I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 223 Chu Hanyun Visits

Chapter 223 Chu Hanyun Visits

When Li Yu came, everyone present, without exception, got up from their seats and applauded, every expression was in awe.

Now Li Yu is really in the limelight. The business community values ​​it, and the government values ​​it. If you mention entrepreneurs and Li Yu's name, it is estimated that there are few people in Yanhuang who don't know Li Yu.

The 21-year-old billionaire, the developer of various medicines, is known as the top medical scientist of the new generation of Yanhuang. Because of Li Yu's appearance, he has solved countless ailments of Yanhuang, and many people are grateful!

"Welcome all journalists and friends!" Stepping up to the podium, Li Yu took the microphone indifferently and said with a smile on his face, but the strong aura of the superior person released from his body made everyone's heart sip.

"I'm very happy. Everyone can come to my umbrella new drug conference today!" Li Yu said, looking around, the conference room was full of people, and some people were even standing. This is all because of the reputation of the umbrella. of.

Crack, clap, clap, another burst of intense applause!
"Not much gossip, the main purpose of inviting everyone here today is for our company's new medicine!" Li Yu pressed his hand down, and the applause disappeared, and Li Yu's expression became serious. The previous smile gradually disappeared, and we entered the main topic.

"During this period of time, through the continuous efforts of our scientific researchers and the investment of huge funds, these drugs were finally developed..."

The press conference has been going on in an orderly manner under the auspices of Li Yu. During the period, due to the effect of the drug, some reporters made it difficult to ask questions, but Li Yu easily dealt with the past, advocating to speak with facts, and then continuously came up with The experimental video of HIV and cancer cells may be considered fake by the media, but it will definitely shock those experienced medical experts.

This drug launch event was not conducted in a monotonous way of being hosted by the venue. The Umbrella Company used the Internet to conduct a simultaneous live broadcast on its own QQ and website. The progress of the launch event can be clearly seen through the mobile phone!
"We have made full preparations before this, and the storage quantity of medicines is enough for major pharmaceutical suppliers to purchase!"

During the release of the meeting, Li Yu explained in detail the types and functions of several medicines.

"Once again, as the president of the umbrella company, I assure you that the medicine developed by my umbrella company is absolutely effective, and there is absolutely no exaggeration of the effect. We speak with strength!"

Li Yu said to these reporters confidently.

"Then what are the prices of the drugs developed by your company?" A reporter stood up and said.

As for the issue of price charges, this is probably what everyone is most worried about. If this drug is really effective, it will definitely become popular in the future, and it will depend on consumption ability at that time!

"Things are rare and expensive, and the function of a commodity determines the price of this commodity!" Li Yu said seriously: "Therefore, the price of pathogenicin, antibiotics, and fungicides is "temporarily" priced at The starting price is [-] yuan, and the price will be gradually increased according to market demand in the future, while the price of the bird flu type B vaccine is [-] Yanhuang coins each!"

As soon as Li Yu said this, the reporters below suddenly exploded like shrimps in a frying pan.

"May I ask, Boss Li, is the starting price of [-] yuan too expensive?" A reporter asked, after all, in their cognition, a drug should not be able to treat that serious virus, the serious illness of the patient. .

"Boss Li, your company has set the price at [-] Yanhuang coins. Have you ever thought about the ability of the patient?"

"Boss Li, do your company's medicines really save the people?"

In the face of these reporters' questions, Li Yu would have guessed this appearance a long time ago!

"When you heard that each potion cost 10 Yanhuang coins, you only cared about its price, but never thought about the efficacy of this potion, and the cost my umbrella paid to develop it. May I ask everyone, how to treat AIDS? How much does it cost each year? Can it be cured? Cancer treatment includes chemotherapy and medicine, how much does it cost each year, and can the patient be cured? The annual treatment cost of these incurable diseases is far less than [-] yuan, or even More!"

"These medicines cost [-] Yanhuang coins apiece. For mildly infected patients, at most one box (ten) can eliminate HIV, and for severe patients, no more than five boxes. Is the price expensive? Have you ever had chemotherapy? Going to buy a lot of medicines to delay the pain and delay the trouble of life?"

"Think about it, everyone, don't be blinded by the immediate interests, why don't you look in the long run?" Li Yu said with a serious expression.

"We are researching medicines that benefit mankind, but every industry is not easy, and every industry has its own difficulties. We are medical researchers, but we are also businessmen, and we also need to live. Please show us some respect. !"

The voice gradually fell, the audience was silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on Li Yu, as if thinking about something.

Afterwards, there was thunderous applause in the silent venue, which lasted for a long time.

The meeting lasted for a long time before it came to an end. After the end, all the major reporters left one after another, with satisfied expressions on their faces, and Li Yu also returned to his office.

However, Li Yu did not rest. After returning to the office, Li Yu summoned all the supervisors. This time, the medicines have already started to be sold on the market, and what we need to do now is to add fire!
The content of the meeting was very simple. In accordance with Li Yu's request, the financial department allocated over [-] million funds as advertising expenses, requiring that new drugs be promoted in major public places, the Internet, TV, and the media, and all places that can be used are used. superior.

For those reporters who still have questions after the meeting, the company also specially allocates professionals to explain them in detail.

After the meeting, Li Yu returned to the office.

"Boss, I just got the news that the president of Chutian Group is downstairs!" Secretary Chen Yueyue said respectfully.

"Chutian Group? Chu Hanyun?" Li Yu frowned. What is Chu Hanyun looking for at this time?
"Did she say anything?" Li Yu asked.

"Miss Chu just said that she wanted to see you, so she's waiting below!" Chen Yueyue said, and this was also spoken language from the front desk.

"Then let her come up!" Li Yu said. Anyway, Chutian Group is a big company with a lot of family background. Besides, I still have a little friendship with this woman, Chu Hanyun, so I can't say it if I don't see her.

"Okay boss!" Chen Yueyue nodded, and then left the office.


"Miss Chu, you can go up now! The BOSS's office is on the 33rd floor. Just go left and take the elevator! I'll take you there!" The front desk staff said respectfully.

"As expected of a big boss, the airs are so high now!" Chu Hanyun complained when she saw that Li Yu didn't come down in person.

Later, under the leadership of the staff, Chu Hanyun came to the President's Office on the 33rd floor.

"President Chu, the boss is waiting for you inside!" Chen Yueyue had already been waiting outside for a long time.

"Okay!" Chu Hanyun nodded, and then said to the female secretary who came behind her, "You wait for me outside!"

After speaking, he knocked on the door politely, then pushed the door open and walked in.

"Li Yu, long time no see!"

Chu Hanyun was dressed in black business attire with a smile on her face.Be as seductive as possible.

 PS: Brothers, please subscribe and support, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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