Chapter 226
"That's right. I'm willing to use 400 billion funds to invest in the umbrella. Mr. Li, think about it. The umbrella has products, but Chutian Group has funds and contacts. If we combine the strengths, we will definitely be able to create a stronger group!" Chu Xiong said with a look of longing, as if he had anticipated the glorious scene after becoming a shareholder of the umbrella.

But Li Yu's expression still didn't change, and he looked at Chu Xiong as if he was looking at a fool!
"It seems that you don't know enough about my umbrella. Do you know what the first item in my umbrella employee handbook is?" Li Yu asked coldly.

"What?" Chu Xiong asked with a blank expression.

"We will never accept foreign-funded enterprises as shareholders, and we will never let shareholders share their rights. The rights to protect the umbrella will always be in the hands of the president!" Li Yu didn't answer, and Chu Hanyun suddenly stood up and said quietly.

"Your daughter is more detailed than you!" Li Yu glanced at Chu Hanyun, and then landed on Chu Xiong, full of sarcasm.

"Are you determined not to accept my Chutian Group's kindness?" Chu Xiong's face turned livid, and his gaze at Li Yu became unfriendly.

"Since Mr. Chu thinks that investing in the umbrella is a good thing for me, Li Yu, so how about it, I am willing to invest 100 billion in Mr. Chu's company. I don't know what you want?" Li Yu said with a teasing look in his eyes.

Hear it!

Chu Xiong's eyes froze, and he was even more angry: "You"

Who doesn't know that Chutian Group has a shareholding system. Even Chuxiong only occupies 30.00% of Chutian Group's shares, and the other 70.00% is controlled by other shareholders. To sell the shares in his hand, tens of billions of funds are enough to take away [-]% of the shares from him.

At that time, other shareholders of Chutian Group may have more shares than Chuxiong, and his position as chairman may not be guaranteed. This is the disadvantage of the holding group, and the rights are dispersed, which is why Li Yu The reason why the umbrella will not be listed, and the power is controlled by one person, he does not want to see any so-called shareholders come to sing against him in the future!

"I know what you're thinking in your heart. It's nothing more than my tens of billions of capital invested in Chutian, and your rights will be weakened. It's exactly what you think. I'll give you a word, don't do to others what you don't want!" Li Yu finally said something indifferently, cast a sharp glance at Chu Xiong, turned around, and prepared to leave.

"Li Yu, don't regret it, the assets and connections of my Chutian Group are beyond your imagination!" Chu Xiong said with a strong sense of threat.

If it was too soft, Chu Xiong changed to the hard method of threatening!

"Umbrella, waiting for you at any time!" Li Yu gave Chu Xiong a cold look, suppressing the killing intent in his heart.

If it wasn't because of Chu Hanyun's presence, Li Yu would have activated his supernatural ability long ago and cleaned up this guy. Li Yu could see that what happened this time was not what Chu Hanyun meant, and she should have been forced by Chu Xiong to do it. Such a folly of acquiring recipes.

"Good, good, good!"

"Li Yu, I, Chutian, will stay with you to the end!" Chu Xiong shouted angrily, his anger overwhelming.

He is the dignified chairman of Chutian Group, and he is used to being praised by others. When did he receive such treatment!

"Hanyun?" Li Yu walked to the door of the hotel, suddenly thought of something, turned around, and looked at Chu Hanyun with a blank face.

"He's calling me!" Chu Hanyun's dull eyes lit up, and she raised her head, recovering a bit of her spirit.

When Li Yu called her so indifferently just now, Chu Hanyun even thought that she would never have anything to do with Li Yu in the future. As a result, she was also deeply sad. She didn't mean to invite Li Yu here Yes, it was all because of Chu Xiong's persecution, and she was helpless, because she had a very important matter in Chu Xiong's hands, and Chu Hanyun had to submit.

But when he heard Li Yu's kind address, and it was a kindness that had never been seen before, the sadness in Chu Hanyun's heart was completely dissipated, and a sweet taste flowed in his heart.

"Are you coming with me, or staying here?" Li Yu asked softly.

"Come with you, stay here?" Chu Hanyun glanced at Chu Xiong anxiously, and then at Li Yu, with a wordless struggle in her eyes.

"Han Yun, why are you listening to this kid?" Chu Xiong glared angrily and said dissatisfied.

"Shut up!" Li Yu sneered coldly, and the invisible psychic power was activated, piercing Chu Xiong's brain directly through his eyes.

"Ah!" Chu Xiong covered his head, let out a cry of pain, and fell to the ground. When he saw it, his face turned pale.

"I don't know what to say!" Li Yu glanced coldly, looking at Chuxiong as if he was looking at a clown. This mental attack was just a little bit of suffering for Chuxiong. If Li Yu attacked with all his strength, it would be enough to directly turn him into a fool.

Li Yu stepped forward and walked to Chu Hanyun's side, and put his big hands around Ke Keren's waist, and his strong manly breath directly rushed to Chu Hanyun's body.Let the latter stare blankly, and then blushes pretty face.

"What did he use to coerce you? Tell me!" Li Yu said softly. This time, as a friend, Li Yu decided to help Chu Hanyun.

"He, he." Chu Hanyun had a complex look in his eyes, looking at Chu Xiong with resentment, but also unspeakable.

"Bastard, what kind of trick did you use just now?" The effect of a ray of mental attack was only for a moment, and Chu Xiong quickly recovered from the pain in his head, but he was even more annoyed by it.

Looking at Chu Hanyun's appearance, Li Yu knew that there was nothing to ask from her mouth, so his eyes fell on Chu Xiong again, his body was straightened, and his big hand was suddenly raised. Chu Xiong only felt a flash in front of his eyes, but he hadn't reacted yet. , There is an extra claw on his neck.

Li Yu quietly increased his strength, pinched Chu Xiong's neck directly, and lifted his feet off the ground. The latter's face instantly turned livid, his hands fluttered, and it was difficult to breathe.

"I'll give you a chance to say, what method do you use to threaten Hanyun!" Li Yu said coldly.

"You, cough, let me go." Chu Xiong struggled, hitting Li Yu's arm hard with both hands, but the more he hit, the tighter Li Yu's hand clasped, and his face became more livid, and it was difficult for him to breathe. It is a difficult thing to do.

"I'll ask you again, if you don't tell me, I'll break your neck!" Li Yu said coldly, the strength in his hand was getting stronger and stronger, and he could faintly hear the sound of bones.

"Li Yu." Chu Hanyun's expression tightened, and she wanted to say something, but she was stared back by Li Yu's gaze, which was mixed with a reassuring and measured look.

"If you still want to know where your mother is, just let this kid stop."

(End of this chapter)

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