I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 225 A Slap in the Face

Chapter 225 A Slap in the Face (Big Chapter for Subscription)

Li Yu looked at Chu Hanyun coldly, the gaze in his eyes was no longer the acquaintance of friends, but the coldness of strangers!

Under this gaze, Chu Hanyun's face turned pale, with deep grievances in her eyes, and a kind of unwillingness, but it was not aimed at Li Yu, she could clearly feel that because of her own words, Li Yu had already had an effect on her A sense of repulsion.

"You want to buy the new drug under my umbrella for 200 billion. Your Chutian Group's ambition is really too big!"

"Of course!"

"As the president of Umbrella, I can tell you clearly that the formula developed by Umbrella will never be sold to anyone, not even Yanhuang officials!"

"Miss Chu, I feel very stupid for what you and your Chutian are doing. If you still have some brains, you will understand that it is impossible to sell formulas. When new medicines are released, I really thought that there would be greedy companies looking for them. Me, but I never expected that it was you Chutian! You are too greedy, and I am very disappointed in you!" Li Yu gave Chu Hanyun a cold look, got up directly, and walked outside, very determined .

"Li Yu, wait a minute, don't go!" Chu Hanyun was in a panic at the moment, grabbed Li Yu at once, and became even more flustered in her heart, not because the business was not negotiated, but because she felt Li Yu's coldness, She knew that if Li Yu was allowed to leave today, she would not want to see her again in the future.

This is unacceptable to Chu Hanyun, who has a girlish heart for Li Yu!
"What else do you want to say?" Li Yu said in a low voice, extremely depressed.

Chu Hanyun, who originally wanted to open her mouth to say something, didn't know what to say when she saw Li Yu's cold eyes.

"Clang! Clang!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open, and a middle-aged man wearing a famous brand suit, a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes walked in, and his temperament also had the appearance of a successful person.

When the middle-aged man walked into the private room, he glanced at Li Yu and Chu Hanyun, and then walked towards Li Yu with a smile on his face.

"President of the Umbrella Group, Li Yuli!" The middle-aged man walked up to Li Yu and said with a smile.

"Who are you?" Li Yu frowned slightly, because what happened to Chu Hanyun made him feel uncomfortable, a feeling of being cheated by a friend, so looking at the middle-aged man in front of him was a little cold.

"He's my father!" Chu Hanyun, who hadn't spoken all this time, raised her head and spoke, but then quickly lowered her head, as if she didn't want to face this middle-aged man.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the chairman of Chutian Group, Chuxiong!" Chuxiong raised his head high and said.

As soon as he heard the man in front of him, Jian introduced his identity, Li Yu immediately understood in his heart, and even sneered constantly. Isn't this the father and son fighting together, trying to convince himself together?

"It's the first time I saw Mr. Li. I didn't expect him to be so young!" Chu Xiong familiarly pulled Li Yu to sit down, then poured a glass of wine and handed it to Li Yu.

Li Yu didn't refuse, and just sat down with Chuxiong, wanting to see what kind of tricks this Chuxiong wanted to play, but Li Yu probably already had the content in his heart, and it was nothing more than a new drug developed by the umbrella.

Chu Hanyun on the side kept her head down ever since her father Chu Xiong came in, and never looked at Chu Xiong again. She was very indifferent, with a bad complexion, and sat alone by herself.

"Li Yu, don't blame me, I was also forced to be helpless, I hope you can forgive me!" Chu Hanyun pinched the corner of her clothes, secretly looking at Li Yu, her heart was full of apology.

"Mr. Chu has won the prize!" Although Li Yu was polite in his mouth, there was no politeness in his tone, and he still seemed to reject people thousands of miles away.

"I've been hearing Xiaoyun mentioning you all the time, and there are rumors from the outside world that the president of the umbrella is a young man in his twenties, a young entrepreneur. I didn't believe it at first, but now I believe it when I see you in person!" Chu Xiong While talking happily, he kept praising Li Yu.

"There are many businesses between Chutian Group and your umbrella, and we have close communication!" Chu Xiong laughed.

"What does Boss Chu mean by calling me here today?" Li Yu took a sip of his red wine and said after a while, but he didn't intend to waste time with Chu Xiong.

"Xiao Yun said she was going to invite you to dinner today, so I rushed over when I received the news, and I also wanted to see the umbrella president who has been rumored all over Yanhuang!" Chu Xiong pretended not to know why and said, as if his Arrival is an accident.

"Hmph, by chance?" Li Yu sneered in his heart, not bothering to point out this shameless person, but just glanced at Chu Xiong, and didn't answer.

"Miss Chu always stays there alone, why don't you come and sit?" Li Yu turned his gaze to Chu Hanyun and said, watching Chu Xiong's arrival, Li Yu thought of something more or less in his heart.

As if being electrocuted, Chu Hanyun slowly raised her head, and with an apologetic look in her eyes, she came to sit next to Li Yu.

"Xiao Yun, are you uncomfortable?" Chu Xiong put on a look, and gave the latter a hard look the moment he raised his head.

How keen is Li Yu's observation, Li Yu sees all this, even if it is a slight glare, Li Yu can remember it clearly.

"If I'm not wrong, Boss Chu came here today to buy our company's medicines too." Li Yu cut to the point and said coldly. .

"Boss Li is worthy of being a businessman. He is refreshing." Seeing Li Yu directly open the topic, Chu Xiong no longer flinched as before.

"Xiaoyun must have already told you, Mr. Li, Chutian Group is one of the largest groups in Yanhuang, with assets exceeding [-] billion. If you sell the formula to us, you will definitely not suffer!" Chu Xiong smiled. He said in a tone of confidence in Chutian's assets.

"Who gave you the confidence to tell me this?" Li Yu said coldly.

"Li Yu, after all, you are still too young, and you have experienced too few storms and waves. Although such a drug has been researched by you, do you think you can protect this drug safely with your umbrella?" Chu Xiong's tone also changed. sharp.

"The people who came to find me from the Yinhua Group were all dead, do you know that?" Li Yu sneered back coldly, his tone full of warnings.

"Yinhua Group!" Hearing these four words, Chu Xiong's pupils froze. He never knew that people from the Yinhua Group were shot to death by the umbrella when they tried to snatch the formula. Moreover, the Yinhua Group was the number one in the Japanese country. The group has more assets than Chutian.

After pondering for a while, Chu Xiong's face changed left and right!
After half a day!

"Our Chutian Group has strong strength and is more capable of protecting these drugs than a protective umbrella. And as long as you sell the drugs to us, we will buy them at a price of 300 billion!" Chu Xiong murmured, and directly raised the price to 300 billion. It has increased by 100 billion at once, which seems to be rich and powerful.

Li Yu's expression didn't fluctuate at all, but he looked at Chu Xiong as if he was looking at an idiot.

Chu Xiong also felt Li Yu's strange gaze.

"Boss Chu, even if you are willing to pay such a high price to buy my medicine formula, it should prove that you are not stupid!" Li Yu said coldly.

"Besides, as far as I know, the total assets and real estate of Chutian Group are only about 1000 billion in total, and the working capital is even less than 300 billion. Boss Chu is not afraid to bring Chutian down if he takes all of them out?"

Li Yu's eyes were cold, and the continuous words came out, which made Chuxiong feel a little overwhelmed for a while. He never thought that Li Yu knew so much about Chutian Group.

It seemed that the person speaking in front of him was not a fledgling young boy, but a mature and mature elite, and that kind of momentum was something he had never seen before!
"Mr. Chu, you and I could have good cooperation opportunities, but your stupid actions made you lose these opportunities!"

"I tell you very clearly that our umbrella group is not afraid of any forces, and we will not sell drugs to any organization or person, including officials!!"

"If you Chutian insist on fighting against my umbrella, I will accompany you to the end!"

Li Yu said sharply word by word, and as he spoke, Li Yu stood up, looking down at Chuxiong like a king.

Under this cold scrutiny, Chu Xiong felt as if he was being stared at by a wild beast, and his expression struggled!

"Li Yu, wait a minute, I was just joking, how can I be tempted by the formula of the umbrella, I am willing to spend 300 billion, no, 400 billion to invest in the umbrella, and we will develop new medicines for the umbrella together, What do you think?" Chu Xiong finally couldn't bear it now, and directly stated his ultimate goal!
"Investment? Do you want to invest?" Li Yu glanced back and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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