I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 236 Dragon Nest, Underground Base!

Chapter 236 Dragon Nest, Underground Base!
Release of new drugs, enter the market!

Chutian Group trusts the chairman's strong announcement that all industries of Trutian Group will be merged into the umbrella!
There is nothing but a major event that makes the whole Yanhuang boil to the extreme. This turmoil continues, making the umbrella enter the well-known powerful!

at the same time!

With many products entering the market, the Umbrella Group has developed fiercely. The pharmaceutical network has almost covered more than half of Yanhuang. With Chu Hanyun bringing Chutian Group's funds and its industries into the market, coupled with the achievements of new drugs, the Umbrella Group at this time Li Yu's assets have reached more than 200 billion yuan, while Li Yu's lottery draw was 100 billion yuan before. Obviously, at this time, he has the opportunity to draw again and again.

On the top floor of the umbrella building, the office of the president, the president of the umbrella is sitting in the office with a serious face!
Without the slightest delay, Li Yu rolled up his sleeves, looked at the smart watch on his wrist, communicated with the smart brain, and directly started the technology lottery draw.

"Congratulations to the master's assets reaching 200 billion. Open the technology lottery and get defensive technology, underground bases, and dragon nest construction blueprints. Next time, the assets will reach 300 billion!" The voice of Zhinao sounded.

Hear it!

A smile was drawn at the corner of Li Yu's mouth. Just now, the brain had transmitted the drawings through the brainwaves. The instructions on the drawings said that it can resist nuclear explosions and any external technological attacks!

It must be clear that in today's society, nuclear weapons are the most lethal weapon, no one, no force can resist the destruction from nuclear!
It is a miracle that this underground base can resist nuclear weapons. If the Umbrella Group exists in it, no one in the world will be able to get the umbrella. The greatest protection, combined with the defense of the artificial intelligence red queen, no one can do anything about it!
The blueprint of the underground base "Dragon's Nest" not only details the power of the base, but the real power that can resist nuclear attacks is a special craft material extraction method recorded on the blueprint, which is extracted from steel. Not only is it hard, unbreakable by shells and bullets, but it is also the most powerful defense against nuclear attacks, radiation!

After cutting off the connection with the brain!
Li Yu hurriedly went to the bookcase next to the desk to find a notebook, then went back to the desk and sat down. At this time, he was preparing to record the drawings sent by the brain through several steps.

After one night, Li Yu stayed up all night, and the drawings transmitted by his brain were so huge that he filled a brand new notebook.

There are text descriptions and pattern analysis on it. The most important point is how to refine the materials for the construction of the base, and Li Yu even recorded in detail how many meters the construction trench should be divided.

He didn't want the base he built with all his painstaking efforts to become a tofu project.

After taking back the notebook, Li Yu tore off all the paper on the notebook and hid it in batches. Then he took out his mobile phone and called Lin Tianxing, the director of the technical department, Yi Hailun, the director of the purchasing department, Wu Lin, the property director, and Xiao Yao, the security guard, and others!
Time passed in a blink of an eye, and after a few hours, a group of high-level umbrella personnel arrived at Li Yu's office on time!

After Li Yu's explanation, everyone was a little surprised, but not very shocked. They had been shocked too many times in front of Li Yu, and they were surprised too many times. In their hearts, what Li Yu did was Turning the impossible into possible, so I didn't feel much surprise when I heard Li Yu's explanation this time.

"Have you all heard clearly?" Li Yu sat on the sofa in the living room, took a sip from the tea cup on the coffee table in his hand: "You all sit down first, this time, it must be done in secret, absolutely not Let outsiders know."

His face changed suddenly, the cup in his hand was gently placed on the coffee table, and then he glanced at everyone: "If there is any mistake, you should know my methods."

"Yes boss! We must complete the mission of the boss. The Jedi will not let anyone know. As for how to do it, we will figure out a way by ourselves and won't let the boss worry about it." Everyone said in unison.

Li Yu waved his hand, seeing them still standing in place, he smiled unconsciously: "Do you think I'm scary?"

"BOSS! You are the president of the group, and the words of the president represent everything!"

"Hmph! Let me tell you, this matter is of great importance. It is related to the safety of tens of thousands of my umbrella employees, and it is related to the future development of the umbrella. You can't make any mistakes in your decision."

"Yes, BOSS!"

Under Li Yu's forced request, a group of high-level employees sat down to drink Kung Fu tea with the president, especially Wu Lin, who had a tea-drinking posture, presumably he often drank tea.

It didn't take long for everyone to start working, and began to draw pictures according to the patterns on the paper in Li Yu's living room.

A huge drawing was spread out on the ground, and each person held a few sheets of notebook paper in their hands, and then picked up a pen to draw the picture.

Li Yu said: "You first synthesize the big picture, and then Tianxing finds a few employees in the technical department to draw it on the computer, divide it into several steps to produce the picture, and then distribute the drawing to the construction site when the base starts construction technicians."

"Yes, BOSS!" Lin Tianxing nodded, and the work in his hand still didn't stop.

Then Li Yu asked a few more times, and everyone paid attention to it a few times. After the past two hours, a huge drawing was finally completed.

"Well, time waits for no one, and now you go and start taking action, buying land everywhere in Yanhuang, building factories in the open, and building bases in the dark." Li Yu smiled: "The future of the umbrella depends entirely on you !"

"Yes BOSS, we will definitely not live up to BOSS's expectations, and we will definitely do this well without any mistakes."

Watching everyone leave, Li Yu thought for a while. He just wanted to build the base as soon as possible, and he didn't have the patience to wait, because he knew clearly that the world was not so peaceful, and the threat of Umbrella was also It still exists. The most important thing is that the virus was leaked from Umbrella at the beginning. At this stage, it means that something happened to Umbrella. The virus may break out at any time, and the end of the world may come at any time!

After the management team left, they did not disperse, but held a small meeting!
Lin Tianxing raised his legs and flicked away the cigarette ash in his hand. After taking a puff, he said, "I think the boss is very anxious about this matter, but he didn't tell us why he was in such a hurry to start the work. What did you think?"

Wu Peng, who was sitting next to him, rolled his eyes and said, "How would I know, if I can guess what the boss is going to do, then I am not as powerful as the boss?"

Everyone laughed loudly, at this time Lin Tianxing said: "You should also know that this is the blueprint of the underground base, maybe the headquarters of our umbrella will appear there in the future."

"Underground?" Yi Hailun asked suspiciously.

"Indeed, today the BOSS arranged to buy land and build factories in various places in Yanhuang, just to build underground bases, and not only in Yanhuang, in the future, my umbrella bases will be spread all over the world, and... have you heard before? Boss said the end of the world?"

"The end of the world?" All the management present looked shocked.

"It's just a faint mention from the boss." Xiao Yao said
At this time, Yi Hailun was suddenly startled: "You mean, the end of the world is coming soon? No way, everything is fine in the world now, so there is no end of the world."

It's not just Yi Hailun who thinks this way, all the management have this kind of thinking, the world is peaceful, where is the end of the world?But they also clearly know that BOSS Li Yu will never make a mistake, and will never build a base easily.

And the BOSS is so anxious to build the base, so there is only one possibility. In the future, something may really happen! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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