I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 235 Incorporated into the Umbrella

Chapter 235 Incorporated into the Umbrella

Chu Hanyun sneered, ignoring the strong reluctance of the shareholders present!
Because of Chu Xiong's relationship, Chu Hanyun didn't have any feelings for Chu Tian, ​​only hatred and resentment, not to mention for these shareholders, Chu Hanyun naturally had no feelings for Chu Tian!
But today, on the surface, these shareholders gathered to welcome her as a new shareholder, but in fact, it was not the case, it was to give Chu Hanyun a blow!

However, how could Chu Hanyun be afraid!
Now she owns 30.00% of Chutian’s shares, and she is the largest shareholder. Under the equity, those with more shares are the masters, and these people will not give their shares to any of them, nor will they sell their shares For others, they seem to be working together to extract confessions, but in fact they have their own ghosts, and they are just strong on the outside and weak on the inside.

"I have inherited 30.00% of the group's shares, and now I am the chairman. As for the decision-making power of my shares, I can completely call the shots without everyone's consent!"

Chu Hanyun glanced coldly at the many shareholders. Although she was a woman, she was not inferior to a man's arrogance. In a short time, these shareholders were really stunned, and they were stunned and didn't know how to answer.

But the most yelling shareholder was very calm, he was the one with the most shares besides Chu Hanyun, and his name was Zhang Zhiwei!
He patted the desktop: "Chu Hanyun, Chu Hanyun, your father just passed away, and you did such a rebellious thing. Uncle can't stand it any longer. Since you are talking about shares, then we vote for you." Way to make a choice, if you are still not forgiving, then I have no choice but to withdraw the shares!"

"Yes, Zhang Zhiwei is right, we will resolve it by voting!"

"I also very much agree with voting! If Miss Chu disagrees, then I have no choice but to withdraw my shares!"

"I agree!"


After Zhang Zhiwei made his voice, those shareholders started booing one after another. This was agreed upon before Chu Hanyun arrived at the group building. No matter what the purpose of Chu Hanyun's return this time, no matter what request Chu Hanyun made, As long as their interests are hurt, they have no choice but to threaten to withdraw their shares, thinking that Chu Hanyun is still young, so she will definitely compromise.

The shareholders of Chutian Group have perfect ideas. If Chu Hanyun is another eldest lady, maybe they really compromised. There is really nothing to do with these shareholders, but Chu Hanyun is Chu Hanyun. How can ordinary women on a par?

Back then, when Chu Hanyun went to City C alone to open up a branch of the Chutian Group, how could she achieve such a large scale if she didn't have some vigorous means?Obviously, the shareholders of Chutian Group underestimated Chu Hanyun, and for a moment forgot what kind of environment Chu Hanyun grew up in.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Facing the pressure from many shareholders, Chu Hanyun did not show any anxiety or worry, and a sneer smile appeared on her beautiful face.

She really wanted to say, your decision is exactly what I want!

Because she clearly knew that Li Yu would not be willing to share a little bit of rights with these shareholders, and she also knew clearly that Chutian Group would only really grow stronger if it merged with the Umbrella Group. Therefore, Chu Hanyun did not gamble, if it really Bet, then she will have a [-]% winning rate, and, from the beginning to the end, she just wants to merge the part of the assets she owns into the umbrella, which is fully controlled by Li Yu.

For this shareholder, I have never thought about it!

"Very good! Since you all want to withdraw your shares, I will tell you in the name of the new chairman of Chutian Group that I agree." Chu Hanyun said in a low voice, her voice was not loud, but it seemed like a boulder hit The heart of many shareholders.

As soon as this is said!
Every shareholder has a tense face!
The face hurts, it hurts very much!
Since they became shareholders of Chutian Group, they haven't felt so much pain for a long time. If they lose their shares in Chutian Group, although they will get a lot of money, compared with this money, how much is the share of Chutian Group more than this?The dividends have already allowed them to live comfortably, and they have money in their pockets without thinking about anything, but because of Chu Hanyun's words, a big hole was made in their wallets.

"You..." Zhang Zhiwei blushed furiously when he heard these resolute words, but he is also a person who has been in the market for a long time. Then he stabilized his mood and said hurriedly: "Niece Hanyun, you can't do this. Elder, even if your father is alive, he would not do such a thing that harms the interests of the group."

"That's right! Miss, if you really want us to withdraw the shares, it will hurt the Chutian Group. The huge business empire in the past will also fall apart in the end because of your decision. Miss, if you don't For your own sake, you must also think about the future of the Chutian Group!"

"Yes, miss!"

These shareholders were all in a hurry, and they never thought that Chu Hanyun would really agree to it. You must be clear, if they withdraw their shares, the loss will only be Chutian Group, and even as they said, the former business empire , It will also be fragmented due to the withdrawal of shares by shareholders.

Their eyes were red with anxiety, and they cursed Li Jiepan secretly in their hearts. At this time, all they had to do was how to please Chu Hanyun. Only in this way, they could ensure that their wallets were intact, and they didn't have to worry about it all the time, so they could have group dividends into the pocket.

However, they don't understand Chu Hanyun. Chu Hanyun has hated others threatening her so much in her life. She has made up her mind and cannot be changed. Therefore, no matter how hard the shareholders beg, their withdrawal has been dusted. settled.

"It was you who proposed the withdrawal of shares. I just agreed. Besides, the future of Chutian Group will also have nothing to do with you at this time. The industries under Chutian Group must also be merged into the umbrella. Under the group, you withdraw your shares, sell your shares, and the share that belongs to me will be merged into the umbrella without any reduction." Chu Hanyun's voice was full of affirmation, and also contained coldness, and he had no affection for these people Word.

She took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her gray jeans, turned around and said to Xiao Yao, "Take my mobile phone, dial the lawyer's phone number, and tell him that the shareholders of Chutian Group will withdraw their shares today."

"Yes, Vice President!" Xiao Yao nodded, took the phone, and started calling the lawyer.

Seeing Chu Hanyun's stubbornness, all the shareholders were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

Zhang Zhiwei's complexion has become very ugly. He never expected that Chu Hanyun would be so strong, and there is no room for doing things. If, as she said before, directly attribute the Chutian Group's industries to the umbrella, maybe Still holding on to the equity.

Thinking of this, he forced a smile and said: "Niece, if you insist on merging the Chutian Group's industries into the umbrella, then the shareholders and I can also agree, but you must take back what you just said."

When all the shareholders heard what Zhang Zhiwei said, they all looked at each other, and then nodded in agreement.

"The word has been spoken, like an arrow from a bow, there is no way to turn back. Since I have made a decision, I will not change it, and I forgot to tell you that even if you agree to merge, you can only OUT in the end, because the umbrella is not Will accept the shareholder system, and the real power will only be in the hands of the umbrella president!" Chu Hanyun sneered.

Two days later!

As the legal heir of Chutian Group, Chu Hanyun!

Officially announced!

All the shareholders of Chutian Group except her have all withdrawn their shares from Chutian Group, and from now on, all the businesses under Chutian Group will be merged into the Umbrella Group and integrated with the companies under the Umbrella Group!
Chutian Group is a well-known 100 billion group in Yanhuang. Although it has been withdrawn by many shareholders, its market value is definitely over [-] billion, and it is not considered as an inherent asset!
This is such a big event for the umbrella of divestment and merger!

A big storm was set off in the online media and the press, and the umbrella once again shocked many big companies in Yanhuang. This time it was different from the past. It was not the umbrella group that released medicines and developed new technologies. This time it was a well-known big company in Yanhuang, Chutian Group. Willing to merge its properties into the umbrella, this is like making a wedding dress for the umbrella!

 PS: Not surprisingly, in July, Wuliang will be updated three times a day. Brothers, please subscribe and support. Only in this way can Wuliang be motivated!
(End of this chapter)

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