I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 229 Acquisition

Chapter 229 Acquisition
"Now, I have broken off my relationship with Chu Xiongen. He is no longer my father. Based on what I know about her, he will definitely attack me and take away my property. Instead of letting him succeed, I might as well sell it to you. It can be exchanged for a guarantee!" Chu Hanyun stared at Li Yu and said softly.

In the words, it gave a feeling of pinning his future on Li Yu!

After all, Chu Hanyun didn't know that Li Yu had already laid hands on Chu Xiong before, and Chu Xiong would be eroded by the virus and die soon.

Of course, Li Yu would not tell Chu Hanyun about this kind of thing, after all, Chu Xiong is also her biological father!
Hear Chu Hanyun's words!
Li Yu's expression was a little hesitant. After all, although it was a good thing, he felt like taking advantage of others' danger. Although the shopping mall was like a battlefield, since Chu Hanyun met him, he had always been honest with him and never calculated himself.

Just when Li Yu was about to say something, a pair of weak and boneless hands grabbed Li Yu's palm.

Chu Hanyun said: "Li Yu, the matter of my parents made me a little pessimistic about love. If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I would have collapsed at this time. Don't reject me, okay? I don't want to let myself down again!"

"Okay, I agree!" Li Yu nodded. The acquisition of Chu Hanyun's assets was not just an acquisition, but also a promise from Li Yu, a promise to protect Chu Hanyun.

"Although the asset evaluation is 56 billion, I will always have full rights to dispose of my assets. You can invest 28 billion!" Chu Hanyun said immediately, and the assets of more than 50 billion were sold in half. Completely half buy half free.

Li Yu took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Guo You, the deputy of Wu Lin, the head of the finance department!

Wu Lin, Wei Quan, Wu Peng, the three supervisors were sent to Somalia by Li Yu!Now their duties are in the charge of the deputy!
Li Yu: "How many idle funds are there in the company's books now?"

Guo You sat in the office. After receiving Li Yu's call, he didn't dare to neglect. He hurriedly inquired, and immediately put his finger on the keyboard, tapped it cracklingly, and then replied: "Currently, the company has 150 billion idle funds available. Except for the company’s follow-up procurement of 20 billion funds, the rest can be mobilized!”

"Well, you take 30 billion funds and go downstairs to Chutian Group, and I will wait for you here!" Li Yu ordered.

The Cadillac business car came downstairs very quickly, with Guo You, the deputy director of the finance department, two accounting assistants, and several security guards.

Chu Hanyun took out the printed contract and signed it for Li Yu. After a while, Li Yu's funds were transferred to Chu Hanyun's company account!
This also means that Chutian Group now belongs to Li Yu, but it has not been announced to the public. If the outside world knows this information, it will definitely be another blockbuster.

Because Li Yu's umbrella company is an acquisition, not a merger, he has absolute dominance.

Now that the contract has been signed, the judicial personnel in City C have even started to videotape it according to the procedure, so the contract has come into full effect.

"Follow me back to the company now!" Li Yu said to Chu Hanyun, and then the two got into the car, and Li Yu said to his watch at the same time: "Notify the heads of all departments of the company to hold a meeting, I have a major event to announce!"

His announcement was naturally a matter of Chu Hanyun's appointment. Chu Hanyun sold the company's assets to him at a low price, and Li Yu naturally wanted to give her an explanation.

The Cadillac commercial vehicle parked downstairs in the umbrella building. As she went upstairs, Chu Hanyun was amazed. Although she had been here before, she had never gone deep into the building. Looking at the high-tech interior of the building, she couldn't help but be amazed. , his Chutian Group can be considered a large group, but compared with Li Yu's umbrella, there is still a lot of gap. Li Yu's novel management method alone is much better than the previous Chutian.

"I feel like I've hit the right button. Your group is amazing. No wonder you were able to go from the brink of bankruptcy to tens of billions of assets in less than a year. Although it's thanks to your medicine, you His management style also played a big role!" Chu Hanyun praised.

Li Yu warned: "You and I are in different environments and opinions, so the company's cultural differences are naturally different, but now that you join my group, you must abide by the umbrella regulations. No one is an exception. I hope you can understand! "

"Okay, my big BOSS!" Chu Hanyun seemed to be in a good mood, and called out like the staff who protected the umbrella. Along the way, everyone called it that way, even she was impressed, so she simply , shouted with a seasoned voice.

Entering the spacious conference hall, dozens of people are sitting at the desks, all of them are supervisors of various departments. At the same time, Jiang Yuyao is on the second chair with the word general manager written on it. It's the position of president Li Yu.

As Li Yu entered, dozens of people who were discussing stopped discussing one after another, staring at Li Yu and Chu Hanyun who came here curiously. Some people here know Chu Hanyun, and some people don't. Introduced again.

"We called everyone urgently today because a major decision was announced!" Li Yu paused, and then continued: "The branch of the original Chutian Group in City C has been acquired by the umbrella, and its assets include hotels. Light industry manufacturing plants, clothing industry, and medicinal materials market!"

"Now the industrial management after the merger is being redistributed. The positions of the former Umbrella Company will remain unchanged, and the various executives of the original Chutian Group will be re-assessed and arranged for input. If they are able to stay, the highest availability will reach us. The deputy supervisor level of each department, this matter is in charge of the personnel department supervisor, Zhang Hong, do you understand?"

Zhang Hong, the person in charge of the personnel department, immediately replied in person: "Understood!"

"Okay, the second decision is about the management of various businesses. At present, the highest position in the umbrella is still me, followed by the general manager, Jiang Yuyao. In addition, I appointed Chu Hanyun as the deputy general manager of our company. For distribution and management business, Jiang Yuyao is responsible for all businesses of medicine, electronics, and security, and Chu Hanyun is in charge of hotel, clothing, and light industrial machinery business, do you understand?" Li Yu issued a series of orders, and everyone was shocked after a short period of time After that, they all nodded in agreement.

In fact, this time, Li Yu also picked up a treasure. Chu Hanyun was able to make the Chutian Group in City C to such a large scale, and he is naturally outstanding. Now that he has joined the umbrella, he has continuously helped Li Yu reduce a lot of business, and at the same time It can make the company's operation to a higher level, and this is exactly what Li Yu hopes, because he still has many goals.

Now that the penguins and mobile phones have been sold, they can bring stable income to the group, and the basic vaccine production is in short supply. With the release of three new drugs, Jiang Yuyao is bound to have no time to spare. Chu Hanyun's joining just helps her share the burden. Quite a lot.

"Master, this appointment has been recorded, and the SS system authority is now granted to the deputy general manager Chu Hanyun!" The shadow of the red queen appeared in the center of the desk in front of her.

"This is? Artificial intelligence?" Facing the secrets of the umbrella company, Chu Hanyun naturally didn't know, and asked in surprise.

"This is our company's secret. As I said, the umbrella is much more mysterious and advanced than you think. This is called the Red Queen. It is an intelligent artificial system developed by me. You will gradually understand it later!" Li Yu explained.

"This is too advanced!"

(End of this chapter)

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