I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 228 Secret Hands

Chapter 228 Secret Hands
Chu Xiong mechanically replied: "Your mother has passed away!"

"What, you said that my mother has really..." Chu Hanyun's face was full of anxiety, and tears flowed from a small face. What she was crying was pear blossoms with rain. Even Li Yu who was on the side couldn't bear it anymore. He patted Chu Hanyun's shoulder lightly to show comfort.

"Back then, your mother had a disagreement with me and proposed a divorce. I naturally disagreed. Later, she fell seriously ill. I deliberately cut off all her sources of income, so that she had no money for medical treatment, so she passed away in the end!" Chu Xiong continued. After telling what happened to Chu Hanyun's mother, even Li Yu couldn't stand it anymore, and Chu Hanyun finally gave up now, crying so sadly that she couldn't help herself.

"Sorrow and change, I understand what happened to you!" Li Yu interjected appropriately to comfort Chu Hanyun. Her experience was worse than Chu Hanyun, but she still survived strongly and created the current umbrella company. .Chu Hanyun threw herself into Li Yu's arms and sobbed. This time Li Yu didn't refuse, and couldn't bear to refuse. After a long time, Chu Hanyun finally wiped away her tears, her eyes were red, and she didn't care whether Chu Xiong could hear her or not. He said: "You use me as a tool to earn benefits for you. For you, the word family affection has long since disappeared. You only see benefits in your eyes. Even my mother passed away because of you. I can't forgive you. From now on, I will break up with you!"

After saying this, Chu Hanyun covered her face and turned away. Only Li Yu and Chu Xiong were left in the room. Facing this kind of businessman who only smelled of copper, and he still had the intention of encroaching on the umbrella company, he naturally Will not let it go, waved his palm, and a supernatural power entered Chu Xiong's body imperceptibly. Although the other party is not unusual now, but has been infected with the virus, it is estimated that after a while, the virus will attack the heart and die, and will The death was unclear, and Li Yu's head could not be found at all. This is the power of the virus ability. After doing this, Li Yu snapped his fingers.Chu Xiong, who was originally sluggish, woke up slowly, and his empty eyes began to glow, as if he had just woken up: "Where am I? Well, this is..."

Li Yu held the wine glass quietly and looked at Chu Xiong without saying a word. "Li Yu, what did you do to me just now, why can't I remember what happened before?"

Chu Xiong was a little puzzled, but it was more of a horror. Li Yu's methods were too weird, and he unconsciously fell into a state of no self-knowledge.

"Hehe, I didn't do anything, I just put you into a state of hypnosis and helped Chu Hanyun ask what he wanted to know?" Li Yu didn't hide anything.Chu Xiong had a gloomy face. Although he was afraid of the other party's methods, he still kept threatening: "Very well, Li Yu, you have successfully angered me. Now just wait for Chutian Group's revenge. It won't take long, Umbrella Company You will be removed from this world!"

After saying this, Chu Xiong got up and left. Li Yu looked at him quietly, and at the moment he was about to leave the room, he said in a deep voice: "What you told me just now is also what I want to tell you. Since Chutian Group hinders Without the development of the umbrella company, it is inevitable that it will disappear in this world. As for the result, let's wait and see! Also, enjoy the rest of your life!"

There is an unknown meaning in Li Yu's words!
Chu Xiong turned his head and glared fiercely at the leisurely Li Yu in front of him, but he felt a little apprehensive in his heart. This young man seemed to be unfathomable, which made him unable to see the details clearly. This was the first time he encountered such a situation, and, He felt a bit wrong from Li Yu's words, what does it mean to enjoy the next life?It feels like talking to the dead!
After the luxurious business Mercedes-Benz left, Li Yu also got up and planned to go back to the company. At this moment, he received a call from Chu Hanyun.

"Li Yu, come to my company, I have something very important to tell you!" Her tone was very firm, with a taste that could not be refuted.

"Okay, I'll go over now!" Considering that Chu Hanyun had just been so stimulated, Li Yu was afraid that she would do something out of line, so she agreed.A luxurious Cadillac car appeared under the building of Chutian Group. The scale of Chutian Group is huge, and the company led by Chu Hanyun in this city can only be regarded as a small branch. One of the best leading companies in the country.In the modern urban building, Chu Hanyun is in the general manager's office at the moment, looking out the window thinking about something, only to recover when he heard the door open, turned around and saw that it was Li Yu.

"Han Yun, why did you come to me?" Qin Tian asked a little confused.Chu Hanyun hugged the hair in front of her forehead, and pushed a document on the table to Li Yu.

"This is?" Li Yu picked up the document and flipped through it, and a line of large characters in the Trutian Group's asset appraisal report was clearly in sight.The above lists the various assets and scale of Chutian Group in detail. First of all, there are six light industry factories, which produce various mechanical machines. Qin Tian is still familiar with it, and he must have collected pharmaceutical machines from Chu Hanyun's factory several times. , followed by hotels. Compared with Li Yu's small business, Chutian Group's hotels are much more professional. Among them, there are six five-star hotels and 23 four-star hotels, followed by clothing manufacturing. In the industry, Truking has a well-known brand, which is very popular. Although it is not as good as the first-line brands of Nike and Adidas in foreign countries, it also occupies a large share and popularity in China. The last one is located in City C. There are three medicinal materials markets.After the evaluation of various assets, the total value has reached as much as 56 billion. If it was the previous umbrella, Chutian Group could be regarded as a behemoth, but the current umbrella assets have just exceeded [-] billion, so Li Yu will naturally not be too general. Tian Group took it to heart, his target is now the big companies in the country.

"Why are you showing me this?" Li Yu still didn't understand the significance of Chu Hanyun's actions. "I want to sell all these group assets under my name to you!" Chu Hanyun said bluntly.

"Sell it to me? Han Yun, I know you have just experienced this kind of thing, but this kind of decision is not an impulsive one, it needs to be thought through carefully!" Li Yu said that he is not interested, it is a lie, the light industry of Chutian Group is exactly what he intends to enter industry, and the medicinal material center controlled by Chutian Group is the root of the umbrella company. If the medicinal material channel is in the hands, then there is no need to worry about being controlled by others in the future, but Li Yu is not a villain who takes advantage of others. If in the future Chu Hanyun repented, which might also be a big trouble.

"Li Yu, I'm not impulsive. I only felt these after careful consideration. Sit down and I'll explain it to you carefully!" Chu Hanyun said calmly, then brought a cup of coffee to Li Yu herself, and said slowly : "Although Chutian Group is a branch of my father's group, I own all the equity and control of this branch, and I have the right to sell these assets!"

(End of this chapter)

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