I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 227 Ability Activation

Chapter 227 Ability Activation
"If you still want to know where your mother is, just let this kid stop." Chu Xiong struggled, squinting at Chu Hanyun, stammering.

"Li Yu, let him go first!" Chu Hanyun held Li Yu's big hand in both hands, with a pleading look in her eyes.

Li Yu glanced at Chu Hanyun, the strength in his hand loosened, and Chu Xiong fell to the ground as if he had lost the kite with its fuse.

"Ahem." Chu Xiong clutched his neck, panting frantically, and the expression of struggling and pain on his face slowly disappeared.

"Li Yu, you dare to hit someone with your own hands. This is a crime." Chu Xiong looked at Li Yu with hatred, and suddenly shouted into the hotel: "Security, come here!"

"The voice of the chairman!"

"Let's go quickly!" The security guards outside the hotel and inside the hotel heard Chu Xiong's call, and ran out in a hurry. There are more than a dozen security guards in a star-rated hotel, and they all rushed over at once.

"Chairman!" A dozen security guards looked at Chu Xiong and said respectfully.

"Catch this kid!" Chu Xiong pointed at Li Yu angrily, and ordered the security guard to say.

"President of the umbrella, Li Yu. This. This."

More than a dozen security guards looked at Li Yu, and everyone had unspeakable awe and fear on their faces. With the growing protection of the umbrella, Li Yu's name spread throughout Yanhuang, let alone the people of C City who started from the protection umbrella , for people in City C, who doesn't know Li Yu.

Let these little security guards do something to Li Yu, how dare they have that kind of courage!
"Bastard, do you still want to do it in Chutian? Hurry up and do it." Chu Xiong scolded angrily.

"This, this." A dozen security guards looked at each other, but they didn't dare to make a move.

"The boss is in danger!"

"Let's get in!"

When the security guards did not move, outside the hotel, Hou Li's dozen or so umbrella security guards all took action and rushed into the hotel together, each holding a dark baton in his hand.

The umbrella security guards are all regular veterans. Compared with this group of small security guards, it can be said that they are one after another. As soon as they came, they were suppressed in an instant.

"Whoever dares to do anything, I will destroy him!" Xiao Yao and Luo Feng, two security captains rushed up, and angrily glanced at the security of Chutian Hotel.

"Don't dare, dare not," more than a dozen Chutian security guards said fearfully.

"You useless trash!" Chu Xiong was furious.

"Okay, all back out!" Seeing this, Chu Hanyun stood up and said to the group of hotel security guards.

"Yes!" A dozen security guards didn't dare to look at Chu Xiong any more, and they all left quickly.

"You guys should also guard the door. Without my order, no one is allowed to come in!" Li Yu told Xiao Yao and Luo Feng.

"Yes, BOSS!" The two nodded respectfully, and then left with a group of security guards, who were closely guarded outside the hotel like guards.

"What's the matter with your mother?" Li Yu asked softly.

Just now, Li Yu heard what Chu Xiong said in a flash of godly effort: "If you want to know about your mother."

From this, it can be imagined that Chu Hanyun's coercion by Chu Xiong should be related to Chu Hanyun's mother!

"After so many years, maybe it's time to solve it!" Chu Hanyun sighed quietly, with a look of determination in his eyes.

"After you promised at the beginning, as long as I can earn enough assets of 50 billion yuan outside, you will tell me about my mother. Now, the market value of Chutian Group, which I established in City C, is more than 50 billion yuan. Now it is time for you to fulfill your promise It's time." Chu Hanyun stared at Chu Xiong with cold eyes.

Hearing Chu Hanyun's words, Chu Xiong's expression changed from side to side, with struggles and anger of being betrayed!
"Han Yun, so you are going to side with this kid." Chu Xiong said.

"It's not about standing aside, this is a deal between you and me! When I was five years old, my mother disappeared, and I owe it all to you, to your Chu family. How much have I sacrificed over the years? , came to this city C alone, and worked hard to make money, and you have completed your so-called goal of 50 billion. Now, don’t you want to keep your promise?” Chu Hanyun said coldly, and there was no father-daughter affection for Chu Xiong in her tone. Obviously, something must have happened among them, which completely shattered the father-daughter relationship between the two.

"A mere 50 billion? Not enough, not enough!" But Chu Xiong shook his head, his weird and greedy eyes suddenly turned to Li Yu, and his eyes rolled.

"Li Yu, do you really want to help her? Well, as long as you promise to give me the formula of the new umbrella drug, I will tell her the whereabouts of her mother." Chu Xiong said.

Li Yu gave Chu Xiong a cold look!
"What do you want to do? Don't do it!" Chu Xiong seemed to be afraid of Li Yu, and retreated in fear of this cold stare.

"You really want to know the whereabouts of your mother?" Li Yu looked at Chu Hanyun beside him and asked softly.

"En!" Chu Hanyun gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Okay, I'll help you!" Li Yu smiled and turned to Chu Xiong.

"Li Yu, don't you?" Chu Hanyun looked in surprise.

"Hahaha, as soon as you hand over the formula, I'll tell her the news. I've prepared the contract, and you just need to sign it." Chu Xiong showed great joy, and hurriedly took out the prepared contract from his arms. , he has put in a lot of effort to get the medicine formula this time, even the contract is ready.

"Recipe? It's not for you, but you will tell me what I want to know." Li Yu took a step forward and gradually approached Chuxiong.

"I tell you, no matter what you do, I won't say anything unless you hand over the formula." Chu Xiong backed away in fear, but his tone was very firm.

"You will!"

Li Yu said in a deep voice, the invisible superpower suddenly activated, and it rushed into Chu Xiong's mind at a moment that ordinary people like Chu Xiong couldn't detect.


Chu Xiong was originally stubborn, but his hateful face became dull and expressionless, as if he had lost his soul!
"Li Yu, what is this?" Chu Hanyun asked suspiciously.

"I can hypnotize him, he has been completely hypnotized by me!" Of course, Li Yu would not say anything about the supernatural power, but replaced it with hypnosis with peace of mind, and it was easy to explain.

"So that's the case. Then he was hypnotized, so he just asked and said something."

Chu Hanyun held Li Yu's arm with both hands, and her expression became extremely excited. Is it time to solve the confusion for many years?
"Well, that's right, just ask what you want to ask, he will say everything!" Li Yu nodded with a smile.

"Okay!" Chu Hanyun looked at Chu Xiong, looked at her biological father, and suddenly asked with a kind of expectation and enthusiasm: "Tell me, where is my mother?"


(End of this chapter)

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