I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 216 Research and Development of New Drugs

Chapter 216 Research and Development of New Drugs

Everyone in the management team knows that there are three types of bird flu vaccines. The most common one on the market now requires three injections, but the following two types require only two injections, and the best only requires one injection. .

Hearing Liu Guanglei's proposal, after a while, discussions started in the conference room, discussing the feasibility of a new type of bird flu vaccine.

"Lao Liu's proposal is OK, and the BHS.B vaccine and the three drugs will be included in the R&D and production projects, and Lao Liu will be in charge!" Li Yu said seriously.

"Yes!!" Liu Guanglei nodded emphatically.

"By the way, Li Yu, we all know the names of the three new types of medicines, but we don't know much about their efficacy. Tell everyone about them, so we can cooperate with the publicity!" Jiang Yuyao asked curiously. When Li Yu introduced the medicines When you are a prime minister, you just say the name and mention it in one stroke.

"Three kinds of medicines, namely, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antimicrobial!" Li Yu said with a smile.

"Boss, I've heard you say that the disease-killing element is a common virus that can kill everything, but what about the other two?" Liu Guanglei said with bright eyes. He has been in the pharmaceutical industry for decades, and he can be called a As a top pharmacist, he naturally has a lot of research on Li Yu's new medicines.

"The first virus-removing agent, as we all know, can kill all common viruses and prevent them from recurring!"

"The second antibiotic can fight against the bacteria in daily life, so as to have the effect of inhibiting, attacking and eliminating bacteria!"

"The third antimicrobial toxin can effectively and powerfully kill all germs, leaving no future troubles!"

"I can be sure that if these three medicines are launched on the market, they will definitely bring in greater income." Liu Guanglei said affirmatively after hearing the words.

Regarding Li Yu's confidence in the three medicines, Liu Guanglei and the management present did not have any doubts.

At first!

During the antiviral experiment, many managers saw with their own eyes that the colorless antiviral drug resisted abruptly for 10 minutes surrounded by HIV!

"Li Yu, what are you going to do with these medicines?" Jiang Yuyao said.

"After the drug is developed, the major hospitals will be notified, and the drug will be promoted on the official website of my umbrella. Now the number of views on the official website of my umbrella is not low!" Li Yu thought for a while and said.

"That's not bad!" Liu Guanglei laughed.

"Sister Yao, Wu Peng, Wu Lin, and Wei Quan have all left. Are there any vacancies for the three supervisors now?" Li Yu looked at Jiang Yuyao and said.

"That's true, because things happened suddenly, and I'm planning to send a suitable replacement!" Jiang Yuyao nodded.

"Well, I don't care about the other two. The supervisor of the production department was in charge of Wei Quan before. After he left, let Lao Liu be in charge!" Li Yu looked at Liu Guanglei and said, this person has been in the company since his parents were here. Working as a top pharmacist, he is loyal.

Liu Guanglei was a little overwhelmed when he heard the sudden appointment. He has always been used to being immersed in the world of drug development. He is already the director of the scientific research department, and now he is acting as the production director. I have to say Li Yu's trust.

"Old Liu, you have to lead the comrades in drug research and development to develop better drugs! To make greater contributions to the company, and the production also needs to be supervised. If you have any difficulties, report directly to Mr. Jiang!" Li Yu looked serious Said.

"Boss, you must do your best!" Liu Guangwei nodded and said!

"It's not too late, Lao Liu, you go to prepare, we will make medicine right away!" Li Yu stood up and said.

"Good boss, the factory is more fully equipped than last time, I believe it will be more convenient this time!" Liu Guanglei nodded excitedly, then got up to prepare.

"Wait a minute, I won't participate in the production of medicines this time, all the links will be carried out by you, and you will be responsible for configuring according to the configuration plan I gave you!" Li Yu said, this time he does not intend to participate in person, in order to With Liu Guangwei's strength and technology, he can develop the formula even if he is handed over to him!
"Okay boss!" Liu Guangwei became even more excited when he heard that he was going to configure these medicines by himself!
"Li Yu, do you want me to go with you?" Jiang Yuyao said with some concern. It is not a simple matter to prepare medicines. There are many viruses in the laboratory. If you are not careful, you will be infected, even though you know that Li Yu prepared medicines last time , but Jiang Yuyao was still very worried!
"Sister Yao, you underestimate me too much, don't you know who I am? Besides, I won't participate this time, Lao Liu will configure it alone!" Li Yu said with a faint smile, even if the laboratory is inherently dangerous, but for There is no threat to him. Judging from his current physical condition, even if he picks up a bottle of HIV reagent and drinks it, nothing will happen. After all, there is a more violent virus in his body!
"Okay, the meeting ends here, and everyone else returns to their respective positions!" Li Yu ordered.

"Li Yu, why don't you go?"

After everyone in the conference room had left, Li Yu was still sitting on a chair with his head bowed in thought, Jiang Yuyao asked suspiciously.

"Sister Yao, give me pen and paper!" Li Yu said.

Jiang Yuyao was taken aback for a moment, then remembered the formula, got up immediately and brought paper and pen to Li Yu.

"Intelligent Brain, give me the development method of the enhanced version of the primary detoxification element!" After taking the paper and pen, Li Yu communicated with the Intellectual Brain in his heart

"The brain understands!"

"The primary disease-removing element formula is being transmitted!"

"Master, please wait a moment, the transmission will be completed soon!"

After receiving Li Yu's instructions, the voice of the intelligent brain sounded in Li Yu's mind, and then a series of data and data were continuously transmitted into Li Yu's brain through the intelligent brain, emerging out of thin air, neatly arranged together, and easy to understand!

As the information continued to emerge in his mind, after a little sorting, the pen in Li Yu's hand gradually moved, and he began to write a series of drug preparation methods on the blank

"Zhennao, send me the primary antibiotic formula!"

"Zhennao, send me the formula of the primary fungicide!"

With the transmission of the brain, the pen in Li Yu's hand moved faster and faster, and the blank area was filled with dense black fonts.

"Sister Yao, take another piece of paper!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yuyao handed Li Yu a blank piece of paper, and Li Yu took it and began to write again.

In this way, Li Yu wrote four large white papers back and forth, and each paper was filled with dense black fonts before it was completed.

"Huh!" After writing the last one, Li Yu put down the pen he was holding tightly in his hand, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

If the four pieces of paper in front of me fall into the hands of a certain pharmaceutical company, they will definitely cause a huge sensation, but the only downside is that they lack medicine primers, which are the locks on the umbrella, and outsiders will never be able to copy the umbrella Medicines!
"Finished?" Jiang Yuyao said, looking at the four sheets of paper in front of her that were filled with black characters.

(End of this chapter)

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