I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 232 Press conference, shock!

Chapter 232 Press conference, shock!

After hearing Li Yu's suspicious words, Chu Hanyun and Jiang Yuyao glanced at each other, and they both smiled quietly, but they didn't talk to the top manager, President Li. They walked to Li Yu and sat down. down.

Li Yu has experienced strong winds and waves, and no one dares not to answer his own questions. Even if someone ignores him, then there is no good fruit to eat, but in front of the two most beautiful flowers in the umbrella, Li Yu really can't have a temper .

Obviously, President Li thought of the conversation Jiang Yuyao entered Chu Hanyun's office a few days ago. As for what the two of them said, Li Yu still didn't ask. Maybe it was the conversation between the two of them that made them look like girlfriends Bar.

After a few days!

After the umbrella completely integrated all the industries of the existing group, Li Yu held a press conference to announce that the Chutian Group in C City now belongs to the umbrella and has been acquired.

The scene of the press conference was in the multimedia venue on the second floor of the Umbrella Building!
Below the venue, many media reporters, online platforms, and some officials from City C sat in the venue. They all wanted to protect this powerful press conference.

"Mr. Li, hello! I'm from C City Morning Post. May I ask if what you said just now is true? You should know that Chutian Group in C City has strong capital and many industries. How did it suddenly become a company under the umbrella?" The female reporter with glasses raised her hand and said with some doubts.

Obviously, this sentence has reached the bottom of many people's hearts. What kind of existence does the Chutian Group in City C talk about?In City C, it can be said that it is a giant. It already belongs to one of the top companies in City C, with a market value of more than 50 billion. How come it has become under the umbrella in just a few days?
Li Yu's expression remained unchanged, he glanced at the female reporter, and said in a dignified voice: "I can answer your question, but I have to correct you, please remove the subsidiary company, because there is no C City Chutian Group now, Only the umbrella."

"You heard me right. The former Chutian Group no longer exists. Since it was acquired by my umbrella, it has been renamed as an umbrella and is not a subsidiary company." Li Yu's loud voice sounded again, and his voice carried a With a domineering, with a breath, people can not doubt what he said.

But these words made everyone feel that the president of the umbrella has amazing courage!
After Li Yu's words fell, there was a burst of whispers from the seat below, which was very noisy, nothing more than discussing the reasons for this acquisition.

Li Yu naturally said that he heard the comments of the journalists below, and he pointed to the female reporter of the morning newspaper just now: "Your question, I think, can be answered by Chu Hanyun, the deputy general manager of my umbrella."

"What? Did I hear wrongly? The general manager of Chutian Group has now become the deputy general manager of the umbrella. Although this Li Yu is very capable, how did he acquire Chutian Group in a few days? How did he convince Chu Hanyun? I have heard that this Chu Hanyun is very proud and will never be inferior to others. "

"Brother, your question is also my question. The umbrella has not been established for a long time, but it can achieve achievements that people have been unable to achieve for several years or even decades. What kind of person is this Li Yu?"

"You are right. The umbrella now involves many industries. If you add the business of the original Chutian Group, then they can completely dominate the pharmaceutical industry and provide one-stop services."

Everyone began to speculate on the future of the umbrella. At this time, everyone began to speculate on how Li Yu, the president of the umbrella, said how to achieve some outstanding talents. There is no way to complete it in a few years or even decades, but he Li Yu. It's all done in a short time.

This is simply a miracle. It is Li Yu who created the umbrella. It is Li Yu who makes miracles happen continuously in the umbrella. It is Li Yu who makes the impossible possible.

In everyone's mind, Li Yu, who is only 21 years old, already represents a miracle, and already represents a height that ordinary people cannot reach.

Even some failed companies have enshrined Li Yu as the great god of the enterprise. They are always studying Li Yu and the success of the umbrella, and want to become like Li Yu.

In addition to these achievements that no one has achieved, Li Yu also conquered Chu Hanyun, the former general manager of Chutian Group and the current deputy general manager of the umbrella. Many men fell under Chu Hanyun's pomegranate skirt, but this proud woman has already belonged to The umbrella belongs to Li Yu's subordinates.

At this moment, Chu Hanyun appeared in front of everyone with a touch of makeup. Her appearance immediately caused many talking men to stop their mouth activities, stop their eyeballs from rolling, and lock them tightly, unwilling to leave for half a minute.

After taking the microphone from Li Yu, Chu Hanyun looked at the female reporter of C City Morning News, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful and handsome face: "I can answer your question, about the acquisition of the original C City Chutian Group by the umbrella , Said I decided, as for the reason, I can’t answer it for the time being.”

"However, I can tell you one thing accurately. As Mr. Li said, now I, Chu Hanyun, have officially joined the umbrella as the deputy general manager!"

Having received Chu Hanyun's personal answer, everyone no longer has any objections. Although they still want to know the reason, they also know that the reason is not something they can know.

In an old-fashioned hospital, Chu Xiong was lying on a hospital bed. He looked very haggard. Several medical staff stood around him and turned on the TV for him according to Chu Xiong's instructions, just in time to see Chu Hanyun appearing on the screen.

When he saw this scene, his pupils suddenly became dilated and his breathing became short of breath. Seeing this, some of the medical staff hurriedly turned around and ran outside, looking for the attending doctor.

However, in about ten days, Chu Xiong has changed a lot. His originally godly gaze has become dull, and his black black hair has long since disappeared, but now the top of his head is white, like snow. The skin was so white that it was translucent, and the skin that was originally vibrant became as dry as an old man's.

If it is checked by medical science in reality, it is progeria!
But if Li Yu is involved, you will know the power of the virus's ability. A ray of ability penetrates into Chu Xiong's body and turns him into such a miserable state. Maybe it won't take long for him to die!
"Li Yu, Chu Hanyun, you bitch, very good! Very good! That belongs to me, Chuxiong. You bitch, dare to sell it privately. You are just like your mother, bitch!!"

Chu Xiong said that he was very good twice in a row, and finally felt that his body was too much to bear, and he immediately sat down on the hospital bed. With such a sad look, it was completely impossible to tell that this was a middle-aged man with vitality, but an old man who was barely able to breathe.

Except for Chu Xiong who silently paid attention to the press conference of the umbrella!

Among them are not only some official politicians, some big powers and CEOs of big groups, of course, there is also a special person who is also paying attention to this matter.

It was Abe Gozo, who was hiding somewhere in Yanhuang and hadn't escaped yet!
"Biga is on the road, Li Yu, you can be as proud as you can now, when I return to the country of Wa, and Yinhua Group, I will definitely return the humiliation I suffered ten times!" An Beigousan stared at the TV tightly, There was strong resentment in his eyes.

In the process of umbrella holding a strong press conference! !

Because the name of the umbrella came out, it attracted a lot of attention!

For a moment, the entire city of C, as well as most places in Yanhuang, entered an indescribable boil!

"Chutian Group, that group with billions of assets, was actually acquired by the umbrella!"

"Oh my god, the umbrella is really getting stronger and stronger now." Countless people, talking about it, are all surprised by the big deal of the umbrella.

PS: The communication group of this book: 124869465, brothers are welcome to join!

(End of this chapter)

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