I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 233 Borrowing the East Wind

Chapter 233 Borrowing the East Wind

At the press conference site, after being stimulated by several incidents, Li Yu knew that the time was ripe. The main purpose of his press conference this time was precisely this matter. Put the three newly developed drugs on the market completely, and take advantage of the wind!
Li Yu winked at Zhang Hong not far away, and Zhang Hong obviously knew the president's intentions, hurried to the front, and took the topic from Li Yu.

"In today's press conference, apart from announcing my umbrella acquisition of Chutian, there is another major event that needs to be announced to all media reporters!" Zhang Hong said loudly.

Hear it!

All the reporters looked over excitedly, is there going to be big news again?
"I don't know what big event the umbrella will announce?" a reporter asked.

"About the three new drugs developed by my umbrella and the upgraded version of the bird flu vaccine!" Zhang Hong smiled confidently.

"So it's true!"

"Before I saw that the official website of Umbrella updated the drug information, and it publicized a lot." Many reporters suddenly thought.

"Presumably everyone already knows that the four major drugs under my umbrella research will be on the market soon. The first is the antiviral drug, the second is the antibiotic, the third is the antimicrobial drug, and the fourth is the BHS.B vaccine. These four drugs are My umbrella has worked so hard, spent manpower and material resources, and spent a lot of money to invite many experts and professors to jointly develop it." Zhang Hong announced loudly.

Only the senior personnel of the umbrella know that the three drugs developed by the umbrella are not so exaggerated?
The reason why Zhang Hong said this is actually clear, that is to raise the price, the cost under the umbrella is already enough, if those merchants are still bargaining for a little medicine, it is really unreasonable.

After all, this is the way of doing business. If you buy a lot of goods, you will always have to ask for a discount from the manufacturer, and some of the discounts are privately pocketed by some people, referred to as oil and water.

"Excuse me, what are the functions of these three major medicines?" A young man raised his hand to ask questions ahead of the reporters.

Zhang Hong's face was full of seriousness, and his voice became extremely loud and said: "This gentleman asked a good question. Since you asked, I will answer you truthfully. In addition to pathogenic factors, natural three can eliminate all common viruses, and antibiotics, as the name suggests, can Fight against the bacteria in daily life, so as to pre-fabricate the effect of bacteria, as for the fungicide, it can effectively and powerfully kill all germs, so that it does not leave any future troubles.”

After Zhang Hong finished speaking, the lower part suddenly boiled up, their eyes met, and there was a lot of discussion. They didn't doubt the antibiotics. After all, there were too many incredible things in the Umbrella Group, but the disease-removing element, if it really has this function, then Doesn't it mean that it is equivalent to getting a panacea?
It can remove all common diseases, but among these common diseases, there are also difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and even some incurable diseases.

Obviously, everyone below began to wonder whether this was the umbrella's big talk. Maybe the disease-removing element has this effect, but it is not strong enough to kill common diseases.

The young man who asked the question just now sneered: "Your umbrellas are too good at talking big. This can kill pathogenic factors and common diseases? Tell me, what diseases can you kill?"

As soon as the young man's words came out, the place suddenly boiled again. They didn't expect that someone would challenge the umbrella, and even said that they would challenge at the press conference. Isn't this young man afraid of death?

Zhang Hong was not angry at all, and even Li Yu was equally expressionless, as if what the young man said did not offend the umbrella at all.

This made everyone puzzled, but Zhang Hong smiled unhurriedly at this time: "Since you asked again, then I will tell you what diseases can be killed by removing pathogenic elements."

He paused: "One of them is AIDS. When we tested it, it only took 5 minutes to completely kill HIV. Of course, the final cure depends on the patient's condition!"


"Oh my god! What have I heard? This disease-removing element is really against the sky. It can even cure AIDS. How can this be a panacea? This is simply a fairy medicine. You know, in addition to killing AIDS, it can also There are some other diseases."

"Since Umbrella answered this question at the press conference, it is obvious that this matter is true."

Everyone present was shocked, but the young man seemed to know it in advance, and he didn't feel shocked. He just said that he sat in his seat with joy and didn't say a word.

Those who watched the press conference of the umbrella were all extremely excited. Whether they saw the news on TV or learned about it from the webcast, they were all thinking in their hearts that they must get the news. to the pathogenic factor.

But Yanhuang's major hospitals and major businesses are completely exhausted. Before the press conference is over, they have already started sending people to the umbrella headquarters.

At this time, we can almost talk about the new era of Yanhuang. HIV exists all over the world. Although there are already drugs to suppress AIDS, those drugs completely treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Yanhuang Kingdom's protective umbrella has actually been successfully breached, and it has been developed and will be launched soon.

How not to make the Yanhuang people happy, how not to make those suffering from illness excited?Because Yanhuang has a protective umbrella, they are proud and proud of being Yanhuang people!

Li Yu waved his hand to signal Zhang Hong to go down, and then he smiled all over his face, exuding the aura of a superior, and said to the camera: "Our umbrella only serves the people, and all drug development is aimed at replacing people who are sick and suffering Bring hope and benefit the world. Let all the pain disappear, and let all the pain be buried in the disease-killing element of the umbrella."

"The umbrella represents hope!"

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, everyone at the scene stood up to express their gratitude to Li Yu!There was warm applause!

It is clear!
This is Li Yu's nonsense official language. After all, many people like to listen to this kind of good-sounding, like representatives of justice!
Sure enough, I heard Li Yu's words!

Some AIDS patients watching TV and some suffering from the disease have already shed tears, and some even regard the umbrella as their reborn parents, and it is the umbrella that gives them hope.

Of course, some of them do not agree, they just think that this is a sales method of umbrellas.

This is indeed the sales method of the umbrella company. For example, the young man who sang the discord earlier is Zhang Hong's subordinate. Of course, what Zhang Hong said is true, and what Li Yu said is also true.

The press conference of the umbrella lasted for a full three hours. After leaving the venue, almost most people were unwilling to leave. They just wanted to have a few words with Li Yu at close range. It was Li Yu who gave the patients hope and also Only Li Yu can make miracles happen.

At this time, Li Yu was sitting in the middle of the back seat of the car, and Chu Hanyun and Jiang Yuyao, two flowers with big umbrellas, were sitting on the side. Their eyes fell on Li Yu at the same time, looking at Li Yu, wanting to get what they wanted to know from him information.

"What are you looking at me for? There must be a lot of people around the company headquarters now, let's not go back now."

(End of this chapter)

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