I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 234 Merger of Truking Industries

Chapter 234 Merger of Truking Industries
It has been several days since the press conference, and the Umbrella Building has been busy with traffic and people, among them are major drug dealers from Yanhuang, who have gone to City C with all their hardships, just to ask for purchases, and there are also hospitals to hear the news I came here to meet Li Yu and discuss cooperation.

They are all staying in the Umbrella Hotel near the Umbrella Building. As long as the day is sunny, they will dare to stay in the Umbrella Building. For a while, the Umbrella Hotel near the Umbrella Building has no room to live in.

Fortunately, the security guards with their own umbrella dispatched a large number of people, holding batons on the right and shields on the left, which managed to keep order in the building and there was no disturbance.

Li Yu called the dean of the central hospital in the building and told that the first batch of medicines would be sold to the central hospital, and all the doctors in the central hospital were overjoyed. They all praised their dean, almost all saying The dean has vision, and he has a good relationship with Li Yu, so that there will be today's central hospital.

"Go and call Yi Hailun, I have something to do for him." Li Yu, who had just finished calling the director of the Central Hospital, sat in the office and kept writing something in the notebook with the ballpoint pen in his hand.

Chen Yueyue had just made Kung Fu tea for Li Yu, and when she heard Li Yu's words, she immediately said, "Yes, BOSS."

Not long after, the door of Li Yu's office knocked, and after a few bangs, Yi Hailun's voice came from outside the door: "Boss, you are looking for me."

Li Yu didn't raise his head, and he still didn't let go of the work in his hand: "You come in."

"Yes BOSS!" After pushing open the door and closing it gently, Yi Hailun stood respectfully in front of Li Yu and asked, "Boss, what do you want from me?"

At this time, Li Yu put down his work, and after tearing off a piece of paper full of handwriting from his notebook, he handed it to Yi Hailun: "This is what I wrote just now. The sale of the first batch of medicines is still given to the Central Hospital. , As for the rest, you just follow the paper, and there is one more thing you must remember."

"Boss, tell me!"

"About procurement, you must be careful and conscientious. The medicinal materials must be genuine. Don't use fake medicines to produce them. Medicines are different from other items. You can't be sloppy. If there is a slight mistake in any of the steps, it will lead to serious problems. Big mistake."

"Yes, BOSS! The subordinates will definitely urge the purchasing department to complete the work carefully, and there will never be any mistakes." With Li Yu's permission, Yi Hailun left with the paper.

Li Yu rubbed his temples and relaxed. He hadn't slept for several days. He got up and sat down at the coffee table. Drinking Kung Fu tea is Li Yu's interest, but this interest still comes from the previous life.

Time passed very quickly, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. Due to the promotional sales at the last press conference, the four drugs of umbrella were sold well all over Yanhuang, and the assets of the group were also growing steadily.

Of course, promoting sales is just a means, and the most important thing is the quality of the umbrella drug.

During this month, many things happened. Chu Xiong died in the hospital with unwillingness due to the erosion of the virus ability. The problem was not resolved, and there was only one legal heir, and that was Chu Hanyun.

Because of Chu Xiong's death, according to the laws and regulations on inheritance rights, all of his 30.00% shares in Chutian Group's holdings fell on Chu Hanyun, the legal heir.

It's an idiot not to take advantage of something, let alone this ruthless Chu Xiong's property, how could Chu Hanyun let it go!
After a long journey, Chu Hanyun came to Dongshan City, the headquarters of Chutian Group, under the protection of a team of security guards led by the umbrella security captain Xiao Yao.

Looking at the familiar building, Chu Hanyun had forgotten how long she hadn't stepped in. She turned to Xiao Yao beside her and said, "Go, the time agreed with those shareholders has come."

Xiao Yao nodded, waved his hand to signal most of his subordinates to wait outside for the time being, and then just led a few people into the building slowly with Chu Hanyun.

But when they arrived at the first floor, the front desk lady who hadn't changed for several years showed a smile and politely led Chu Hanyun into the elevator. Although Chu Hanyun hadn't been back to the headquarters for many years, the eldest lady of the Chutian Group , who doesn't know?Who doesn't know?

Under the leadership of the hostess at the front desk, I came down to the conference hall. When I opened the door, I felt a strong dull atmosphere. There were a group of young and old sitting in the bright and transparent hall.

The moment they saw Chu Hanyun, some people's expressions changed slightly, some people's expressions were weird, but most of them were hiding their knives in their smiles, such as a fat old man sitting at the top of the meeting.

The old man said with a smile on his face, "Miss is here, welcome!"

Chu Hanyun sneered, went to the front and took out a chair to sit down, ignoring this person. He knew that this person was the largest shareholder besides Chuxiong, and he had been trying to annex Chuxiong's shares, but he never succeeded.

Facing Chu Hanyun ignoring him, the slightly fat old man didn't mind at all, and still kept a smile on his face.

"I'm here this time, everyone must have known about it, then, I'll get straight to the point, Xiao Yao, please show the documents to all shareholders first."

Xiao Yao understood immediately, glanced at the Chutian shareholders present, sneered, and took out a lot of documents from his briefcase, all of which said that Chu Hanyun was the legal heir of Chuxiong. Everyone needs to prove it, even between father and daughter, so Chu Hanyun naturally knows this, lest these shareholders take advantage of this.

Although the shareholders present knew that Chu Hanyun was Chu Xiong's legal heir, they still took a look at the supporting documents from Xiao Yao, and after confirming that they were correct, they passed them on to the next shareholder.

"Have you all read it? After reading it, let's get down to business. The purpose of my visit this time is to merge Chutian Group's industries under my umbrella into a protective umbrella. You should have no objections?" Chu Hanyun didn't even look at it. The shareholders present glanced at them, took the supporting documents and sorted them out, handed them to Xiao Yao, and then wrote lightly.

When those shareholders heard this, they immediately became a mess. Among them, the face of the slightly fat old man changed drastically. The smile he had always maintained disappeared, and his face became extremely ugly: "Chu Hanyun, your father and I took down the Chutian Group back then. More or less it can be regarded as half the head of the family, but when you came here before, you didn't mention this matter."

"This is absolutely impossible. Although his Umbrella Group has strong assets, my Chutian Group's assets are several times that of Umbrella. Why should we merge with Umbrella? Even Chuxiong's spirit in heaven would not want this to happen."

"That's right, it's absolutely impossible. I'm the first to object to including Chutian Group's industries under the umbrella."

"Our Chutian Group has worked hard for many years, how can we make wedding dresses for others? Everyone here, Chu Hanyun is still young and doesn't understand the importance, so you need to persuade her a lot."

This incident touched the interests of all Chutian shareholders. After all, if Chu Hanyun merged 30.00% of its assets into the umbrella, the Chutian Group would also suffer a great loss. For a while, all shareholders opposed it. For these people , interest is the first, how could they agree easily.

(End of this chapter)

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