I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 237 Entering the Auto Industry

Chapter 237 Entering the Auto Industry
Ten days later!
The high-level personnel of the umbrella are already very busy. After receiving Li Yu's order, Yi Hailun, the head of the procurement department, ran around major cities in Yanhuang to buy land in relatively remote places in these cities. The third and most important is concealment.

After another period of time, the umbrella spent a lot of money to buy land in remote areas of ten cities in Yanhuang, and built factories on the surface, but secretly laid the foundation for the later construction of underground bases.

Yi Hailun appeared in Li Yu's office with two panda eyes: "Boss, that's how things are, so everything is ready, and land has been successfully acquired in more than ten cities in Yanhuang, and factories have started to be built, but the base matters Just waiting for the boss's order!"

"You have worked hard these days, and you have done a good job!" Li Yu showed a majestic smile, expressing his appreciation for Yi Hailun's actions these days.

"We can't start construction yet. We must build the factory first, and then build the base. And it must be kept secret, so no one can know."

Yi Hailun sat down rigorously, and then asked with a sense of apprehension: "Boss, I don't understand one thing. Why are you in such a hurry to build the base? Is there really any crisis in the end of the world?"

Hearing Yi Hailun's words, Li Yu's expression also became very serious: "You guessed right, I believe all of you high-level people have guessed it too, I mentioned this before, about the end of the world! About the crisis!"

"The construction of the base is the foundation of my umbrella survival! Of course, the crisis of the end times is just a worry for me. I don't know when the real end times will come, but I can feel it. Will definitely come in the near future!"

Regarding Li Yu's words, Yi Hailun did not believe in the slightest. In his heart, Li Yu is already a god-like existence. He will make the impossible possible and know the future well. Li Yu is the spiritual pillar of the umbrella and the hope of all employees. !

After Yi Hailun left, Li Yu asked Chen Yueyue to stay in the office and not to leave. If someone has something important to do, he must tell him. Now, he wants to sleep. Recently, Li Yu is too tired. He hasn't had a good rest for a long time. up.

Chen Yueyue nodded. In the Umbrella Group, everyone is very tired. However, some people are physically, some are psychological, and some are brain. The degree of tiredness is different. The only thing that is the same is the ability to bear. The strong feel nothing, and those with weak tolerance will feel tired like dogs, and Li Yu is the one with the highest tolerance, the superior!
Time is passing fast in the rapid development of the umbrella!
Umbrella Group Building, President Office Conference Hall, Li Yu held an umbrella high-level meeting!
"Boss, in the past two months, the group's assets have increased rapidly, and the current available liquidity has reached 268 billion, excluding inherent assets!" Guo You, deputy financial director, reported respectfully.

"Well, all departments will continue to work hard and strive to reach 300 billion in the shortest possible time!" Hearing this figure, Li Yu nodded in satisfaction. As long as another 32 billion is entered, another lottery can be drawn.

The merger of Chutian Group's industry did not bring much capital to the umbrella, because it was Chu Hanyun's private property. Li Yu did not ask her to merge the funds, but only the inherent assets of Chutian Group, factories, Hotels, etc. are incorporated.

This also brought an indescribable background to the umbrella, which made the assets of the umbrella more than doubled within a few months!
Chu Hanyun: "Well, I agree with Li Yu's words, and all departments actively cooperate to strive to increase the assets again."

The heads of each department carefully reported the situation of each department. Li Yu, Jiang Yuyao, and Chu Hanyun said a few words from time to time, and everything is moving in a good direction!

Finally, after everything was reported, Li Yu smiled majestically, glanced at the management, but made a decision: "Now the industries under my umbrella include medicine, electronics, electronic software, security, hotels, light industry, clothing, involving extremely Guang, and now, I have a decision, that is to enter the automotive industry."

"Automobile industry?" The management looked at Li Yu in surprise.

"Just yesterday, the person in charge of the Yanhuang Old Generation Automobile Group approached me, hoping that our umbrella funded the acquisition of the old generation automobile factory. I also agreed to buy it with [-] million yuan. From today, there will be another industry under the umbrella group. Then It's a car!"

If it was in the past, Li Yu would not easily agree to acquire the old generation automobile factory, because a mere [-] million yuan is not enough to buy the old generation, but when he heard that the old generation was suppressed by the same industry and suffered great changes in the group economy, shareholders withdrew their shares, As a result, the old generation changed from a well-known company to a small one, and even the group was heavily indebted. They also looked for other large companies to seek acquisitions, but after learning about the current situation of the old generation, they all refused.

Among them, the most serious counterparty suppressing the old generation group is the world-famous Hita Motors. Hita cars are spread all over the world, and it can be said that it has many fans in Yanhuang. As for why the Hita Group suppressed the old generation, the person in charge of the old generation did not know To put it bluntly, many companies are unwilling to acquire the old generation, and it is also because of the Hita Group, they simply can't afford to mess with Hita.

Therefore, the person in charge of the old generation group came to protect the umbrella and try his luck, but what he didn't expect was that after telling Li Yu everything, Li Yu actually agreed.

Li Yu knows that although Hita is a global enterprise in Japan and has a large number of factories in Yanhuang, if Hita dares to come to the umbrella to make trouble, then the umbrella will let the comer never return.

Yi Hailun stood up suddenly: "Boss, the construction of the factory you ordered a few days ago has already started. If there is no accident, all the factories can be built on the land we bought in only three months."

Li Yu nodded, and waved his hand to signal Yi Hailun to sit down: "You did a good job in this matter, and you must do what I told you before."

When Yi Hailun sat down, Li Yu turned to look at Chen Yueyue: "You take that document and give it to Lin Tianxing."

"Yes, BOSS!" Chen Yueyue hastily handed the folder in her hand to Lin Tianxing. After Lin Tianxing took the folder, he hurriedly opened it and read it carefully.

Li Yu said: "The documents here are the production technology of the sports car series. Our umbrella makes cars, not only the models based on the original cars of the old generation. These three sports cars are new models developed by my umbrella!"

The sports car production technology document that Li Yu handed over to Lin Tianxing was obtained by contacting Zhinao after the person in charge of the old generation group left yesterday. There are three technologies, three prices, and three appearances, but one thing is the same. Even the car logo is still an umbrella-shaped logo, and the name of the car is umbrella, which is cool!
"I hope you will continue to work hard, our goal is 300 billion!" Li Yu glanced at the senior executives present, and his majestic voice spread throughout the meeting room.

"Yes boss!"

"We will definitely not let down the boss, and we will definitely expand the umbrella!"

Li Yu nodded in satisfaction, and suddenly thought of something, he turned to Chu Hanyun and said: "It's the first time for umbrella to work in the automobile industry, obviously there will be inexperience, you have more experience in this area than them, so, this time I will trouble you to cooperate with Lin Tianxing first."

"No problem!" Chu Hanyun nodded and agreed with a smile.

Not long after the meeting, Li Yu discovered a little secret. He suddenly felt that the relationship between Chu Hanyun and Jiang Yuyao was extraordinary. The two most beautiful flowers in the umbrella were inseparable all day long, and even he, President Li, was estranged a lot .

Jiang Yuyao, who was jealous before, suddenly disappeared, and instead, there was an extra beautiful woman who suddenly smiled at her. That smile was intoxicating. Li Yu thought a little darkly, this Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun will not suddenly bend, become Lala it.

Hurrying to get rid of this layer of thinking, Li Yu felt that his own thinking was ridiculous, but he was still a little confused. Jiang Yuyao and Chu Hanyun's temperament changed a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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