot.

"Stupid, do you really think Li Yu is so easy to deal with?" Harrison said angrily.

"Besides, city C is now under tight security, and there are cameras everywhere. If you do something, you may be arrested before you have time to run!"

The mercenary looked at Li Yu and hesitated for a while, and finally the hand holding the pistol tightly in his sleeve gradually loosened.

(End of this chapter)

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