I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 231 A total of 6 branches

Chapter 231 A total of six branches

As the saying goes, a woman who falls in love has zero IQ, and Jiang Yuyao is the same, and since the two grew up, she is more obedient to Li Yu's words.

The two walked side by side, and after bypassing several offices, they finally stopped in front of the office of the deputy general manager Chu Hanyun.

"Li Yu, do I really want to go in?" After saying this, Jiang Yuyao's handsome face became even more blushing, and she was a little embarrassed.

Li Yu smiled lightly: "You go in first, and I will go in later. As for what you say, it has nothing to do with me."

Jiang Yuyao rolled her eyes, but mustered up her courage and walked into the office.

When she went in, her face was blushing, but when she came out, she was full of worries about gains and losses. After seeing Li Yu still standing at the door, she raised her pink fist and beat Li Yu's chest: "Go in."

From beginning to end, Li Yu never asked Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun what they said in the office, because he knew that it was about a matter between women, and it also related to himself, so it was better to say that he didn't know.

After all, creatures like women are terrifying.

Afterwards, Li Yu nodded, and pushed the door open. The moment he saw Chu Hanyun, a trace of surprise appeared on his face. At this time, Chu Hanyun turned out to be the same as when Jiang Yuyao entered, saying that his face was blushing. And when Chu Hanyun saw her, her eyes also became weird.

After a few days!

It has been five full days since Chu Hanyun came to Umbrella Company. During these five days, Li Yu finally completed the acquisition of the assets of Chutian Group in City C.

After completing the signing of all documents, Li Yu held a senior management meeting in the umbrella headquarters building, and formally introduced Jiang Chuhanyun to all managers.It is no longer limited to the executives who held the previous meeting.

The bright meeting room was full of high-level executives, supervisors, deputy supervisors, and heads of small departments, but even so, the huge meeting place was still audible, and all their eyes were on Li Yu. They didn't dare to make a sound, because they all knew that this was a sign that the boss was about to speak.

Sure enough, after Li Yu glanced at the senior managers present, a loud and majestic voice floated out of his mouth: "I think you are all very clear about the purpose of my high-level meeting this time. Of course, if someone doesn't Clear, then, I’ll say it here once, and I hope you don’t ask me to say it a second time.”

"Yes, BOSS!"

"Okay, now I will explain to you the new deputy general manager." Li Yu waved his hand and looked at Chu Hanyun in the seat below: "She said that the former general manager of Chutian Group in C City , Chu Hanyun, all the supervisor-level employees here have known it before!"

After Li Yu finished saying this, Chu Hanyun immediately stood up, and then glanced at everyone. At the same time, the high-level personnel of the drug department, electronics department, security company, hotel, and department managers of the umbrella They all said in awe: "Welcome President Chu to take up the umbrella."

"Welcome President Chu."

After the applause lasted for a while!

Li Yu waved his hand majestically, motioning everyone to stop!

He nodded to Chu Hanyun again, and after Chu Hanyun sat down, he said: "Now, we still have a lot to do. Just a few days ago, Jiangdong Group issued a one billion long-term There was an intention to cooperate, but I put it on hold.”

"Since Chutian in City C has been acquired by my umbrella, it needs to be integrated. I don't want to see a mess in the future."

Li Yu picked up a document from the desktop, glanced at it, nodded clearly, and said: "Chutian Hotel and Umbrella Hotel are merged into one, and the full name is Umbrella Hotel. It is a separate branch of the group, and the clothing company is one. It is the umbrella clothing company, the medicine marketing and drug department is one, it is the umbrella pharmaceutical industry, and the light industry machinery is the one, and it is the umbrella machinery company.”

"That is to say, starting today, including Umbrella Electronics and Umbrella Security, the group will have six branches!"

"Do you have any objections to this?"

Li Yu looked majestically at the high-level personnel present here. The aura of superiors emanating from the invisible made everyone a little uncomfortable, and they couldn't look Li Yu's eyes squarely. The lowest level is formed by climbing up to the upper level.

"Boss, we have no objection!"

"We absolutely comply!" All management pledged.

Li Yu nodded, nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, since everyone has no objections, then, let's start the division of labor now."

"Jiang Yuyao is in charge of managing medicine, electronics, and security."

"Chu Hanyun is in charge of managing the hotel, clothing, and machinery."

"As for the following distribution, you can find the top managers of your department, Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun, and so on, I won't repeat it."

Since then, the umbrella management has been divided into president Li Yu, general manager Jiang Yuyao, deputy general manager Chu Hanyun, and the two top managers naturally refer to the major executives.

Li Yu said something during the meeting, and finally left the meeting place alone, but the general manager Jiang Yuyao and the deputy general manager Chu Hanyun said that they did not leave with Li Yu, because the two of them had other tasks to assign. The business of big executives.

There is no need for Li Yu to worry about these anymore. He has already come to his office. Chen Yueyue naturally followed Li Yu back to the office. After all, she is Li Yu's personal secretary and only belongs to the president.

He took out the kung fu tea set and placed it on the coffee table, then poured the boiled water into the cup to wash it, and prepared to make several cups of kung fu tea for the president.

This Kung Fu tea is so good that it can make people drunk. Although Chen Yueyue does not have such advanced skills, Li Yu's tea-making skills are still recognized by Li Yu, so after Li Yu praised her, she worked harder, even privately. Learn from those Kung Fu tea masters with an open mind.

"Well, Xiao Chen is not bad. Recently, your skill in making tea has improved a lot." Li Yu picked up the teacup in his hand and smelled it, and immediately smelled the refreshing fragrance of tea. After taking a sip, he lavishly praised Chen Yueyue's progress.

In his current position, Li Yu is enjoying life a little bit!
Chen Yueyue has always believed that the president is a person who is difficult to get close to. Although she is the secretary of the president, she can only say a few words to the president, and she also talks about work, but this time Li Yu's praise immediately shocked her. I was flattered and didn't know how to answer for a while.

"President, I'm sorry, this is what I should do." She smiled sweetly, looking at the dignified and stern-faced president all the time, she thought to herself: "It turns out that the president is sometimes approachable."

This is really wronging Li Yu. The reason why Li Yu looks in front of others on weekdays is related to his own personality, but it is also said that because of the reasons in the past, he said that a superior person is a leader. One should have the appearance of a leader, and the leader should have the ruthlessness of a leader, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the crowd.

At this moment, the door of the office suddenly rang, and Chu Hanyun and Jiang Yuyao pushed the door side by side and entered.

Li Yu waved his hand at Chen Yueyue, signaling Chen Yueyue to leave for a while. After he left and closed the door, Li Yu said with a face full of surprise: "You two?"

The moment Chu Hanyun and Jiang Yuyao came in, they talked and laughed very harmoniously, but at this time, Jiang Yuyao didn't feel any jealousy at all, as if Chu Hanyun just said that her best friend was the same.

(End of this chapter)

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