I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 222 Interview

Chapter 222 Interview
Yanhuang official, C city government!
"Mayor, Umbrella has announced the latest drug information! It's available on the official website and their QQ!"

While the umbrella was updating the information, the secretary Zeng Lei noticed this, and then gave the phone to Fang Yanghui.Apparently, this time the drug release of the umbrella is not only concerned by the pharmaceutical manufacturers, but also by Yanhuang officials.

"Look, this is the information posted on their official website!" Zeng Lei clicked on the official website of the umbrella and opened a medicine directly.

"Chubingsu!" Fang Yanghui took the phone and began to read it carefully, but in the end, his face became more and more ugly. He saw that it could eliminate AIDS!
"This Li Yu's words are too big!" Fang Yanghui frowned and said, you must know that AIDS is a disease that has never been cured, and it is the most troublesome problem in all countries in the world!
"Are you sure this is the official website of the umbrella?" Fang Yanghui said skeptically.

"Sure! This is the official website of the umbrella!" Secretary Zeng Lei nodded again and said!
"Could it be that the protective umbrella really has this strength?" Fang Yanghui said with a headache, thinking about the anti-viral element that once resisted various viruses, and looking at the current anti-viral element, he really believed it in the bottom of his heart.

"Mayor, we can ask the Patent Office and the Drug Administration, and they may get an answer!" Zeng Lei suggested.

"Okay, hurry up and ask, you must confirm whether the umbrella company is selling drugs indiscriminately!" Fang Yanghui immediately responded.

Zeng Lei picked up his mobile phone and then called the Patent Office and the Drug Administration. After answering an inquiry, the answer Zeng Lei got was also beyond his expectations.

"How? What do you say over there!" Fang Yanghui said when he saw Zeng Lei.

"Mayor, the Patent Office said that Umbrella Company has applied for patents for these medicines, and the patents were approved by the above. Said in detail, with a shocked expression.

"It's all the same, and it was approved by the higher authorities?!" Fang Yanghui was stunned when he heard this. Could it be that the efficacy of treating AIDS and cancer that is said on the official website of Umbrella Company is true?


Then this time it will be great!
If the medicine developed by the umbrella can really cure all common diseases!
Well, a new era is coming!
In the world, Yanhuang has always been at a low level in medicine, but this time after passing the umbrella, it may be a chance to rise up!
The propaganda made by the umbrella company seems to be very successful. Once the news was released, the major media quickly caught it, just like an atomic bomb explosion, and the efficacy of the new drug spread quickly.

Three new drugs, eliminate AIDS, cure cancer, this seems to be the focus of new drugs, all eyes are cast on these.

In front of the Umbrella Building! !
"We want to interview the president of the company. I don't know if we have time!"

"Is the eradication of cancer and AIDS promoted by the Umbrella Corporation true?"

"Will Umbrella Corporation play this kind of meaningless gimmick just to get people's attention?"

"May I ask the person in charge to come out and explain clearly to us?"

"Could this be an umbrella company scam?"

As soon as the news was released, reporters from major websites came to block the door of the umbrella company.

The security personnel stood neatly in a row, blocking the door, preventing these people from entering the company.

"Friends from the press, please calm down. Please don't block the door to prevent company personnel from entering!" Jiang Yuyao, the general manager of the group, said with a heroic look on her face.

"I am the general manager of the umbrella, and I can represent the umbrella with full authority. Everyone can talk slowly about anything, but don't hinder the normal order!"

"If you can make trouble, the umbrella security will be responsible for cleaning up!" Jiang Yuyao said coldly, with an iceberg aura.

As soon as they saw the general manager, these reporters naturally became energetic. Everyone stretched out their microphones and pointed them at Jiang Yuyao as if they were on steroids.

"May I ask if the effects of the medicines listed by your company on the official website are real?"

"Does your company think that you have solved the problems that have not been solved by all countries in the world?"

"Can you give us an explanation!"

"What I can tell you is that my umbrella has never done wrong things, never grandstanding, we have always relied on integrity, and we have never deceived anyone! We say one is one, say two is two, and do what we say!" Jiang Yuyao said with a serious expression.

"We have released all the information of the drug to everyone, and at the same time we have assumed corresponding responsibilities. It says that it can kill cancer, that is, it can kill cancer!"

"If you don't believe what I said, please wait until the day after tomorrow when the drug is officially released. We will use facts to prove that we are right and you are wrong!"

Jiang Yuyao's expression was serious, and she didn't seem to be joking at all. On the contrary, she seemed to be declaring war like these people, confidently predicting the future outcome.

"That's all for me. If you have any questions, please wait until the day after tomorrow when the new drug launch is held. At that time, we will answer them one by one!" After speaking, Jiang Yuyao turned and returned to the company .

The rest of the reporters looked at each other and stared at each other. For a moment, they felt as if they had been provoked and were on the verge of losing.

At the same time, they are also in a state of disappointment, but there is a trace of satisfaction in their hearts. After all, they have been personally admitted by the general manager of the umbrella, and the effect of the publicity is true. news.

Fortunately, two days is not too long, and these reporters can bear it, and ask questions after two days.

The controversy over Umbrella Drugs has once again sparked on the Internet. Generally speaking, everyone now feels that what Umbrella said is unrealistic.

Of course, Umbrella noticed these controversies on the Internet, but it still did not respond in any way.

Five days passed quickly. Thanks to the efforts of all the staff of the umbrella, the publicity work has been carried out in full swing. The new drug in the pharmaceutical factory has also produced a small batch of drugs. After several different experiments, they are all effective.

Outside the Umbrella Building, a different number of cars were parked outside the door, most of which were from the buses that the reporters took, waiting outside the door early in the morning, waiting for the start of the drug conference!
After making all the preparations, the Umbrella Company opened the door, and dispatched personnel to bring these reporters into the arranged venue in an orderly manner.

"Have all the staff come?" Li Yu was wearing a black suit, full of energy, with an indescribable temperament, at the moment he looked like a standard successful person!

"Boss, all relevant personnel from the company are here, and all the executives are here!" said the secretary.

"Boss, everything is ready!" Tianxing walked over and said.

"Since they're all here, let's go in!" Li Yu said.

As the president of the company, Li Yu was of course the first to enter the venue, and behind him a group of company executives in suits and leather shoes followed in turn and entered the venue in an orderly manner.

"Umbrella's new drug launch has officially begun!"

"Please invite us to protect the president!"

As the host's voice fell, Li Yu walked in with a group of people behind him.

 PS: The price of [-] anti-viruses is just the beginning, and one anti-virus cannot eliminate all viruses!
(End of this chapter)

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