I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 217 The experiment that shocked the world

Chapter 217 The experiment that shocked the world

"Well, let's go to the laboratory now!" Li Yu nodded, then got up, and went to the factory laboratory with Jiang Yuyao.

"Boss, the laboratory is ready!" Liu Guanglei was circling in situ at the moment. When he saw Li Yu, he hurried forward and said that he was very concerned about the drug preparation this time!

"I will not participate in my configuration this time, it will be done by you and the assistant! This is the method of drug configuration and the materials needed!"

After Li Yu finished speaking, Jiang Yuyao handed over a folder, which contained the information written by Li Yu.

"So many! Let me take a look first." Liu Guanglei took the folder, took out the first densely written paper, and then looked at it carefully.

As his gaze continued to scan above, Liu Guanglei's expression changed more and more, his eyes kept flickering with astonishment, as if he was watching martial arts at this moment.

"This is very comprehensive, including the materials to be used, the dosage, and the precautions, all of which are on it!" Liu Guanglei almost jumped up excitedly. He has been engaged in drug research and development for most of his life, and he has never seen it before. Such configuration information in front of you!
"Old Liu, give me a test tube!" Li Yu said in a deep voice.

"Okay BOSS!" With that said, Liu Guanglei brought a test tube and handed it to Li Yu.

Taking the test tube, Li Yu put his middle finger into his mouth, bit it lightly, and then a small mouth appeared.

"Li Yu, you want to..." Jiang Yuyao said softly from the side.

Li Yu put his fingers into the test tube, squeezed hard, and the blood slowly flowed down the wall of the bottle, and finally reached the bottom of the bottle.

The blood scale in the bottle keeps rising.

"Enough!" Li Yu withdrew his hand, and then handed the test tube to Liu Guanglei.

"This is the most basic medicine guide! The method of use is also listed above. After the research and development is successful, I will change the medicine guide!" Li Yu said, the formula has just been taken out from the brain, and the medicine guide is naturally based on Li Yu's blood Center, but after the initial experiment is successful, the medicine will be modified into a special medicine for the umbrella.

"Good BOSS!" Liu Guanglei was very surprised. Even though he saw Li Yu dripping blood into the medicine last time, he was still shocked this time.

"If there is no problem, let's start!" Li Yu ordered.

"En!" Liu Guanglei nodded, put on the protective clothing with the help of several assistants, made all preparations, and then entered the laboratory.

Putting four blank papers filled with information on the experimental table aside, Liu Guanglei took a few glances while doing the experiment, and configured them completely according to the process written by Li Yu above.

"Three grams of rehmannia!"

"One gram of water!"

"Two more grams of turtle shells!"

Everything was ready for Liu Guanglei. According to the old method, he turned on the machine and began to configure it seriously!

As time passed by, Liu Guanglei and several of his assistants in the laboratory carried out the experiment in an orderly manner. Although it was the first time they came into contact with the formula, they still showed a proficient pharmaceutical attitude. Habits developed over decades of pharmaceutical careers.

"Check the progress of the drug fusion!" Liu Guangwei said to the assistant beside him, and then observed the prepared medicine under the microscope.

Under the microscope, several drugs are combined together, and the continuous fusion of the drugs can be clearly seen. After a while, the drugs are completely fused!
"Very good, continue to configure!" Liu Guanglei said.

Several people were busy inside again.

"Give me two grams of Artemisia annua juice"

"This..." Liu Guanglei's busy hands stopped suddenly, his eyes fell on a certain side of the second piece of paper, and he frowned for a while, as if he had encountered some problem.

Li Yu outside the laboratory saw Liu Guanglei's appearance, and then kept flipping through the information sent by the brain in his mind. Combined with the current progress of Liu Guanglei's experiment, he finally found the next step.

"Low temperature extraction!" Li Yu said outside.

"Yes, low-temperature extraction!" Liu Guanglei reacted instantly, brought the corresponding tools, and began to extract the essence of the medicine.

"Very good!" Li Yu outside nodded with satisfaction.

Liu Guanglei was still busy with his assistants, and carefully followed the information given by Li Yu every step of the way.

"Heat this up!"

"The temperature cannot exceed forty degrees!"

"Right, that is it!"

Liu Guanglei directed his assistants in an orderly manner.

"Okay, the medicine is left at the end!" Liu Guanglei wiped his sweat and picked up the test tube containing Li Yu's blood.

"Drop one gram!" Liu Guangwei looked at what he was going to do next, then gently drew a gram of blood, and dropped it into the prepared medicine.

The bright red blood dripped into the colorless potion, quickly dispersed, and directly merged with the potion.

"Successful?" Jiang Yuyao asked suspiciously at the moment.

At this moment, Li Yu's eyes are also fixed on the laboratory, waiting for the next result!

"It's time for the experiment!" Liu Guangwei wiped his sweat.

"Take out HIV, be careful!" Liu Guangwei said. This time, like last time, the subject of the experiment is still terminally ill HIV.

Taking the test tube containing HIV from the assistant, Liu Guangwei carefully took a little from the prepared medicine and dropped it into it.

Then, take out a little of the medicine that the two want to mix, and put it under the microscope for careful observation.

Under the microscope, the two forms are infinitely magnified, and everything can be seen clearly.

As time passed by, Liu Guangwei's eyes stuck to it never left!
It was still the same as last time. I saw that the HIV virus from a foreign species turned into a vicious murderer, rushed towards the antiviral element, and chose to devour it. The virus rushed in, and Chu Bingsu suddenly seemed to see a prey, and instead rushed towards the virus.

When the two come into contact!

HIV, which is difficult to get rid of with ordinary medicines, actually disappeared under the effect of the virus-removing agent. The virus was removed by the virus-removing agent and turned into a normal cell. Visible to the naked eye, countless viruses were eliminated by the virus-removing agent, which is enough to kill the human body. The infected virus is thus quickly eliminated, leaving only normal cells.

In just 1 minute, one-fifth of the virus was wiped out, and it is still continuing rapidly!
"Chubingsu, it's indeed Chubingsu, just like its name!" Liu Guanglei raised his head and looked at Li Yu outside, with a look of joy on his face.

Antiviral agents can only resist viruses, and this antiviral agent is to eliminate viruses!
What is this concept?What kind of medicine can have such a miraculous effect?

If the results of the first experiment were spread out and caused a worldwide sensation, then the results of this experiment are indescribable and cannot be described in words at all!

(End of this chapter)

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