I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 224 Li Yu's Anger

Chapter 224 Li Yu's Anger
When I came to Li Yu's office!

"Mr. Li is really a big boss, a busy man, it's so difficult to meet him!" Chu Hanyun said in a complaining tone.

"Mr. Chu's words are serious. The company is indeed very busy recently, and I can't get away!" Li Yu said with a smile, and his tone was quite soft.

Li Yu's words are not exaggerated. Recently, the whole company, including him, the president, has been busy. Li Yu is always watching the market. It is not so easy to be the president of a large group.

"I know that your company has recently developed four new drugs, and the whole company is busy with this matter, and I saw the whole process of Mr. Li's press conference just now. Mr. Li's speech was very exciting!" Chu Hanyun Yingying With a smile, he gave Li Yu a wink, which contained a different style.

"Thank you, Mr. Chu, for your compliment. I don't know what's the matter of Mr. Chu's visit this time?" Li Yu smiled, and then asked, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Chu Hanyun.

"Li Yu, do you remember the last time I said I would treat you to dinner?" Chu Hanyun smiled and asked back.

"Of course I remember." Li Yu nodded and smiled. The last time Chu Hanyun called to invite herself to dinner, but that time she shied away because she didn't have time, but Chu Hanyun insisted that she wanted to invite herself to dinner, which made her Li Yu couldn't help being annoyed. He was targeted by a Bai Fumei, and he didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"Why did Mr. Chu think of inviting me to dinner?" Li Yu asked. He and Chu Hanyun didn't have much friendship. The most common contact was the signing of the security agreement last time to help the Chutian Group wipe out the Qinglong Gang, and the initial purchase of the umbrella Discounts for pharmaceutical machines are always a business matter.

"Boss Li's words are off the mark. Everyone is a businessman. What's the matter with having a meal?" Chu Hanyun said with a special meaning.

"Miss Chu wants to discuss cooperation?" For the visitors, Li Yu basically knew the reason.

"Our Chutian Group wants to cooperate with you as an umbrella, so we know whether Mr. Li is willing or not!" Chu Hanyun said with a smile.

"The cooperation between companies is easy to talk about. There is no big problem in normal business exchanges!" Li Yu said, besides, there are already many business cooperations between Umbrella and Chutian Group.

"I'm very relieved by Mr. Li's words!" Chu Hanyun said with a smile.

"It's almost lunch time, but I don't know if Mr. Li is willing to show his face and have a meal together!" Chu Hanyun said, turning her eyes to Li Yu.

"It looks like you have decided on this meal!" Li Yu shook his head helplessly and said, Chu Hanyun had already talked about this, and if he didn't go, it would be too difficult.

"I've always wanted to invite you to dinner, and today Mr. Li finally agreed!" Seeing Li Yu's appearance, Chu Hanyun said with a smile.

"According to Mr. Chu's posture, it must be unreasonable for me not to go!" Li Yu said with a smile.

"I'll have a good meal with Mr. Chu today." Li Yu said with a smile, and then asked his secretary Chen Yueyue to prepare the vehicle.

After finishing the order, Li Yu took Chu Hanyun downstairs together.

A car with an umbrella logo has already parked in front of the company.

"Mr. Li is worthy of being a big boss. What he is doing is a big company. Even the car must bear the logo of the group!" Chu Hanyun said, looking at the golden umbrella logo on the car body, with surprise in his eyes.

"Mr. Chu, stop joking, get in the car!" Li Yu opened the car door, sat in it, and then Chu Hanyun also got in.

The car started and drove towards the luxury hotel that Chu Hanyun had arranged a long time ago.

"Mr. Li, the hotel has been arranged a long time ago!" The car arrived at the hotel arranged by Chu Hanyun, and there was already a group of people standing there respectfully at the door.

"Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Hello, Mr. Chu!"

These people said in unison respectfully.

"Chu made a good arrangement!" Li Yu said as the two sat down.

"Where, these are all employees of our company. As soon as they heard that Mr. Li was coming, they all came out to greet him!" Chu Hanyun laughed.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Chu, the dishes will be ready in a while, do you want something first?" The waiter came over and said.

"No need, you all go out!" Chu Hanyun raised her head and signaled.

The waiter in the room nodded, and then exited the room, leaving only Chu Hanyun and Li Yu.

"President Li." Chu Hanyun laughed inexplicably, then got up and sat down beside Li Yu, one hand was about to be hooked around Li Yu's neck, and the two were very close.

"Mr. Chu, this is not good!" Li Yu stretched out his hand to block it in time.

If it were an ordinary person, they would definitely not be able to resist the temptation, but Li Yu looked at Chu Hanyun in front of him blankly.

"Mr. Li, have a drink!" Blocked by Li Yu, Chu Hanyun smiled awkwardly, then picked up the glass full of wine on the table and handed it to Li Yu.

"Mr. Chu is planning to drink away his worries?" Li Yu looked at Chu Hanyun and said.

"Mr. Li, how about the newly developed medicine?" Chu Hanyun didn't answer the question directly.

"I have confidence in the medicines developed by our company!" Li Yu said flatly. At this moment, he found that the meal was not that simple, and Chu Hanyun was definitely in trouble.

"Can this eliminate the incurable diseases of AIDS as you said?" Chu Hanyun asked, seeming to be very concerned about the new medicine released by the umbrella.

"Why, is Mr. Chu also interested in these medicines? But Chutian Group doesn't have hospitals or industries related to medicine, right?" Li Yu stared at Chu Hanyun.

"To tell you the truth, I, Chutian Group, also want to get involved in the medical industry!" Chu Hanyun held back for a while before saying.

"The Chutian company has a big business, and it's normal to have this idea!" Li Yu nodded and said, but then asked: "Isn't your Chutian company already involved in the pharmaceutical industry?"

The implication of Li Yu's words is the medicinal material market of Chutian Group!

"The company needs to develop, so it wants to involve bigger and wider aspects!" Chu Hanyun said.

"Then what does Mr. Chu mean by coming to me today?" Li Yu turned his gaze to Chu Hanyun and said, already guessing some ideas in his heart.

"We hope to use the strength of your umbrella company to grow in this area!" Chu Hanyun said bluntly.

"Be more specific!" Li Yu said with a wave of his hand.

"Li Yu, can you sell us the three newly developed drugs of your company? Our Chutian Group is willing to pay 100 billion yuan to buy them!" Chu Hanyun lowered her head and moved her lips slightly, thinking for a long time, Finally said it out.

"Acquisition?" Li Yu sneered twice when he heard these two words.

"You Chutian Group thinks very well!" Li Yu's voice became low, and the original gentleness was no longer.

"If it doesn't work, it's 200 billion!" Chu Hanyun seemed determined to raise the price again!

"Mr. Chu, I came out with you because I thought you were a friend, but you are fooling me like a fool!" Li Yu stared at Chu Hanyun coldly.

Li Yu had long thought that the birth of the three drugs would attract the attention of all parties, but he did not expect that the first one to pay attention would be Chutian Group, and he would also want to acquire new drugs. You must know that these drugs have brought great benefits to the umbrella company. It's not just worth billions!
"Miss Chu, do you Chutian Group want to buy the research and development method of the medicine developed by our umbrella, and then claim to the public that the medicine was developed by your company, and finally become famous at home and abroad, shocking the medical world!"

"100 billion? 200 billion? Hehe, the three medicines that were purchased from my umbrella? You must have thought too beautifully!" While saying these words, Li Yu changed the name of Chu Hanyun from Mr. Chu to Ms. Chu.

This is completely challenging Li Yu's bottom line!

Celiac, antibiotic, and fungicide, which of these three drugs is not the world's best drug, it can be said to be the pinnacle drug, which one is not priceless, it is ridiculous that the Chutian Group actually wants 200 Billion acquisitions, they are really not afraid of being too ambitious and unable to eat it!
Today, Li Yu is really angry about this Chu Hanyun!

(End of this chapter)

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