I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 218 The Terrorist Efficacy

Chapter 218 The Terrorist Efficacy
The hatch of the laboratory opened, and Liu Guanglei walked out with the assistants behind him, with an expression of uncontrollable excitement on his face.

The last time the antiviral drug resisted HIV for 10 minutes, it already shocked him, a veteran of drug development, but the antiviral toxin developed today shocked him deeply again, completely The terminal diseases such as HIV have been eradicated!

It is a worldwide problem. Countless scientists and medical scientists have exhausted their efforts for it, and countries all over the world have invested countless funds to solve this incurable disease, but in the end they failed.

However, who would have thought that such a heaven-defying medicine was actually produced in a private enterprise in a small city in Yanhuang, and it was developed by the young Li Yu?

Li Yu can no longer exist as an ordinary person. If this continues, he will create a new era, a new era without diseases!

"Hehe, the effect has come out!" Li Yu said with a smile on his face, obviously, he was very confident in the effect of eliminating the disease.

"Boss, the last antiviral experiment lasted for 10 minutes, and this time the potency can be said to be terrifying!!"

"This experiment of eliminating disease elements, the results of this time will definitely shake the entire Yanhuang, no, the whole world, the entire medical field, no matter which field it is in, it will set off a huge wave!" Liu Guanglei said very resolutely. Qiang Li has completely overwhelmed him.

"Old Liu, what's going on?" Jiang Yuyao who was on the side felt a little anxious at the moment.

"Let's get to the point, Lao Liu!" Li Yu said, he had already guessed the result in his heart at this moment, but he didn't know the basic effect of removing the virus, how long it took to remove the virus.

"Boss, after the experiment, the detoxification agent directly surrounded the HIV until it was completely eliminated. The total time was less than 5 minutes. It was the first time I saw such a highly infectious HIV being so easily eliminated by the drug! "Liu Guanglei said excitedly.

"Not bad!" Hearing this, Li Yu laughed and said that the results of this experiment did not exceed his expectations. The primary pathogenic factor given by Zhinao directly solved HIV!
"Chubingsu can kill all common viruses. This drug can not only deal with AIDS, but also many viruses!" Liu Guanglei said, thinking of the characteristics of Qubingsu.

"That's right!" Li Yu nodded, Liu Guanglei was absolutely right!
"Old Liu, give me the virus used in the experiment!" Li Yu said, he wanted to take another look at the reaction after the combination of the virus and the disease-removing element!

After receiving the test tube containing HIV from Liu Guanglei, Li Yu mobilized his supernatural powers to attach to his eyes and looked inside.

But this look! !

Compared with the last experiment, there are no such floating black dots in the test tube this time, and the whole test tube is full of transparent medicine!
Seeing this, Li Yu understood a little bit in his heart!

"Boss, the results of this experiment are too shocking, should we just announce it directly?!" Liu Guanglei said with strong respect in his eyes.

Li Yu's actions have exceeded his understanding as a veteran in drug development, and it can be said that he has subverted his worldview!
"Don't worry! Detoxification can kill all common viruses, so the use of this medicine is not limited to treating AIDS. You should hurry up and develop it, classify the medicines for virus-type diseases, and develop corresponding medicines!" Li Yu ordered.

"Boss, I have already planned this in my heart, and I am waiting for your words!" Liu Guanglei said excitedly.

"You will be in charge of this matter. Now that the disease-removing element has been developed, there are still two reagents that have not been developed. You will be responsible for leading the research and development, testing its effect, and reporting the results to me!" Li Yu said seriously. .

"Okay boss, I believe the other two medicines will be even more powerful!" Liu Guanglei said with trembling hands, the disease-removing element is already so powerful, let alone the other two medicines!
"I hope that everyone present will keep today's matter a secret without my permission. If there is a leaker, it will be at your own risk. Don't blame me for being merciless!" Li Yu glanced coldly at the scene Everyone, everyone couldn't help but shudder!
"Boss, we are determined to keep it secret, and we will never reveal a word!" The people present said one after another.

"Until the medicine is announced to the public, it is not allowed to leak!" Li Yu said again.

"Li Yu, the effect of this potion is too powerful. If it is spread out, it will shock the world, so is it necessary for us to take further measures?" Jiang Yuyao said aside.

"Sister Yao is right!" Li Yu nodded and said.

"Old Liu, you develop it as soon as possible. I will give you three days. Within three days, you have to develop these three medicines, as well as the type B vaccine for bird flu!" Li Yu said, already thinking about it. plan!

"After these medicines are developed, hurry up to apply for patents! We need official protection in this regard!" Li Yu said seriously, although patents are of no use to the umbrella, but after reporting to the official, the official knew about the drug. As a result, protection will definitely be stepped up, just like when the bird flu vaccine was born, the government arranged for the protection of dragon group supernatural beings.

"Indeed, such heaven-defying potions do need official protection!" Liu Guanglei said.

Just like the Yinhua Group came to snatch the reagents last time, countless unknown organizations will come to Umbrella Company to use various methods to steal the reagents!

If there is no official protection behind this kind of potion, the designation will cause a big mess!
"Sister Yao, [-] elite members from the Security Department are stationed here to patrol here, and we must ensure the safety of this place!" Li Yu said seriously!

"Well, I'll do it right away!" Jiang Yuyao nodded and said.

"Old Liu, you speed up the progress! I want to see the results in three days!" Li Yu said.

"Yes, BOSS!"


After returning to the Umbrella Building, Li Yu has not been idle, and has been looking through the information about the company's development in recent times.

After Jiang Yuyao arranged the security matters, she received news from Wu Peng and others the next day that they had successfully arrived in Somalia, contacted the local government immediately, and are now discussing related matters.

"Li Yu, Wu Peng and others have arrived in Somalia!" Jiang Yuyao picked up the phone and said to Li Yu on the other end.

"When? Today?" Li Yu asked back.

"Just this morning, I received a call from Wu Peng and others. They have arrived in Somalia, have contacted the local government, and are discussing related matters!" Jiang Yuyao said softly.

"Tell them, it must be fast, negotiate with the local government as soon as possible, and quickly establish the company!" Li Yu said, as soon as possible, to be honest, Li Yu didn't know how much he wanted to leave the country as soon as possible, so there would be no constraints at all .

"If there are not enough security personnel, tell the head office and send them at any time!"

(End of this chapter)

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